Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1625 Defending Daimon -Part 14


Everyone within the Helicarrier was quiet except when it came to sending out commands to one another. They were doing their best to ensure that the task set that they had would be completed efficiently and with competence. All of them did a double check of the items they were bringing and made sure that they were flight ready and everyone was prepared for the worst case scenario when the helicarrier crash.

"The Interim Leader sends his regards! Be careful, do not let the size deceive you, it's actually quite heavy!" The helipad maintenance guy ran towards the cockpit to pass an unseemingly small bag to the pilot before he gave a quick salute and left the Helicarrier for it to take off. 

"Hahaha. Wow. This is the first time I see a military commander taking the initiative to give us the bonus straight away. In fact, I think this is the first time a military commander pays us a bonus to do a extra job. Most of the time its a slap on order but looks like he really cares for his troops," The Helicarrier lead pilot said as he peeked open the bag to see the shining metals in it.

"I know, right? To give us gold and even rations for the trip back. He desperately wants us to survive this encounter as much as possible." The co-pilot replied. "Looks like we really got to keep our promise and bring this group of Mechanoids back to him."

"Don't think too much. If they are precious enough for the commander to take such initiative then-" The lead pilot suddenly thought to himself to keep quiet. There was no use jinxing it when their priority was to stay alive. "We will get it done no matter what. Make sure those guns are working fine and so are the missile tubes." 

The copilot understood where his partner was coming from and knew why he suddenly decided to keep quiet. Therefore, he also complied with his orders without question and started to announce the take off to their new passengers. 

Compared to carrying 200 over Mechanoids in sleep mode, the Grey Bear squad was undoubtedly one of the lightest cargo they had ever carried for the past few runs and the pilots already boosted up their secondary and side thrusters for evasive manoeuvres so that when they needed them for the low descent, they could do something about it.

As for the Grey Bears within the Helicarrier, they were also making their own preparations and more importantly a getaway bird (literally a mechanical bird) in case the Helicarrier goes down from some freak incident. Click had brought the raw materials in but she still needed some time as well as power to create the mechanical bird to her bidding. 

Thankfully because this was a decent sized helicarrier capable of carrying a fair bit of load, they also brought in batteries which Click could use to reanimate and create a brand new mechanical bird. This way, Click did not need to use her power core and she could even keep her strength for unforeseen circumstances. 

At the same time, this also allowed Click to teach her squad mates how her powers work so that in the event the Mechanical Bird does break down and Click is somewhat incapacitated, the Grey Bears squad has the authority and rights to take it with them. And in order to do that, they needed to dispatch some of their nanobots to reside within the Mechanical Bird when it is about to activate. 

"ETA 12 minutes!" The announcement from the copilot stated that forced the Grey Bear squad to quickly put their nanobots into a cylinder where the mechanical bird could identify them upon activation. This feature came when Yinn and Diaz had forcefully taken control of the Mechanical Hound which they used to escape. If not for Yinn's exemplary capability to adapt through the circumstances and force hack into the Mechanical hound, there was no way the hound would listen to them as much as it would listen to Click.

Thus, Click made sure that this time round, everyone's nanobot signatures were in so that they could break out of trouble if necessary though they really hope they did not need to and instead use it as an offensive item in the future.

"ETA 5!" We turning on the monitors for visuals and opening the cargo doors! All items will be locked tight to the helicarrier. Sniper, please take your position."

"Huh, why would we need to be locked onto the helicarrer's floor? Isn't that a little contradictory when we are shooting from the sides of the helicarrier?" Diaz asked and Yinn replied.

"No, I told the helicarrier pilot a different plan which will increase our survivability as well as our the helicarrier's safety. However, this comes as a cost and the risk had to be taken by helicarrier's pilots themselves."

"What are you making them do." Diaz expected an answer but even as Yinn wanted to keep the suspense just for a second longer, she realised that the squad members were all tremendously anxious for the answer. 

"I apologise I did not discuss it with you guys as it was a spontaneous thought and the plan had to go through the helicarrier pilots first," Yinn said as she gave them the gist by using her hand as a demonstration. The hand glided straight through the air before it was seen rising upwards and that was where the Grey Bear Squads watched in disbelief as their computer cores processed what was going to happen to the helicarrier in 4 minutes' time.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" Diaz said as she finally digested that information. Do you want this helicarrier to go for a straight ascent?! Can I remind you that this is a HELICARRIER?" It's not meant to do ascending tricks!" Diaz said but Yinn shrugged her shoulders a little.

"The pilots said they could do it, so I see no problem with going through the operation," Yinn said. Besides, Jin did give me rights to order you guys around –"

"But this is the first time you issue something crazy! Wait …wait a minute. You also did something crazy when we were doing that Forest Troll run. Are you starting to be crazy? Is your new specialisation to be crazy?" Diaz remarked but the others were already preparing themselves.

"Diaz, let's go. No use wasting time around here." Click already took Diaz by the back of her collared uniform and pulled her. (She did not stop complaining though)

"I find that is a wonderful idea," Lynn remarked of all of a sudden. "By doing that you will be reducing the surface area of where the helicarrier could be hit and the sniper can have a direct line of sight even though it is reduced somewhat visually on the target. The chances of missing would be low and Tellie can go full power." 

"Thank you, Lynn. Your comments are well appreciated." Yinn said as she checked her gun as a habit before moving away to her allocated position. In less than 3 minutes, they would be approaching their destination. They honestly hoped that their overpreparations were for naught as being trapped in enemy territory is the worst.

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