The inhuman within the metal box continued to shake vigorously as if actively seeking out something, especially in the direction of Jin. The shaking got even more violent as each second passed and it began to release a dangerously high level of lifestream energy which was unprecedented even to the Demon Rats' knowledge. It was dense enough that the metal box encasing the inhuman started to leak lifestream energy out of it which had never happened before.

The Demon Rat researchers stopped what they were doing and tried to salvage the situation by trying to pick up any device and gadgets that were able to measure lifestream energy and started to do some measurements.

It was initially minimal but it somehow started to increase exponentially that Transquick eventually became transfixed by the whole situation. However, his assistants, who seem to be wary of the danger of the lifestream energy that they tried to fiddle with the metal box's console, attempting to activate additional security locks.

However, the magical artefact created by the previous generation of Demon Rats malfunctioned from the pressure of lifestream energy that had emanated from it. Some of the senior Demon Rat Researchers tried to use some immobilisation devices that they threw into the instance to pacify the magical artefact.

There was a gadget that takes in the lifestream energy like a vacuum cleaner but it was full almost instantaneously. Another gadget used by the senior Demon Rat Researchers tried to encapsulate the problem with another 'metal box' however before it could even be secured, all sides of the 'metal box' flew several metres away. They did not know whether it was the presence of a new metal box artefact or just the exponential pattern of the lifestream energy emanating that caused the new metal box artefact to not work.

The only thing they knew was that it was getting dangerous and everyone desperately tried to run away from it with the exception of Transquick, Jin and Kraft who did not move away from their position since the start of this odd situation. (Funny enough, the Demon Rat Researchers valued their research materials so much that they tried to carry them close to their chest, hoping not to be destroyed by this current development of events.)

The System queried whether any intervention was needed but Jin shook his head.

"I had this feeling before when I was fighting in the Farming World. It was faint but undoubtedly the very same feeling when I was near a Lifestream vein." Jin said as he too utilised his Maqi in an attempt to connect with the Lifestream energies around him.

Transquick watched how Jin's internal energies started to shape the lifestream energies around him and mentally noted how they interacted with each other. Considering he had no information on how Jin's energies were working, he had some inkling that it had to do with all that power that the humans had been portraying during the war.

While he was far from the answer, the fact that he could sense some magic within Jin's energy caused most of his theories of how magic was not compatible with the lifestream energies to be nullified. Yet, he was amazed by the sight as the lifestream energies began to take shape right in front of Jin.

It was not very obvious at the start but subsequently, they could see the silhouette of a tree being formed from the lifestream energies with the metal box artefact at the centre of it all.

Perhaps, it was due to Jin's knowledge of mythical lore that allowed the lifestream energies to take the shape of a giant tree spirit but the name 'Yggdrasil' had been at the tip of his tongue for the longest time ever since he was touched by the lifestream.

"Looks like it was desperately trying to communicate to you rather than it being a threat," Kraft said despite the creepiness of a faceless head moving within the metal box. Jin then decided to pour in even more Maqi energies while focusing on the thought of communication, hoping that the lifestream energies could interact with it.

"Than- Thank you." The tree spirit silhouette spoked and moved as if a spring wind blew through its grand old branches. But at that moment, Jin requested the System to call for Shu, their local magical Treant to be on the site as well.

"What do you call me for? You want more roots and not sending me to battle- Oh Holiest mother of gods. What the heck is that?!" Shu exclaimed as he could feel the pressure of the lifestream pressing him down the moment he got teleported into the instance.

"I thought a tree like you can communicate with another tree better."

"Are you being a Tree-ist?" Shu said but he could already feel the lifestream energies umbrella over his presence like a mother embracing her child.

"Shit, you are right," Shu said as he started to receive information from the tree spirit, it was visibly apparent that having Shu around had indeed made things even more convenient for the Yggdrasil to communicate. Despite its intense aura, Jin felt that this was actually its final bit of strength or even perhaps a last ditch attempt to communicate.

"Transmitting the data all to the System, because I am not going to interpret this set of overwhelming information all by myself," Shu exclaimed and the moment Yggsdrasil completed its transmission, it whispered another faint thank you to Jin before disappearing right before their eyes. All the lifestream energy dissipated throughout the instance however because it was a self contained room, Most of the lifestream energies were eventually absorbed by the Demon Rat Researchers.

However, that did not mean the System did not take the opportunity to gather some for its own analysis. Yet, what was more pressing was the information given by the Life Tree itself.

"Long story short, good job, Jin…?" Shu shrugged his branches and told them that the Farming World was indeed dying from the recent mass exploitation of the lifestream energies.

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