Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1229: PandaVerse Discussion

Chapter 1229: PandaVerse Discussion

In the next few days, Jin took a bit of downtime from the shop to prepare for the PandaVerse Festival. He sat down with Lynn and started to brainstorm on the options available to them and what they wished to show during the PandaVerse.

The main attraction was obviously the Farming World War which Jin believed it would not be done within the span of a week- and that was the current estimate they would like to have for it. Lynn personally felt that it was too long but Jin said it was better to have a longer estimate than to squeeze everything in a few days.

Reason? Because Jin knows that the majority of his patrons were working people and they usually enter the shop after their work. It also gave those who had missed some of the events at the start to enjoy it and at the same time, it was to ensure that the numbers were well anticipated. Ever since the Dungeon World's raid and Kraft allowing live streaming of the dungeon instances, people have been awaiting more content from it. They all believed this PandaVerse Festival would be bursting full of it and people were already buzzing with opinions within the Pandamonium Forums.

But the PandaVerse Festival would not take place until a month later and Jin had already been recycling old raid instances on a weekly basis to keep the customers occupied. He had rebranded it in a way that this was the time before PandaVerse appeared and the raids were specially discounted for the event. Rewards that were specifically created for those raids reappeared as well since they were considered to be limited when they stopped showing.

The only problem was that the dungeon raid instances which Jin had initially created were getting stale for the customers. It was not that the fight was not interesting but the content of it was. This was because the System would sometimes pair solo veterans and fresh newcomers together, and they would have to try to clear together.

It was not easy as there were communications breakdowns at times and Jin could see the problem moving forward with those dungeon instances. While most of the time, the veterans were easygoing to help the newcomers but there was no incentive for the veterans to aid the newcomers. Sometimes, they would just quit or ask the System to relocate them to another dungeon instance (via the Pandamonium App). It was their right to do so since they had paid money to have a proper good time and death in the dungeon instance meant that try would be over.

True, it was not as expensive as before ever since Jin had repriced the dungeon instances but to some people, each trip into a dungeon instance is still a consideration to be taken. If they do not aim to clear, it would be a waste of their money.

That was why Jin had decided to change the pricing model once again as well as how his dungeon instances would operate in the future which might eventually be the norm for the rest of the world to follow. (However, Lynn thinks it was wishful thinking on his part.)

Still, he would not be doing it so soon until the PandaVerse Festival and Lynn agreed that it would be better to do so which he could follow the big tech companies where they always had their leader doing the major reveals.

"Or you can just send your announcements out. Somehow, word from the customers is that you would usually send an announcement between Thursday and Saturday on a weekly basis. And they always anticipate what announcement you will send since you would always attach a small goodie along with it." Lynn added and Jin felt surprised that his posts were worth looking forward to as it meant his previous idea had worked.

"Ah, those extra goodies? Its advertisement expenses. For example, I had attached a redemption coupon for a potion vial sample created by Yu Xiang previously. Her business has been booming since and some people even ordered cartons of it so that they would not have to worry about queuing ever again."

"Yeah and how you attached a five dollar coupon without my acknowledgement with the advent of my new dish. Because of that, my dad's restaurant suddenly had an influx of people and he had to courteously reject people."

"Oops. But I did limit the redemption to the first hundred people. Did not expect all one hundred to queue on the day of sending out that coupon."

"But thanks to you, I can see that my Dad has really changed. While he might be cursing when there was not a single soul around, he had never raised his voice since then and even apologised to me once. Like, I never saw him apologising to me at all before."

"Hmm yeah. I saw him recently and he told me that particular day, you cooked for him a dish that tasted so delicious that he cried." Jin roughly recalled the incident that Lynn was talking about but she looked confused.

"Wait… so he lied to me? I thought his tolerance for spiciness had dropped since he tear and I assumed it was too spicy. That idiot dad of mine…" Lynn smiled as Jin could plainly see that her dad gave an excuse to hide his true feelings.

"By the way, did you tell your dad about us?" Jin asked and Lynn shook her head.

"It would be better if we spend more time together to see if we are really proceeding well as a couple. Oh and a quick word on it, Jin. Let's promise that if we feel that we are incompatible with each other, we still continue as friends and wish each other the best." Lynn was being dead serious with Jin even though their discussion for the PandaVerse took a huge derail.

"Definitely. You are after all my head chef and Sub System User. I cannot let you go amok, can I?" Jin raised his pinky finger up and like two little kids, the couple assured each other. The System could not help but intervene by creating a new contract between them with the conversation as proof.

"Was that even necessary?" Lynn was more frustrated at the System's intervention than its contract making but the derailing of the topic was a healthy distraction for both who had worked non stop for the past few hours.

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