Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1510 Into The Dungeon -Final

As Jin's Inverse Eyes managed to catch the boss in his sight, the monster did its best to hide itself from the incoming attackers while sending its minions to go against Jin and his Grey Bear Squad.

The Commander immediately booted up his tactical system and gave everyone strength boosters. As ironic as it sounded since they were carrying guns, those boosters were gun attachments which grew out of their weapons and sent intense electrical pulses into their weapons, allowing them to shoot out their bullets with more velocity.

It allowed the Grey Bear Squad to dish out more penetrating power from their standard weapons and this battle was to discover how much can Jin's Tactical System able to push to fight against the monsters in the Variant Dungeons. 

Jin figured that since this was the first floor, the Tactical System's code boosts should still work to a certain extent. But if it did not, there were other tricks under his sleeves that he was dying to try as well. For now, they were proving to be effective and Jin had allowed them to coordinate among themselves so finish off the minions along with Page. 

"Lynn, I will go in first to break its defence," Jin said as the boss monster finally decide to emerge out of its hiding area by exploding the rocks and broken pillars which it was hiding from before. The two cultivators were able to evade and deflect all of the projectiles coming their way as they moved closer to the boss.

"Lolol we are fighting such a standard boss. Is the Synthesis World a future parallel world of ours?" Lynn said as she saw the monster reveal itself to be a black praying mantis but instead of having a pair of blades, there was a third blade that was shaped like a scorpion tail.

"How is having a bladed tail on a praying mantis some sort of standard boss?!" Jin exclaimed as he pushed more of his Maqi into his legs, causing electrical sparks to emerge while his P90 Machine gun had been enhanced with regular Maqi. Since the bullets he shot out were charged with his Maqi, there was no need for attack boosters like those War Maidens that he had.

"I don't know, perhaps it's called a Variant Dungeon for a reason, it just grew a tail with a blade on it! It's still obviously a praying mantis though!" Lynn exclaimed as she raised her palm and like comics, a spherical energy ball was generated in front of her palm. And once it was fully charged, she use the chi within her to shoot out the energy ball. 

It was a lucky shot as it hit the praying mantis's body the moment it stopped to bare its fangs at them after the praying mantis blocked all the initial spray of bullets with its blades. This gave the two cultivators momentum to move even closer but they had forgotten that there was the third blade which came swooping in when things got too rough for the praying mantis to handle. 

Lynn barely moved out of the way before using her knee to kick it away, forcing the praying mantis to be unstable, and instead of an energy ball, she merely concentrated her strength on the other feet as she used the thrusters from the flank of her body to propel herself and deliver a drop kick at on mantis' blade. 

As expected the blade tail slammed itself into the praying mantis's body, causing a cut that it was unable to recover. At that point, Jin already used his Inverse Eyes and poured the remaining clip of Maqi charged ammo into the body.

However, as expected from a Variant Dungeon, the Boss Monster was still resilient enough to throw its two blades towards its enemies, attempting to sweep the cultivators away from its body. The only unfortunate thing that happen was the combatants were veterans in close quarter fights and would use every opportunity they could generate to eliminate their opponents. 

It was the same for this fight as both Jin and Lynn had the very same idea as they moved away just enough to evade the swing's trajectory before grabbing the back of the praying mantis's blades and directing it once more towards its body. 

Some cartilage cracking sounds were heard as its arms were overly exerted to pierce its own stomach. In the last ditch attempt to kill the cultivators, the praying mantis used its head and attempted to bite them. However, Lynn stepped forward as she caught its mandible with her hand and did the most crazy thing ever since she 'reincarnated'.

With her 'Dantian' core powered by a nuclear active material, she utilised her maqi along with radiation, causing the mantis' mouth to melt in front of her. Jin slowly stepped backwards as he saw the head been gruesomely eroded into nothing but slime juice. 

"Holy shit, is Lynn even radioactive?" Jin was afraid that he would die from it and the Tactical System had a thrill seeing its user frightened to the core. 

"User, your Maqi would automatically counteract the scattered radiation so as long as you are not too close to her. If you are afraid that she leaks radiation then you have low confidence in the materials chosen by Old Fammet and the frame design done by the System."

"Wow okay. I guess, aside from the usual elements that I can conjure, radiation is definitely one more trump card that we have to fry those Mechanoids." Jin was surprised by it as he saw Lynn's grin got wider. (and perhaps more evil.)

"No. Do not come near me. You might still be radioactive." Jin said as he carefully took a few steps backwards.

"But I want a victory hug!" Lynn did not care as she boosted herself forward and right towards Jin. Even as much as Jin could evade this straight up 'attack', he resigned and discharged his Maqi as Lynn went into his arms. 

"Urgh." Jinn sighed as he slowly wrapped his arms around Lynn even though she had already locked herself onto him. 

That's definitely a wrap of the First Floor Dungeon and a clean wipe by the Grey Bear Squad as well.

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