Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1449 Change Of Objective

"What about that exclusive ally that we supposedly have?" Click asked but Jin did not have any idea with regards to that.

"If he or she comes, then we will take improvise as the situation goes. Otherwise, this would be a never ending game of waiting." Jin said and they heard a rooster screaming its lungs out over the horizon.

"Will it be a bad time to attack now?" Diaz asked as she tilted her head in the direction of where the rooster was clucking.

"Hmm, generally, that's not a good idea. We do not know whether they have any radar capability." Yinn replied.

"Then the time they attacked us with artillery bombardment?" Jin asked and Yinn told him that it was because 'he' was previously making a ruckus killing one of their Mechanoids.

"Maybe it was the reason why they have decided to just throw Mechanoids at us since they would think that killing an idiot commander would be a simple task." Tellie chuckled and the rest nodded their heads in unison.

"Oh okay..." Jin nodded slowly since he knows that they were not referring to him. However, instead of the usual plan where they had discussed to enter and slowly search for the rebels who went into hiding from the previous shootout at the cabin, the freshly minted commander of Grey Bear Squad remembered a crucial detail he had forgotten all this time.

"Where are the artillery located?" Jin asked and Tellie who had been scouting the area previously pointed out that they were around the east of the city.

"I do not like the sound of LT asking where the artillery is at. He wished to bombard the city centre?" Tellie inquired but Jin shook his head in a systematic manner as if he was still calculating what to do with it.

"You guys said that they might have a hidden Mechanoid factory and they are working to produce more of them. I think it will be best to disable the said building before they start to produce more and overwhelm it with numbers. We do not have the manpower to facilitate a strong sweeping strike initiative neither we have the staying power to hold a place for long." Jin said. "We can do door to door clearance, but our main objective is to clear the rebels."

"What Jin said is right. Our main priority is to clear the objective and get paid for it." Diaz said nonchalantly. "We also do not know whether the fact that they are hiding because the villagers were helping them or they were being threatened to do so."

"But we cannot consider all of them hostiles." Click refuted.

"Do we honestly have the time to check whether it's friend or foe at that point in time? We do have not the manpower to do so. Neither are we skilled enough to identify them in a pinch." Diaz interrupted Click for saying more and she brought up a valid point.

"We are not heroes and we have no right to be heroes at this juncture." Diaz added and everyone looked at each other. Diaz hoped to have support for her argument while Click was looking to see if anyone could outtalk her teammate. At that point, Jin stepped in at this delicate moment and spoke.

"Secure the artilleries and its perimeter. Tellie will continue to provide long range overwatch with her sniping if needed while the four of us clear the area. Once we possessed the artilleries, Diaz and Click will plant explosives at the buildings that maintain a direct line of sight to the artillery. Yinn and I will coordinate to aim the artillery at the church. When the both of you are done with the planting of explosives, move towards the marketplace near the church. We will provide fire support to the marketplace when needed." Jin said and he looked at the stunned Privates who individually wanted support for their argument from the commander.

Yet, this slew of commands had caused Yinn and Tellie to grin widely. Yinn was the first to acknowledge the new orders and so did Tellie. This also forced the other two privates to acknowledge their commander's orders despite their difference in opinions.

"I guess having to command my minions does allow me to have some experience handling this kind of situation." Jin thought to himself as he controlled the commotion that the squad was having. It was certainly different from the usual 'heated' discussions that his minions would have but they were still similar since all of them waited for their master to provide opinions on the situation. As much as he wished to take sides, Jin usually takes a neutral stance unless he honestly believed that a particular side of the argument has benefits for the Dungeon Supplier Store.

On the other hand, these four of them reminded him much of the Demon Exorcists which he had taken in as part of his employees even though they did not work there full time.

"Alright, let's get going. Since we are going to use the Artillery as a stationary point of contest, we will bring a crate of weapons there. Diaz, I would need your help to do so." Jin said and Diaz immediately it up and strapped the entire box behind her back. Her legs gave off some steam at the start which made Jin concerned but Click reassured him that it was normal since it was more than the usual weight a Mechanoid should be able to carry.

"The processors within the legs were merely adjusting to balancing itself so that the output efficacy remained the same despite the heavy load and that's the beauty of Diaz's new instalment." Click was proud that she managed to find a good pair of leg parts. If they were to resell it within the black market (Since it's not an official part), it could most probably be catergoised as an uncommon rarity.

"But everything else has to depend on the user as well." Click said with a tinge of sarcasm but Diaz knew that Click was probably still sour from their previous conversation.

"Bleagh. I will show you what that user can do!" Diaz pull her tongue at her teammate and leapt down the cliff with some finesse.

"That's not very much a sneak attack... as I expected..." Jin thought to himself and took note that he might need to go loud before reaching their new objective.

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