Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1717 Who Will Know? -Part 39

"Ho? You girls don't believe me?" Jin smiled as he folded his arms. 

"Yeah. We believe that you are lying." Click said even though she was still kneeling down as if she was under punishment along with Diaz. However, the guts to challenge Jin had shown that they knew when to take orders and when they could misbehave

"You think you can bait me to open it for you?" Jin knew what the two rascals of the squad were up to and he felt that he wanted more praise for them before he acted upon it.

"More like let's not waste any more time on this," Yinn said at the sidelines, feeling this would drag even longer if it was not completed.

"Yeah, I am getting tired of them quarrelling about the safe. Commander, if you could just open it and let's be done with it." Tellie yawned softly after saying it. In fact, she was so sleepy, that Tellie looked like she could hold onto her sniper rifle and use it as her bolster.

"Alright, alright. But before I open let me address to the public. Once we are done with that let's get out of here." Jin said and the two mechanoids were moaning at Jin's decision since they had to wait even longer for the safe to be opened. 

"Commander, just open it, and then let us search the safe. We will be able to save some time when you give that speech of yours." Diaz commented and Click nodded in agreement with her.

"No. What if there is something so special, that you two kids decided to keep it for yourself without me knowing?" 

"Oh please, the System knows what we are carrying it at the very end, what's the point of us hiding it?" Click stated and Jin realised that was a rather valid point that she made.

"I think the Commander just wants the first choice of the loot. After all, he had the code and not any of you. He was the only one who killed the Fira Dragon." Page deduced Jin's reluctance.

"Let me remind all of you that this technically belonged to the Parry City Military no matter how illegally acquired they are. By taking all these is also considered stealing of their property." Yinn remarked and the entire party boo-ed her again which this time she reacted strongly by sticking her tongue out at them.

It was the first time she showed something out of her usual professional self and everyone gasped at the change Yinn had for herself. "Commander, you better open the safe now, or else we think we will get possessed by some unknown AI like how Yinn had changed," Diaz said and Click agreed once more.

"You people…" Yinn shrugged them off and they all giggled behind Jin's back.

"Alright, alright. I will open it." Jin gave up and went to type the code that was given to him by Syn, in hopes that there were treasures of untold riches behind it. All those illegal gatherings of the Royal's gold could be put to good use in both Parry City and Daimon City. This could also boost the resources they could acquire for the fight against Daimon but more importantly was the possibility of dungeon artefacts within it, giving them a possible edge in the future.

So as the password was keyed in, it was accepted immediately and the loud clicking of the gears was a symphony to the entire squad. Slowly but surely, the safe opened and all of them stayed a few metres back so that they could have a grand look at the stupendous amount of gold or treasures hidden in there since the lair of evil men should be filled with riches, right?

The light was automatically turned on and as soon the door moved itself away so the entrance remained open, so were their mouths who were in disbelief. 

"Oh …my god.." Diaz was the first to speak, speechless at the look of the safe.

"This is… This is…" Click could not help but to leak a tear from her eye.

"Unbelievable." Yinn who was initially not interested in the safe, was dumbfounded by the safe's opening as well. 

"Commander. I think with this…" Page cannot express herself any more than she could with the opening of the safe.

"It's my first time to see my expectations broken to such a level." Tellie also agreed with the rest of them.

"Yeap. Same here. This is just an incredible sight." Jin replied.





"THERE IS NOTHING HERE?! WHAT KIND OF EVIL UNDERGROUND LAIR IS THIS?!" Diaz felt like pulling her hair from her head. On the other hand, Click cried as she fell to the ground, speechless. Yinn felt this was really an entire waste of time but she was thankful it was done early rather than having Jin trying to figure this out as well. Page and Tellie merely laughed at the absurdity of this entire endeavour.

Imagine if word gets out that the competent Grey Bear Squad who had worked in several impossible situations to save people had difficulty opening a safe, only to find that it was empty on the inside.

"I don't believe this. I honestly cannot believe this. I am going into the safe to search if there is any hidden secret room or something." Click said and Diaz decided to walk in with her as well.

"Remember to check for traps," Page reminded. "Else, I won't bother fixing you guys up when you need it!" 

"I will just go do my speech to the rest. Oh my god, this is stupid." Jin said as he told the rest that he would be going up to the upper basement floor so he could show them the results of the Mecha Fire Dragons that had been defeated. 

Yinn also stated that she would follow him since she could not stand the absurdity of this room. Separately, Page and Tellie decided to stay near the safe and watched how Click and Diaz made a fool of themselves. 

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