Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1243: Shenzhen Convention Incident - Part 4

Chapter 1243: Shenzhen Convention Incident - Part 4

"No. No. This can't be." The Jaguar could not believe his eyes as Bear got decimated into nothingness right in front of his eyes. The high grade cultivator turned to look towards Jaguar as if to warn him that he would be next if he did not surrender himself.

Jaguar had no idea what had happened and neither did the security forces around Kong Rong. They were merely in awe that the State Agents could be this powerful as it seemed as if there was no revelation of his cultivation silhouette when he merely timed it right such that it was too fast for the naked eye to see it and under the cover of the opposing enemies' energy chi. (Jin, on the other hand, saw it clear as day with his Inverse Eyes ability.)

But little did they know that colossus terrorist was simply a bad match against Kong Rong. The technique which Kong Rong had unleashed was particularly lethal against melee attacks, especially with his Thousand Years Mirror Dragon Cultivation. It would reflect any physical and ranged attacks back depending on the tier grade. And as Kong Rong had already mastered it to the Legendary Tier, the payback given was almost if not the same as five folds worth.

Most Royal Zodiac Dragon Clan members would not have the same cultivation as him as they practised the Royal Zodiac Dragon cultivation, the root of all Dragon cultivations. However, for Kong Rong, he had the determination and talent to pick up another cultivation style that was uniquely his when he had already mastered the foundation of the Zodiac Dragon Cultivation. And having a second cultivation style also meant that he fulfilled one of the basic requirements needed to reign as the next upcoming Dragon Clan leader if his father allowed him to do so.

And normally, he was not allowed to showcase his alternate cultivation but since Kong Rong had timed it right, everyone except Jin had not caught the glimpse of his cultivation at all, and thus continue to keep his powers secret.

The Jaguar did not expect such a powerful cultivator within the police forces and immediately cried for help in the channel. "Bear's down. Bear's down. He did not even have the chance to use 'that' at all. I need backup as soon as possible!"

"No one is able to come to save you. You know that once we go into the dimensional instance, there is no way for us to come out until we complete the task." Buzz said frantically as he tried to reconstruct the temple that Lein had destroyed. There was no sugar coating of the truth too since the operation had been compromised with the rise of invaders. It seemed as if their worse case scenarios were not the worst after all and Queen had not been returning any calls as well.

"Fuck!" Jaguar said as his hands were trembling a little, knowing that he had to use the forbidden technique. It would inevitably cost his life and there was no turning back from it. The only way he could remain alive was to surrender by the overwhelming police force now focused on him since Bear had died. But he figured that even if he were to surrender, the deaths of the police officers he killed would be used as the evidence to execute him once he had been tortured out for information.

And if he does not use that forbidden technique, he would definitely have no chance against the high grade cultivator who had single handedly killed Bear without doing anything at all. "Fuck! If you had moved, I would be able to kill you!" Jaguar said as he could clearly see that Kong Rong was not moving an inch away from his position. His Shadow Trap of the Jarring Jaguar Technique needed his opponent to make a movement out of the assigned radius so that it could activate.

"It seems that you are looking at me, attempting to taunt me so that I would move towards you." Kong Rong shouted as he casually swung his walking stick in a controlled small area, indicating to Jaguar that he knew about the trap.

"Are you a wuss to not walk out of it? Or have you already dispensed all your chi killing my comrade?" Jaguar tried to diss him off to the best of his ability as he leapt to another police officer and ripped his head into two. The bullets that were fired towards him were useless as his shadow was protecting him from all sorts of projectiles.

"You very well know that I can kill you in a flash even with this trap right here." Kong Rong said as he felt agitated not because of the Jaguar's taunts but the numerous vibrations he was getting on his phone. He knew all sorts of agencies were trying to get to him including his father, wanting an update of the current situation.

"Hah! Try me then!" Jaguar believed his threat was not a bluff especially when he could kill Bear in a flash. And hence, he placed his fingers together at his nape and inserted an immense amount of chi into it. There was a hidden inscription right behind his neck and in order to activate it, he had to give everything he got into it. Not just his chi but his life force too.

In doing so, he would be able to transform into the forbidden being that would wreak havoc and force the police to stand down. Even if they did not, the police and army would be inflicted with tremendous casualties while allowing his comrades within the dimensional instance to perform their ritual with the stolen relic.

The only problem was that if you are the only one left standing in the area surrounded by a mix of regular and elite security forces. The chances of unleashing a forbidden technique without being interrupted were close to zero. A bolt of lightning penetrated through the foreboding atmosphere that Jaguar was creating and to the top of his head. That split moment to stun him (Which also caused him to drop his shadow shield for a moment) was more than sufficient for dozens of police officers to empty their ammo clip towards the Banned Emperor Terrorist.

"Welp. That means no information from that guy." Kong Rong sighed but that after sigh smirk was still lurking on his face.

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