Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1481 Empire Tournament

A quick email to Raymond was more than sufficient to let him know about the details for the tournament, since Jin had to wait for Package Ten to be fully integrated into his War Maidens. In the meantime, Archduke Dyke who was still travelling to the Empire Capital, was let known about the situation as well and felt that it was a good idea as well.

"It will no doubt help with the accumulation of wealth for the upcoming war and it will solve quite a fair bit of our financial problem as well. That's a good suggestion." A secure channel was created between Jin, Raymond and Dyke to discuss the contents since they needed to waste some time either through waiting.

"The Southern Duke would be elated as well since it was supposed to be his turn and you know how he hated all this event organisation nonsense despite the fact that he adored the fights. By doing this, you Sire, are gaining yourself a big favour from him." Raymond commented and Dyke smiled widely. The Southern Region was known for their immense military power because their borders faced not only the Republic but the Southern Alliance who were barbaric in nature.

This sharing of borders forced his troops to always be in tip top shape in case of a sudden invasion from the Southern Alliance. As mentioned, the Southern Alliance consisted mostly various tribes of Barbarians and despite its naming convention, they wielded guns as well but their physical constitution had 'evolved' where they could withstand gunshots, due to their constant pursuit for brute strength. Thus, they were a bunch of warmongering people who were categorised as very dangerous since one skilled Barbarian could take on as many as ten Mechanoids.

The only consolation that allowed them to stay as status quo was their truce between the Southern Duke and the Republic who had promised them minor skirmishes at certain intervals. No doubt, the war that the Republic was rousing would invite a few stares from the Southern Alliance but that was an issue that would be tackled when the time comes. Thus, the need to organise the Empire Tournament was a pain in the ass for Southern Duke and he had already skipped his turn a few times that he pissed off the other Dukes who needed to pick up his slack. Yet, even though the other Dukes hated it, none of them complained outright as they understood the situation at the South.

So, if the Archduke had decided to take the initiative to pick that slack up, the other dukes would covertly rejoice at such a fact since it was rare for the Archduke to do such a task.

"I will talk to all of them later, during the meet. I am sure they all have to be there." Dyke said as he wrote in his digital notebook.

But what Dyke was after was no doubt the points and money. He could literally adopt the very same idea that Jin had proposed for his demonstration and indirectly gain funds for his war chest now that Jin had proposed that he need to create a few Customised Monster Mechanoids to create the dungeon portal invasion idea for the fight against the Republic. The System did pitch in that it would assist in the blueprint design since no one ever created any Monster Mechanoids before as well as the backend simulations in order to prevent any possible data leak to the republic.

Other than that, the Archduke needs to secure a massive hidden factory so that they could build the Monster Mechanoids in secret. While Jin is able to create his Synthesis Dungeons with mere conversion of gold bar and points, there is still a need for the proof of concept to allow the System to simulate those monsters into his Synthesis Dungeons. Imaginative out of the blue monsters would not work at all as there was no data on how it moves etc.

However, Jin personally told the System that it did not need to worry about that if what he theroised about the Cardinal's powers were true. (After all, he had yet to use them.) Still, Jin did mention that those Monster Mechanoids had to be built at least once for his powers to manifest on them and so the Archduke understood his master's desires.

When asked about how the tournament works, Jin was being told that Commanders would lead their Mechanoids into battle in a fixed obstacle arena. Something similar to his house invasion demonstration but a little less primitive and with a bigger space. Still, such a static tournament gathered a large crowd since people took this opportunity to learn from one another as well as betting but this meant that most of the commanders who won were mostly from the land army. The Naval and Air Force never had such luxury to touch the championship cup.

That was how Jin took the opportunity to tell them about his suggestions to improve the tournament. The suggestions of having dirty tank wars, tight ship battles and even nasty dogfights between planes. The words coming out from Jin's mouth sounded like pure music to him as it was a brilliant way to spice things up and get even more people take join the Empire tournament. Raymond could also see the amount of money pouring in from all the fights and the massive cut they could take from all this tournament. This will also no doubt attract commanders from various military arms to join since they could finally show off.

However, the only foreseeable problem that Jin could encounter was that he needed the full data specifications, past combat and maintenance logs to simulate those ships, planes and tanks because there is no way they could bring all those to the imperial capital. Yet, when Raymond heard it, he laughed.

"We could host this at your wife's region, my lord. That would definitely increase the amount of tourist in the area."

"Port Fastfor? Indeed..." Dyke too agreed to it and the Tactical System explained to Jin that Port Fastfor was one of the largest trading port cities in the Empire which featured a large stadium previously for the International tournaments since Port Fastfor had the expertise to manage the sea routes and a well known airport. "It had also been years since we chose Port Fastfor as the location for the Empire's Tournament as well."

"That way, we can even make a parade of ships, planes and even tanks!" Raymond declared and the imagination between the three of them got even rosier

"Very good. Very good. I am sincerely looking forward to this year's tournament." The very same thought lingered on their minds.

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