The rest of the War Maidens thought that there might be a glimmer of hope for Jin since he had lost his memories before, but it seems like the leopard can never change its spots. They were understandably frustrated and disheartened when they were not given the order to move out at all. They had been hoping for a chance to redeem themselves and prove their worth while earning the paycheck, but instead they were left feeling disillusioned and let down. Some of the War Maidens hung their heads in disappointment, while others muttered quietly among themselves, crestfallen at the lack of opportunity.

It was not long that the Diaz who was on the lookout outside the cabin noticed some movement from the east where the Village Artbridge was located. It was a pressing and urgent matter - they needed to move out immediately in case any enemy troops were spotted. There would only be one chance for them to attack the village and it would be a waste of time if they did not take the opportunity now. It was a critical and crucial moment for the War Maidens, and they knew that they had to act quickly and decisively.

"No all of you are not moving out. We will be contacting with them for battle,"  Jin said confidently as he finally read most of the manual on the technical console.

"Wait... are you." Yinn saw handsignals that Jin was beginning to make. "Are you going to go in as a tactical commander?"

"Aren't commanders supposed to do that?" Jin asked as he found out about the 'Tactical System'.

"No bloody commander worth their salt would be using that piece of old junk! It's more like a simulator that at most predicts what is going to happen if we take certain actions," Yinn replied in angry whispers, her frustration and incensed feelings clear to see. She was certain that their commander was not fit for battle, and she could not understand why they were still following his orders.

"Their Future Prediction Model Simulation feature only works on animals and probably robots but not on Mechanoids like us and especially not against humans." Tellie added as well, advising that it is a bad move by Jin too. "Even if it works previously, its because the commander had implanted a processing chip in their brain and able to scan the area and that's assuming that the scan frequency had not been jammed by the other people."

"For Mechanoids who supposed to follow orders, you all sure have a lot of opinions." Jin said as he opened up the tactical system using his hands and a light holographic blue screen emerged at his right arm.

"Fuck," Diaz muttered, her eyes scanning the room frantically. She quickly went to the nearest piece of furniture and started flipping it over, using it as makeshift cover. The rest of the War Maidens understood what Jin was getting at and begrudgingly followed his orders. They quickly took stock of their ammunition, their hands moving deftly as they checked their weapons and made sure they were ready for battle. The cabin was plunged into darkness as they cut the remaining lights, and the War Maidens took up their positions, holding their ground within the cramped confines of the cabin. It might have been too late, since if they could see the enemies from miles away, the enemies would have also been able to spot them. The tension in the air was palpable, and the War Maidens prepared themselves for the fight that was sure to come.

Jin might not have a processor chip that could scan the entire area or a prothestic eye that could compute the movements but he had something far more magical and unexplainable to the Mechanoids that could aid him. The use of Maqi and his Inverse Eyes.

His eyes closed in concentration as he focused on replicating his lost powers. He took a deep breath, feeling the Magic and chi flow through his body. With a determined expression, he opened his eyes and focused on the area around him.

Despite his weakened state, Jin was still able to detect the presence of others within a radius of 150 meters by using a combination of Magic and chi to insert his senses throughout the cabin, allowing him to feel the movement of those around him.

But even with this heightened sense, Jin still couldn't determine the exact location or number of enemies without combining it with his Inverse Eyes technique. With a sharp focus, he activated the technique and was immediately able to see the location of his enemies, as well as their numbers.

Now with this information on the tips of his fingertips, Jin could now plan his next move. He knew that he was outnumbered, but he was determined to overcome his opponents and prove that he was still a force to be reckoned with. He took a deep breath and prepared to face his enemies, ready to use every ounce of skill and technique he possessed to emerge victorious.

But what was more interesting was the Tactical Holographic Console.

As long as it has the information that's needed, the Tactical Holographic Console will reproduce the location where the enemies will be and moving in real time. Not only it gives tactical overview for the commander in charge to give orders with just a flick of a finger or with a thought of his brain, it acts as a conduit that provides bonuses to the War Maidens as well. What it meant was that the Commander in Charge have access to restricted codes that could techinically overclock the War Maidens, allowing them to be more powerful than usual for a limited duration.

Something akin to a Power Up buff that the War Maidens were able to receive on the fly so codes like 25% Speed boost or 10% more accuracy rate. There were even codes that allowed the War Maidens to provide more power into their current weapons and cause even more damage with which bullet that flew out of their weapon's barrel.

Sounds like the ultimate tool for tactical use even though those codes were one time use each battle since the War Maiden processing units had limiters to ensure that the War Maiden's parts do not break after every fight. They even supposed to have an Ultimate Skill for each different War Maiden coded within them but Jin had yet to know their abilities. But as good as everything sounds, there's always a catch.

The problem of not having proper analysis of the battle mainly because most combatants had found how to counter the Tactical Holographic Console such as jamming its frequency to prevent the commanders from collecting nearby data. Even as his Grey Bears had said having a miniature radar that allows the scan would work at most for 5 to 10 seconds for those high end radar chips but after that, the enemies would have the upper hand again. Even interval scanning could be jammed once the enemies caught up to it and some even hijacked the scans making them more unreliable by providing false information into it.

Back when it was boasted to be the best tool in every commander's arsenal, now only a fool would use such a feature that was part of the Tactical System package that was installed in every soldier. Yet, it still had its purposes such as what Yinn had mentioned. For hunting non senitinel beings such as animals and its developers had sought to improve its usefulness through updates so that it could be relevant but those updates barely lasted for a week before their encryption codes had been broken and countermeasures were set up.

That was why the Grey Bear were against the idea of Jin using the Tactical Holographic Console. They couldn't wait for him to use it and fail miserably at that so they could overwrite his orders and move to defend his stupid ass. However, all of them had no idea that this Jin was different than the one they all knew. Not to mention, there was this hidden ally that they do not know how reliable he or she would be.

"Enemies incoming." Diaz said as she already had her aim on one of the enemy but Jin continued to order them to hold.

"Not yet."

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