Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1714 Who Will Know? -Part 36

With the Maqi he had accumulated, Jin concentrated all of it into the Wall Breaker Lance while he was flying. He knew that he must hit or else this would fail spectacularly that the Grey Bears and maybe even the Seven Cities might laugh at him. 

After all, being a Lord of these cities, he had to show that he was this super duper cool master that everyone could rely on. That was his actual side thought but in reality, he had enough of this Fira Dragon and learnt his lesson on why Synthesis World's Virtual Simulation did not wish to have any monster Mechanoids built. 

The reason for him to fight alongside Archduke Dyke and clear this simulation and later be the winner of this round seems all the more important to him as a vendetta that he must exact. Even though he knew that the Synthesis World's AI Administration had a small hand in forcing him into such situations, they were definitely not the perpetrators for all these secret creations of Monster Mechanoids.

Of course, he needed to get his body back and deal with certain stuff to ensure that his profits were still flowing into his bank account but the effort to get there had made it doubly sure for Jin that he needed to end this round with the Empire Royals dead regardless of the methods used.

So, as he grabbed the Wall Breaker Lance tightly, Black and white traces of lightning started to embrace him again and eventually creating the Panda silhouette that the Grey Bears seen while the Seven Cities revered it as their Lord showing his animal spirit that had been used to conquer worlds. 

"Panda Lightning Strike!" Jin shouted as he boosted once more and another sonic boom dissipated right behind him. The Fira Dragon knew that there was no way it could block such an attack and he had to at least away minimally away from the projected trajectory to reduce the amount of damage it could suffer. 

Only then can the Fira Dragon try to get rid of the Virus that had invaded it or at least suppress it momentarily to rewrite the regeneration files so that its nanobots could start working overtime again. 

But what it did not expect was that right now it was no a straight charge and rather it turned jagged and afterimages of the impending lance attack was fuddled with streaks of black and white lightning bolts with the image of an animal that it could not recognise within its database.

Before it could process any further and react against such an attack, it felt that something was missing. The lightning bolts had dissipated and there was nothing right in front of the Fira Dragon. The bombardment also stopped and the Fira Dragon' AI was unable to command any of its limbs. 

Signs and warning that the power was critically low and the AI rushed to override had proven to be futile. The monster slowly but surely descended down to the ground. As it happened, the environment was also changing as digital bits of the black sky was exchanged for a white ceiling and a boxed in room where it felt that what it saw was surely its last. 

The underground facility eventually became its coffin and the Grey Bear finally won. 

"System, help me thank the Seven Cities…" Jin whispered as he appeared on the third and highest platform in the basement facility and fainted there.

"Commander!" The rest of the Grey Bears shouted with concern as they rushed to the best of their best athletic abilities to reach the third platform.

Page was thrown by Diaz from the second platform and she was the first to be in contact with Jin. "We won! Commander! We Won! Stay conscious. You need to tell the rest of Daimon City that its done!" She exclaimed with a tear emerging out from her eyes. 

She had never worked this hard for her commander before especially not under the previous one and now Page understood why the rest of the Grey Bears were so committed to be with him and even went with his crazy ideas. 

Sadly, Jin went unconscious again but Page had double, nay- triple checked that all of his vitals were present and concluded that he probably collapsed from exhaustion. "Ahh This commander. Always falling asleep once the job is over." Yinn commented as Page slowly brought him down to the secondary platform and they went to safer grounds via the rooms at the side of the basement.

"Its kind of a bad habit for him to always sleep straight after that." Tellie giggled as she poked his face.

"Tellie, I do not think you have the right to say that. You do that as well. If I am not wrong, you are ranked two within the squad, next to Commander Jin." Click said sarcastically and Tellie gave put her tongue out to spite her. 

"I really could sleep on the ground right here. I'm exhausted." Diaz did what she said and lie flat on the ground without any care for any possible dangers that could still be lurking,

"Yinn, should we start telling General Ost and the rest to stand down? They are probably nervous as heck." Click questioned as she too let down her bag and used Diaz's leg as a pillow to sleep on.

"Ladies. Sorry to be a party pooper but…ermm." The vice leader opened her backpack and unrolled the map that they had grabbed (not steal, mind you :P) to show all of them the location that they were in. "We actually have another basement to check and the way to move is through that door over there." 

"SCREW YOU!" The entire group said and even showed the middle finger at the same time which made all of them laughed as one big team except for Yinn.

"Alright alright, time out for 30 seconds and we have to check the remaining basement. Otherwise, we would not be able to report that this facility is clear." She said but none of them bothered to answer her.

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