"What in the hell…?" Jin looked at the console as he saw a swarm of 'flying rats' zooming towards his Dragon Devils. The System was not able to identify the new threat that was approaching and gave the Dragon Devils sufficient warning of the imminent threat.

But to their surprise, a breath of fire was more than enough to roast the flying rats and most of the Dragon Devils including Marquis Forneus found that the quality of those rats was not the threat but the quantity. Even throwing out a breath of fire, the rest converged and aimed for a Dragon Devil at the front.

The Flying Rats clung onto the Dragon Devil and did not let go. Eventually, each and every one of them began to sink their teeth into the Dragon. More of those flying rats eventually overwhelmed the Dragon Devil's wings, forcing it to fall from the skies and land with more than just a loud thud. Even as the Dragon Devil Rider tried to command his dragon to eradicate those rats, the rest continued to swarm all over it.

It was only when the Goblin Wyvern Knights swooped in and rescued the rider that the dragon was finally able to use its magic to increase its temperature so that all those rats that refused to bugger off would be burnt to charcoal.

The rest of the Dragon Devils finally realised what the flying rats were doing as they wished to use their numbers to burden the Dragons so that they would be rendered flightless. And since the dragon could be brought down to the ground, the rest of the Demon Rat soldiers were able to intervene and attack them as well.

So to avoid that, the Goblin Wyvern Knights had decided to travel in groups and burn the flying rats that were clung to the Dragon Devils' wings. Their breath of fire had little to no impact on the Dragon Devils now that they were partially mechanised but it was also because the goblins had adjusted the ignitors near their fellow wyvern's mouth and made sure that their flames did as little damage to the Dragon Devils but strong enough to burn the flying rats off their bodies.

Demon Rats' Air Force General Gnawbones saw the opportunity in this particular situation by firing volleys of rockets toward the enemy's air force as well as the Zombie Horde who had recovered since the Dragon Devils were preoccupied to defend themselves. But now that it was apparent that their targets were the Dragon Devils, their riders were not going to lie down allowing their fellow dragons to get decimated.

In unison, the Dragonlites conjured out multiple layers of magic barrier to stop the rockets from hitting their dragons and in that process, it somehow managed to kill off the flying rats that were plaguing their comrades too.

However, the collateral damage from the explosive rockets did not cause the flying rats to falter instead they continued to hold their ground, hoping that the dragons would be the first to fall.

And when the rockets were not enough, the failing fighter planes also utilised this opportunity to crash onto their enemies, showing that they were willing to do anything and everything to bring those tough opponents down to the ground. Yet, because of his obsession with bringing those mighty creatures down, Gnawbones did not know that the Pandarens and the Zombie Horde were steadily moving forward.

That was when Demon Rat Axe General Cinderclaw had already sent a brand new general to the field to counter the zombies.

Sword General Firecleaver.

With him, there were hundreds of mechanised Demon Rats carrying shields and swords ready to intervene with the Pandarens and the Zombie Horde. Armour that made them two times taller and covered all their vital parts including their tails with a variety of metal plates., They were best described to be steampunk knights since they were literally carrying a generator on their backs, ready to carve a hole in their enemies with all their might with their weapons.

And speaking of weapons, what Jin's side of allies did not expect was that the rats had similar weapons to the Werecats. The mechanised Demon Rats were carrying gunblades or gunswords which allowed them to attack Jin's army from afar quite easily. If not for the urban landscape, most of the Pandarens would have been shot down from afar already.

Not to mention, the rest of the rank and file Demon Rats were still shooting them from windows on a higher floor which eventually forced the Pandarens to clear one building to another.

Jin thought that with the introduction of his minions' things would be easier but the resistance was getting fiercer with every passing minute that he was tempted to throw all his soldiers in.

Obviously, the System did not allow him to do so but acknowledged the fact that at this particular stage, it was unwise to wait for the Pandawans to throw WARE events to open the portals for his soldiers to emerge from their dungeon instances.

"At this juncture, it would be best to play 'cheat' by sending out your soldiers to counter their forces. Extrapolation analytics had shown that the number of customers entering the raid instance will stagnate by tonight and there is no point dragging this fight if we have the upper hand." The System stated and Jin wholeheartedly agreed to its proposal.

For the past few city fights that Jin had participated in, they had been rather straightforward. Most of the Dungeon World's city layouts were simple enough for the System to figure a plan out. But for the Demon Rat's Undercity?

It seemed as if there were layers upon layers of schematics being piled onto each other as they created this particular city making it one of the most complicated places to fight in. The alleyways, inconspicuous hideouts and confusing sharp turns along with the Demon Rats' dirty style of fighting made it hard for Jin to attack the undercity blindly.

Even though their objective was to go to the city centre and storm the Rat's Command, it did not mean that the remaining Demon Rats would immediately surrender. Not to mention, Jin was already having it easy since he had Gold and Weslie keeping the other two major armies distracted for the moment.

If Jin wished to prevent being swarmed by the other two major armies, the System and he had to secure the tunnels leading to the East and West Regions as soon as possible too. Thus, the System had finally decided to allow Jin to portal his army earnestly to meet their objectives before the end of the third day.

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