Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1507 Remaking The Nuclear Reactor Drive

"Everything seems to be moving fine,"  Lynn said as she stood up and tested her abilities a little. The punch she threw out had some wind following her and the roundhouse kick that she performed was marvellously perfect. To the War Maidens, they could do the same as well but when it comes to executing the technique, their close combat programming was not as precise as what Lynn had.

However, they could not see what Jin had seen. To them could be just a perfect kick, but to Jin, he saw that the kick had his Maqi following and coursing through the move. It was smoother than the gushing streams of water. Not only that, but for some reason, he was able to see the Mini Nuclear Drive running in the background, duplicating a similar energy signature to his Maqi and Jin doubted that there was anything that could produce the same as this nuclear drive.

The System did explain that Jin's Maqi had influenced the half life of the nuclear drive reactor to some extent that the Pure Xenon metal that was irritating out the energy had been modified by the Maqi. It was as if his Maqi had shaped the Xenon metal to produce the very same energy as what Jin expected. 

"Even though we did succeed in building a robot with a soul embodying it to produce an energy similar to chi, its output would more or less be defined, no?" Jin asked whether the War Maiden could possibly increase its cultivation grade by itself.

"By theory, no, we doubt so. The possibility of it happening is extremely low, in fact, abysmally low. The only reason it is not a flat rejection of your claim is that your Maqi had shown potential for it remaking the Xenon Nuclear Reactor Drive. Based on the System's analysis, there was already some modification to the Xenon material when Lynn began her cultivation. The installation of the Operating System -"

"- You mean you inserting her soul."  Jin tried to correct the System. "It still needed Old Fammet's operating system for the War Maiden to work properly." 

"Yes, the insertion of her soul on the pretext of installing an add on operating System had allowed Lynn's soul transfer to be complete the moment she started her cultivation. Currently, her soul had withstood the transference but some monitoring needed to be done to make sure that her soul's integrity remained intact. It was one of the worries the System had and had not taken into consideration the presence of your Maqi strengthening her soul integrity." 

"I guess... that's the good thing?" Jin felt that the System had begun to delve into too much technical stuff to Jin that he felt like switching off ...until the two Mecha Smiths approached him with the folders at hand.

"We made our decision. We will be part of your team support." Nie said as he felt that he had never made such a big decision in his life for the longest time ever.

"You will regret taking us in." Old Fammet said as he passed the folder to Jin as well. "But if you are willing to put up the burdensome baggage with me, then I will be at your service." 

"Thank you and welcome to the team," Jin said as he shook both of their hands, completing and officiating the System Contracts with them, allowing the two Mecha Smiths to have access to the very same Tactical System who had been hiding inside Jin. When they thought the initial flow of information was insane, with the connection to the System caused a flow of data into their brain, forcing them to learn the truth about Jin and his existence. 

"Holy mother of ..." Old Fammet only now then realised how vast the world was compared to the virtual cage he was in. 

"There is no way all of this is true, is it?" Nie could not believe what he saw as well. There were so many questions and yet right now, his heart was palpating with excitement.

Even as Grey Bear Squad was full of joy in having new additions to their team, someone on the other end of the spectrum was not appreciating the situation they had put themselves in.


"What do you mean you lost contact with all the assets at Mount Sunn?" The man in his lacklustre brown suit slammed his fist on the ground. 

"Sir, the firepower that they had was contrary to the information that was given to us." One of the staff reported indicating that they had tailed an assistant of theirs and monitored how much they had bought from the stores. What seems to be just a couple of basic weapons, including items people no longer use such as swords, were bought. At first, they thought it was just a ruse considering the commander used the bellboy to get stuff for him. But when they saw the squad mounting those purchased items onto the SUV, there was no mistake that they were bringing that for their trip.

"Then what is this nonsense that you are telling me? An average run of the mill War Maiden could bring down our latest prototype plane and cause it to blast into smithereens?" 

"Sir, if we are able to get the retrieval team to check the crash site, there is a chance we can recover the black box and learn what happened. Since it's a prototype, it could mechanically faulty and it is probably just a bad coincidence." 

"Bad Coincidence? The last transmission from the pilot to the headquarters had no problem at all. And also, what makes you think they would not tamper with the crash site?" The man shouted back at his staff for even thinking such ludicrous stuff. "Then? What about my tanks? They might not be the best in line but they are in production the longest and had been seen as one of the most reliable weaponry our company had ever made. Are you telling me they get destroyed this easily as well due to a mechanical fault?"

The staff were speechless and the man's eyes gazed at the commanders.

"Why did none of you release the Mechanoids that were on board the Helicarriers when you know you are taking significant losses?" 

"Sir, those Mechanoids are meant for the assault against Mount Sunn. The Tanks were also equipped with antipersonnel weapons, meant to shred their mechanoids. We did not think it was possible for them to easily destroy those tanks, considering the artillery that we noted was of no threat to the tanks." 

"Then. Tell. ME. WHY. Are they destroyed so easily?" The boss's face was so red, the staff being reprimanded could figuratively see smoke coming out from his ears. To be honest, no one had ever thought that there was a squad capable of destroying a plane, three tanks and a regiment of Mechanoids as if it was a walk in the park. The commanders were dumbfounded until they tried to dig more about the Squad's recent endeavours.

To their surprise, the latest mission had been redacted and the company's intelligence could only rely on hearsay. 

They honestly had no idea how such a nobody Squad could do so well all of a sudden and took an interest in Old Fammet. But one thing was for sure. Diamondz was going for a counterattack.

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