Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1503 The All New Grey Bear Squad -Part 5

The sounds of metal smashing onto another piece, the heavy stench of oil looming throughout the room. Old Fammet was indeed putting everything he got into this particular War Maiden creation.

When he first saw the proposed schematics at a glance, he thought it was some old design that Jin was asking for. But as he delved deeper into constructing the War Maiden, he realised that there was something more to it.

It felt like Jin was not creating a War Maiden, and rather, a War Maiden that was as close to a human. He might not have any concept of chi, dantians or anything of that sort in the Synthesis World but Old Fammet realised that the cores placement and frame structure was similar to the construction of a human body (as ironic as it sounds since most War Maidens were akin to humans.)

The difference between this particular design and the War Maiden was that its components were placed to ensure efficiency while Jin's schematics for his close combat War Maiden followed closely to how the blood vessels and nervous systems were structured in a human.

For example, the food processing module in War Maidens was designed to break down perishable food items to gain energy when powering up its battery through electricity was not an option on the battlefield. Such a module was placed at the chest area so that if a hit goes through, the module that gets destroyed was a useless one and not an important module such as the main drivers and core processors.

But for this human design, the stomach was placed right how a human would have their stomach be. It was not an efficient design to copy the human anatomy and the need for multiple core processing was even more unfathomable. The only one who knew why the close combat War Maiden needed these many was to copy the chi points a human has.

Unlike Jin who came into this Synthesis World as a 'human', Lynn would be entering this world as a War Maiden. However, if that meant that her powers and strengths were limited to the specifications of a War Maiden. What Jin was sacrificing his blood and to create such an odd design to mimic a human body was all to allow Lynn to have similar powers as what she had when she was in their homeworld.

What's more was that Jin requested that once this unique schematic had been created, Jin would be providing the installation of the 'operating system' and told Old Fammet not to ever break that promise or else, he would not be getting any points.

"Hah! As If I ever need those points." Old Fammet said as he hammered away.

"Master… If you have the points, you would not need to scrimp and survive on scrap pieces."  Nie tried to get his master to look at the reasons.

"In fact, if this is a success, I would like to employ you," Jin added and Old Fammet scoffed at Jin's request.

"What do you have to offer me that I could not do even with my workshop right here?" Old Fammet asked but Jin did not answer him directly.

"As I said, when this War Maiden is a success, I will show to you what you had been missing out on all this time in your life," Jin said as he waved goodbye so that he could sleep in the guest room to recuperate after helping the Mecha Smith to obtain twice the amount of blood that he needs for the War Maiden.

It was to ensure there was enough material if and there would be extra in case of emergency. Jin made more of it so that his new Medic War Maiden Page could study his blood with sufficient samples so that she can use it to not just replenish him in times of need (which should not happen) but also to resupply for the Close Combat War Maiden in the future.

Nie did say that these old school War Maiden frames relied on artificial blood to run properly and especially so when they are broken. So, he recommended that Jin have a healthy supply of backup blood for the War Maiden they were making during battles.

But to Jin, he felt that the artificial blood that Page create would never be a standard to his own blood even though he gave her his sample to analyse. This was because Jin's blood as undetectable through medical science had been filled with Maqi.

He hoped that with enough Maqi exposure, Lynn could also cultivate her dantian core as a War Maiden and be a Grade 1 Cultivator as soon as possible. The System on the other hand said that it should not be a problem even with the changes made by Old Fammet on certain materials.

In fact, to the System's surprise, what the Mecha Smith was using was more conductive for Maqi according to analysis when it asked Jin to give it a try by sending some Maqi into the Mechanoid Frame when the smiths were not watching.

This gave the System even more confidence that Lynn would be well constructed and she could synchronise within the body without much trouble. The only other problem would be whether her subconscious could withstand being out of her body for long. Unlike Jin who had been fighting the 'demons' within his subconscious, Lynn never had such experiences.

It was only when Lynn had decided to enter the Synthesis World to aid Jin that she gave her all to training with the next available 'demon' that could enhance the will of her subconscious.

And that was none other than Jin's Frenemy, the well known notorious fox devil, Kraft. This Director of making people's subconscious tremble might not have the Ming and the Cardinals' training programme to make Lynn's will as strong as titanium but he had his way to do so.

With the help of the rest of the foxes, they each took turns to give hell for Lynn as this was the condition for Lynn to pass so that the System would close an eye and allow her to travel into the Synthesis World.

When Jin got wind of all of this information during his blood donation drive, it no doubt made him fall in love with his girlfriend even more. And that was why Jin was making sure that she got the best body she could ever get in this world as a reward from the Dungeon Supplier.

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