Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1674 Search For Crystal Dragon -Part 6

"This is the site. You have an hour to check." One of the Parry City Soldiers said and he was wearing such protective gear that it made the Grey Bears feel like they were underprepared for the investigation. Their names were also redacted and everyone was carrying heavy arms that they found it unreasonable that they were not able to arm themselves properly.

"Ignore them. Let's start the search." Yinn said as she turned and opened her suitcase which the Diamondz Corp office in Parry had brought for them. There were small scanners that fit the size of their palms but it does whatever it needs to do. It traced for little bits of inconsistency and see if they could reconstruct items.

The only problem was that the investigation site had been more or less destroyed by the footprints of other investigators which Parry City sent out in the first place and there was almost nothing they could see. 

When asked for the reports, the soldier who was responsible for answering any questions, supposedly the Parry City's representative stated that a copy of their investigative report would be sent to the Diamondz office.

"So we came here to have a picnic? The trial's cold and here we thought Parry City was going to preserve the site for us to check."  Diaz said through the System channel so that the bastards from Parry City can not hear a single thing." 

"Just continue to look for clues and if there is nothing else, expand the search perimeters," Yinn ordered.

"That is assuming the Parry City Soldiers are going to let us out of their sight. They probably tell us not to move away from a certain amount of distance as they need to care for our safety." Lynn suggested and she was correct.

The moment they moved away from the so called incident site, the soldiers called out to them, telling them to return to the site as they moved away from it. And even as the Grey Bears tried to stretch that boundary, the Parry City soldiers responded with their hands on their guns as if they were ready to shoot. 

"They are obviously hiding something. If that's the case why are they asking us to check? Is it to cover a problem up?" Tellie asked but no one had an answer, only many more questions. All they could do was to check the area to the best of their abilities. 

Click was expecting her teammates or even herself was able to find a miracle evidence that all the Parry City soldiers and investigators were not able to do but the reality was that there was really nothing around here. 

Yet they do not know that there was something the Grey Bears had decided to do in case of such a situation. Click pretended to smoke even though this was her first time to do so and even so most Mechanoids do not even do it. Parry City Soldiers could only assume that there was such a culture for a Mechanoid to smoke. 

It was an unusual behaviour no less but the Parry City Soldiers did not care as long as they stood within the perimeters of the area. Click then threw the cigarette butt on the ground and crashed it gently and returned back to the vehicle. 

Yinn noticed that Click had finished her cigarette and also asked the rest to pack up and go. After all, they would not able to get anything now that the site had been compromised and restricted by Parry City Soldiers. 

The ride was an uneventful matter which they eventually checked in back to their hotel and the soldiers wished all the best for the stay. Yinn questioned if they could talk to the investigators upon seeing the report but the soldiers denied all responsibilities and asked them to liaise with the Diamondz Corp Office.

"They are going to watch us." Page said and Yinn nodded her head as they returned back to their hotel rooms for a while before spreading out again into the city. This time it was not to get any information but they were there to talk among themselves without being caught. 

With such restrictions, they would have bug their hotel rooms and the only possible safe space would be the Diamondz Corp office. However, considering how much they are putting their reliance on it made Yinn suspicious that particular office might had been bugged as well. 

Therefore, all they could do right now was to pretend that nothing could be done and it was better to just sightsee the city and its oh so wonderful nature theme. In the meantime, they stayed in contact through the System Channel and they discussed their next move.

"I assumed you place the cigarette there as a marker for something." Yinn said when drinking coffee in a café and Click smiled while she was browsing goods. 

"Yeah. But the marker won't last long. I need to get some parts so that I can create a Mechanical hound to reach that marker."

"The System had already demarcated the area where the marker is, even if you could not create the hound in time, you would still have the coordinates." 

"Well, you should have told us earlier you have that." 

"The System is unable to confirm until the marker had been placed for that particular reason." 

"You telling us is better than nothing." Lynn said. "Any idea where can she make a Mechanical Hound." 

"User can send the parts for a Mechanical Hound but it would need time. Your best bet would be a scrap parts dealer. Alternatively buy an entirely new Mechanoid parts." 

"We could just get one Mechanoid from Diamondz Corp right? Its for free." Diaz said.

"Its not the time to be stingy. I am sure Jin had quite a fair bit of points. It would be better to have a high quality Mechanical hound rather than one make from scrap bits considering the distance it would have to cover from the map." Click said and now it was how they could buy without being surveyed. 

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