Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1469 "Synthesis Dungeon" - Part 2

As the Archduke Bodyguards Kurt and Lark entered the room first followed by Dyke. They were thinking that this Jin was a crazy person. What demonstration could be done within just one small tiny ass interrogation room? But their eyes could not believe what was happening.

It was as if the door was a portal to another reality when they swung it open. There was no more concrete room with a poor lit light bulb at the ceiling. Neither were there any security cameras and the standard metal table with a few chairs around.

Everything had changed to an endless view of a grass plains with a two storey house right at the centre of it all. What scared them shitless was that the wind that blew against their face was fresh and cooling, rather than the stifling terrible air conditioning they had to endure within this poorly maintained police station that they were guarding. Of course, if it's not for their armour…

"Wait, where is my armour?" Kurt exclaimed as he realised that his armour and weapons had been stripped off involuntarily, which forced Lark who in the same situation as well to go into an offensive stance ready to attack Jin.

"They are in your inventory. By accepting my invitation, you two have to abide by the rules." Jin said as he nodded his head upwards towards their back and the guards realised that Raymond and Dyke still have their sidearm on them.

"They are spectators, so I cannot interfere with them as such permission was not granted." Jin answered their wandering thoughts.

"There are rules on the invitation card, you idiots." Raymond said in an annoyed tone and told them to stand down. He knew it was their fault for not reading the rules and merely accepting the invitation, but he guessed the guards were doing so because they did not expect much from this …demonstration.

"What is this?" Archduke Dyke was surprised that Jin had managed to set up a virtual reality within the interrogation room that was of another level different from anything he had ever seen.

"I wanted to create something more vivid but with limited time, this is the fastest I can put up. In my business terms, I will call it a Dimensional Instance." Jin said with a quick bow.

"I will not beat around the bush since I only have 9 minutes and counting. The rules are simple." Jin clapped twice and the ground beside Kurt and Lark started to move, causing a panel to open and a cabinet was raised out of it.

"As usual, I would make it more immersive but we do not have time." Jin interjected before clearing his throat. "As I said, the rules are simple. There is a hostage within the two story compound. EIther A, save the hostage or B, kill everyone except the hostage.

"So, this is a hostage rescue situation?"

"Yes, and the time limit is 6 minutes. I need some time for debriefing as well. The so called enemies are not 'real' real but they are realistic enough for this instance. At the end of 6 minutes, if the hostage had not been rescued out of the building, the bomb strapped to her would set off an explosion that will level this entire house."

"As for the spectators, multiple holographic screens are available for viewing including Lark and Kurt's point of view.. I apologise for the bad sitting. Please bear with me for the remaining few minutes of your time." Jin said as a 30 sec countdown had started, allowing Kurt and Lark to choose whatever weapon they have as well as the equipment they wish to bring.

And as they opened the cabinets, they realised there was an assortment of weapons at their disposal. However, they decided to take the MP5s submachine guns as it was a decent gun in their opinion when manoeuvring close quarters.

"Huh, a lock breaching device as well." Lark noticed it and picked a few up, knowing that he needed it to get some doors to open sesame.

"I will get a few flashbangs." Kurt said as he stocked them as well as a few ammunition clips too.

"Do not need to bring that many. We only have 5 minutes of engagement time maximum."

As the two Archduke bodyguards talked to each other on their equipment, it was a pretty sight for Jin to see veteran soldiers handling their preparation but he had a burning question which he could not help but inch closer to Raymond in order to get some answers..

"Are those two Mechanoids as well?"

"Yes and no. The rest are classified." Raymond said as he ignored Jin but Dyke decided to entertain the prospective business owner.

"They are humans with 90% of their body being replaced with mechanical parts. Mechanoids have a low possibility of being hijacked. Humans do not."

"But humans cannot be trusted, right?" Jin asked a daring but valid question.

"Yes, they cannot be trusted but they can be brainwashed." Dyke replied and there were no further answers entertained after that as the countdown timer dropped to its last five seconds.

The two guards were already prepped and ready to roll as they waited for the timer to drop to zero.

But the moment that happened, a sniper shot was heard as if to celebrate the start of the Dimensional Instance. It was a warning shot to the ground by the 'terrorists' to show that if they come any closer, they would be killed. A centimetre off and it would have blown Kurt's leg away.

"What the fuck?" Kurt and Lark were already surprised by the fact that there was even a sniper guarding the house and realised that they were wide open instead of hiding around the semi tall grasses that had been designed to let them sneak closer to the house.

"Heh." Dyke grinned when he saw his guards panicked, seeing that this demonstration might actually be worth his time after all.

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