Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1477 Clear Winner -Final

All that was left was the Archduke standing there thinking what could have gone wrong. Did he exert too much authority as a threat? Was Jin really speaking the truth when he said that he could actually kill someone in the Virtual Space?

Was he actually secretly an assassin by the Ultra Revolutionists and the plot to rescue his son was merely a bigger plan to kill him instead? Otherwise, how could the Empire miss out on someone like him? If he was discovered to be this powerful, Jin would have been a Baron or maybe a Viscount.

"Wait, I can actually do that. Surely he would not want to be chased all around the continent because of assassinating me right here and now." Dyke thought as calmly as he could, even though his mind was accelerating what could be done and what could happen next. This was because he was frightened by Jin's powers and got stuck in his playground.

And yet, unbeknownst to him, this was not Jin's final form at all.

Even though the Archduke had his own share of battles and was considered as a hardened survivor from the battlefields, this was the first time he felt so conceited. There was no way he could come out of the situation without striking a compromise.

"Congratulations. You have passed my assessment with flying colours." Dyke tried to turn this as positive as he could, swallowing whatever pride he had to bow down to… this deviant. This was the only way he could think of to survive this current predicament. "In light of your strength and achievements, I, Dyke Malborough, the Archduke of our almighty Empire shall grant you the title of Viscount with the powers vested in me. You shall have your land and dungeon."

When Jin heard all of this, he chuckled. He thinks that he had already broken the Archduke enough, but it was not an offer he can't accept so readily. Since he's already dipped into this cesspool of fuckery, he knew that Dyke would not let him off easily the moment he got out of this regardless of whatever contract and promises they both made right in this dimensional instance.

It would be a lose lose situation for everyone and there was no way he could come out unscathed with the exception of one solution. A solution where he can use it to clear all the wrongdoings that this troublesome Archduke had made for Jin and himself.

It is to kill him.

The clones did not need another signal as they already started to emerge from the grass plains as they had their laser pointers at Archduke Dyke and the Assistant Chief Engineer Rocky.

Rocky felt responsible for the current situation as he was the one who wished to inspect Jin's module and the situation deteriorated from there. Thus, he decided to at least sacrifice his body meaninglessly as the shield of the Archduke so that he could leave a few seconds longer and perhaps renegotiate or create an excuse to eliminate such a volatile threat to the Empire.

Yet, that thought of noble sacrifice was discarded the moment Rocky tried to move forward. He was shot down without mercy by the clones and now all the laser pointers were at Archduke Dyke.

"Is Viscount not enough of a title? Work with me for a while and I shall get you to a Duke. There is this guy where all of the other dukes did not like him at all. Get rid of him for me and I shall appoint you as Duke, allowing you to govern the entire region. Fame, Riches and status will all be yours." Dyke was the one now begging, trying to imitate all the nobles who were trying to earn his favour. Now the tables had turned and now he was the one that needed to earn Jin's.

"And what? If I do that for you and you can get another guy to do the same to me as well. What's the difference does it make for me when it's merely delaying my death for when I can kill you right now." Jin said as he sauntered towards Dyke.

"No, I will never do that. In fact, I shall keep you as part of my faction and since you had saved Marvin previously, he will protect you in the future as well should the need arise." Dyke tried to reassure Jin but that guy merely shrugged his shoulders.

"I had dipped my toes into politics enough to know that your words are as empty as a newly built vessel filled with nothing but metal echoing. Your promises made the most noise and carried the least weight." Jin said as his clones were already in position where there was nowhere he could run.

Even with his hidden pistol at his ankle, it was impossible for him to reach for it. In fact, even if Jin entertained the thought of him arming himself for one last ditch to fight for his life, there was no way he could simultaneously attacked all four clones of his.

Thus, with a resigned look, he asked the question. "What is your real objective?"

"Get the most points with the shortest time possible." Jin said as he pointed at his console and showed Dyke his points.

"That does not make sense. Raymond and the others were killed on the spot and yet your score is still less than five hundred…" Dyke did not understand the meaning of this, and was, in fact, perplexed by it. "Are they not dead? If so! Return them to me at this instant!"

"Oh, they are dead. Trust me, I am not lying when I say that." Jin replied as he clapped his hands twice and out of the grass plains, out came the other four unharmed from bullets.

"Such lies! Raymond! Defeat this imprudent fool." Dyke said but instead of obeying his Archduke's orders. All four of them. Raymond, Kurt, Lark and Rocky instantly knelt right in front of Jin as they called him 'Milord' at the very same time.

Corruption? Brainwash? No, can't be. Dyke could not understand what was happening as Jin smiled widely.

"I wanted an intimate cooperation between the two of us. But it seems like you prefer authority rather than an equal relationship. So, I shall impose my authority as…your new master." Jin said as he turned around and allowed his clones to take down the last remaining sane target.

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