Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1405 Leading The Distraction

"So Boss, do you want a quick portal to the High Command or do you want me to create a pathway to that building?" Moloch asked but he believed he knew the answer Jin was going to give though it was better to come it out from his mouth than assuming.

"Create a pathway for me to go through. Use a WARE event or multiple WARE events to make it happen." Jin said as he looked through the information that Transquick had given him with regards to the Demon Rat Generals who had been taken in the lifestream energy for their own consumption.

"Hmm, might be a tad difficult since we are only in the middle of the fourth day and most of the crowd comes after their work schedule." Moloch said as he tried to check the number of Pandarens around to see if there was any 'magic' he could pull to make it work.

"Aren't the Pandawans still around? I thought I heard them saying that they had saved up their leave and money just for this particular event?" Jin asked and Moloch brought up the Pandaren List to check whether his usual customers were present in the fight. Based on the System's last seen reports, he eventually found out that they were currently resting and having their lunch at one of the newly opened restaurants within the Tree Mall.

"They are currently waiting for the orders and since they are such a big group, it would take some time. Although I believe you can use your privilege as the Tree Mall's landlord and push forth the order…since your NPCs are the ones doing most of the cooking." Moloch giggled and Jin thought about it for a second before saying no.

"Let them rest, it would be horrible of me to let them miss this out but equally horrible to cause them to quicken their pace of eating just for this minor event," Jin said but Moloch begged to differ.

"I honestly think they will drop everything whatever they are doing and go for a run with you. Frankly speaking, it's not just the points, they believed in you especially when you have such an exciting battle ahead. Besides, you did owe them a good fight after you abandoned them to fight against Baal."

"That is also true… Now that I think about it, do you think it's okay to release Baal now for a fight?" Jin asked Moloch since he was the only one monitoring the progress of Baal despite being kept under heavy System scrutiny (even when he too had agreed to sign the System's contract willingly.)

"Hmm… If you want him to be part of the fight, it will no doubt increase the odds of this current battle since his leadership is unparalleled -well, his leader was unparalleled when I first joined him. Not like that crazy fool he was under Kiva's artefact influence so I guess we could give it a try. Besides, having him for future battles would definitely be useful if we were ever to intervene in the Demon's dimensional plane or heck, even the Gods' place of living. Not that I honestly want to go there."

"Woah, Woah. You are thinking way too much now. In any case, contact the Pandawans and get our NPCs in that Chinese restaurant to serve the food to them as soon as possible. Also, put their meal on my tab while I talk to Baal for a moment or two."

"Boss, you sure?"

"Better to have me give him the orders than to get it from you. He might agree on the account that he is doing you a favour or returning the debt he owes you, but ultimately, he is my minion. I still have to talk to him and make sure he sees things my way."

"Boss, you sound cool for a moment, but I do not think you are that capable."

"Hah asshole." Jin chuckled as he had already sent the Night Foxes to do a preliminary search while hiding their presence. Only later when Jin and his minions enter the fray, it would then be the best distraction for the Night Foxes to do their job properly and search for the Lifestream Energy Bomb while making sure that their generals are occupied to even think of using the Lifestream Energy Bomb, especially their Mage General Prideblood.

"Hahah, I will prepare the Demopolis Minions for mobilisation. They would no doubt be happy that King Baal would be there to lead them once more." Moloch said to Jin knowing that even if his master had failed to convince Baal, the last resort he could do was to either command them himself, or Jin using the System to force Baal to lead the troops. Yet, those thoughts were kept aside since he had already conversed with Baal enough times to know that it should be an easy job for Jin to convince the Demon King to lead once more.

Once Jin teleported into the instance that was keeping Baal imprisoned, he was expecting a defeated soul, filled with regrets. But he was dead wrong when the dungeon supplier saw the demon humming to himself in his prison cell writing something with a few books by his side. He never believed the King of Demons would be studious if he had never seen this side of him.

"If you have come, it means that you either want me to go into battle or need me for some advice with regards to the Demon Dimensional Plane," Baal said as he continued to be occupied writing.

"Yes, the former."  Jin did not bring up any excuses or any roundabout explanation.

"Are you not afraid that I might break the System's hold, take control of the army that I once lost and create a coup d'etat within your circle of minions?"

"Honesty, not really. If it comes to that, I will just settle with whatever powers I have within my possession. I clearly do not have the time to think about such stuff. Besides, I trust the System to inform me of such incidents before they could even happen."

"Then you must be fortunate to not have such worries." The King lamented a little. "I too would like some of this 'worry not' attitude and just do more for my kingdom."

"You can always make a new one. I can offer you a position in Pandapolis Administration since there are now demons working in the city as well alongside the whatever stowaway humans."

"Tempting offer but I do enjoy my current solitude. Being bogged down with paperwork isn't my style."

"Though I feel that you are enjoying it."

"Probably just bored."

"But are you bored enough to lead your men to battle again?" Jin felt that there was no need to prattle on.

"Hmm. I would not lie that my sword arm is itching for a fight since my defeat. For now, I will accept your call to battle. But do not expect-"

"That's enough for now, we can discuss more when we are done with the current situation. Time is of some essence in this current matter." Jin said as he requested the System to pour whatever vital information it had to Baal, allowing him to understand the chain of developments that were happening in the Farming World.

"I see, then let's get to it," Baal said with a sigh after rubbing his temple from the excessive information that was given to him. Jin was undoubtedly relieved that everything went smoothly, many thanks to Moloch who had been preparing Baal from behind the scenes.

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