Tellie saw the entire battle unfold right in front of her eyes and could not believe that her commander was able to get away with such a stunt.  He not only defied how things usually work in this world but also go against every single textbook tactic she had ever read.

What's more was that with just a single shot, he was able to find where the enemy was coming from and even with the Mechanoids' processing speed to analyse the situation, most War Maidens were not able to do so. Yet, this supposed outsider who was banished by the 'heavens' was doing things that made the War Maidens feel obsolete.

And to make Tellie feel even worse, he was able to trigger off a sniper rifle while dodging the next shot, giving a direct hit to the shooter. It felt like Jin was somewhat cheating and made Tellie determine that she had to do more than what she usually could.

Diaz: Contact! Contact! Three hostiles hiding in the red building!

Yinn: Grey Bear 01, moving in to intercept. Grey Bear 03, continue with suppressive fire. Grey Bear 04, continue to plant the charges.

Jin: Grey Bear Actual, turning on Tactical System.

Click: Grey Bear 04, roger that.

Jin: Grey Bear Actual, eight Hostiles detected, sending information to all Grey Bears. Moving to intercept the one at the Red Building. Grey Bear 01, handle the ones beside the red building. Grey Bear 03, move to the other side of the building and ambush the ones coming up the stairs.

Diaz: Ok boss.

Yinn: Grey Bear 01, roger. I will backtrack to the regulated point of contact once I eliminate the hostiles.

Tellie: Confirming limited visuals and sending data to the Tactical System as well.

With the information Jin and Tellie had transmitted to everyone via the Tactical System, they immediately have situational awareness of the area and know how to proceed.

As much Jin wished to use his Maqi in the first place to sense out the enemies, he did not want to slow down the pace too much sneaking towards the artilleries since his current abilities were of a limited range. Anything like the sniper attack would still blindside him and there was nothing else he could do then to counterattack.

That was why he focused the use of his Maqi for the thick of battle as well as the ability to use his Inverse Eyes immediately after the first attack. He should already be thankful that the shooter was a 'tad inaccurate' with her shot when she aimed for Diaz.

Or perhaps the shooter thought that the crate held explosives since it was painted in fiery bright orange dye and wished to take out the entire Grey Bear squad with just one shot. It initially belonged to the Rebel Mechanoids and it did contain explosives previously until Jin had switched them all out just to hold the weapons and gave Click to hold onto the explosives instead.

Click did feel uncomfortable carrying such volatile material all around but knew that the crate was spacious enough for the weapons, ammunition and even spare replacements once they took out the explosives and the padding to hold them.

Jin reassured her that as long as she did not get shot, everything will be fine. Obviously, she had her reservations with regard to Jin but the commander's orders needed to be carried out no matter how casual the 'order' was.

Still, because of that switch of items, they were able to distract the enemy once and Jin was able to intercept and down a capable shooter of the rebels before returning to their objectives.

"Done with the first building, moving to the second," Click said as she activated the explosives and quickly moved a few pieces of furniture to hide it before opening the windows and wanting to perform a far jump to the next building's balcony since it was the fastest way to move rather than going down the stairs where the enemy was waiting.

Of course, if she wished to do that, there would not be a problem as Diaz used a bedsheet to make a makeshift rope so that she could rappel down one floor and ambush the enemies. Using the armoury crate as the siege hammer to burst through the windows, it also acted as a massive projectile hurling towards the enemies, scaring the rebel war maidens momentarily.

The colour of the huge crate also gave them reason to pause since they all identified it as the explosive crate that they had been lugging around. And with this, it gave Diaz the time to make a grand entrance through the lower floor window and spray bullets at her enemies.

"Enemies down," Diaz said as she make sure that they were killed by tapping bullets into their heads. And since she had the weapon crate with her, it does not hurt to grab whatever the rebels have as well as their radio communicator.

"Boss, their communicator is still tuned to the same channel. I think we can listen into it." Diaz did not follow proper military lingo but the information she gave was crucial enough for them to ignore her lack of communication discipline.

"Same here. Three hostiles down and I acquired their radio too." Yinn reported as she began to pick up the extra ammunition clips as well as their peripheral accessories of war after killing them without much of a fight. But since she could trust the tactical system that Jin had put up, Yinn took the opportunity to set up a booby trap with the grenades that were lying around on the enemies' bodies in case there were other rebels came rushing in later.

And with the tactical system they were sharing, she could mark it for her teammates and be allowed to avoid the area if necessary.  "The chatter indicated that they are going to hold down and fortify the church."

"Then all the more we beseech the god of battlefields to aid us in our endeavour," Jin said as he slammed the remaining rebel to the wall with his Maqi and put metal into the rebel's exposed neck.

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