Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1227: Enough Of Sheep

Chapter 1227: Enough Of Sheep

When they were done with the first ever hurdle the Virtual Reality Instance had sent them, all of them wished to log out since it felt the group had spent more than sufficient time on it. It was then Jin had personally sent each of them a message stating that only fifteen minutes had passed in the real world.

"Ah, that guy is using the time dilation magic to slow it down for us eh?" Ke Loong said as he read the message.

"Yeap… and he definitely wants us to go through more of the content as feedback." Kong Rong remarked as he saw the dead sheep right in front of them. "Wouldn't it be better if he comes down and leads the fight? The System is probably able to search and locate the possible bugs."

"Hahaha, then there will be developer bias since he knows what to expect in the fight unless what you mean was that the sheep was a bug itself." Ke Loong joked and another message got into their inbox stating that the sheep was not a bug at all and the Virtual Reality was working as intended. Jin even said that he was working on a no magic version server where it was all swords and arrows against the monsters. A gritty version where it was all about skills and teamwork.

But that also meant that there were no healing spells and the only thing magical was health potions and bandages. Other than that, death should be best avoided if possible but Jin was still working on the details so not much information on the new server other than that.

"I see, that would be interesting since it sounded like a high risk high reward kind of server but damn it, stop hearing us and come down here already!."Ke Loong grumbled and obviously, Jin did not bother replying to him this time around.

"If that's the case then we already know the difficulty of Virtual Reality and we cannot go after the bandits like this. As usual, we would need to do a proper recon, check the skills in the village properly before going out." Kong Rong said as he stared at his phone for a moment and contemplated whether to continue with the adventure. And it seems that he was not the only one as every other adventurer around him knew time was of essence despite Jin's time dilation magic.

"Do you guys want to continue or just chill back at the restaurant for another round of drinks?" Kong Rong asked and people started chipping in with their opinions. This was indeed a good place to stop for a session of drinks and karaoke.

"Welp, it was fun. That sheep was enough excitement for one day." Ke Loong said as he logged out first and the rest followed suit.

"That's it?" Jin teleported back into the Hall of Massage Chairs and everyone woke up felt refreshed. They never knew that the Hall of Massage Chairs was not a pun and it was doing the work of fixing their tired body back to shape.

"You think we can play that long? We do not have the stamina of youngsters anymore." Ke Loong said as he grabbed a glass of water at the side of the chair and quenched his thirst. "It is no doubt interesting. But would people appreciate the difficulty?"

"Yeah, I would like to know what would happen if someone deliberately increased the levels of the monsters within the area." Kong Rong woke up as well and pulled the headset away to check out the design.

"We had a few AI designs over those monsters who are over levelled. They would first stay in the vicinity for a while, probably a few hours or so and then a bounty would be placed on their heads so that other adventurers can revisit those old areas to earn some good cash and resources. But if there's no one who would bother to kill it, the AI had been programmed to walk away and move to an area where the monsters would be of the same level as it is." Jin said that the monster would not teleport but travel slowly through the areas so that any other adventurers who see it could still kill it.

"Then would the bounty still be on its head?" Yu Xuan was curious how it worked further on which Jin replied that the bounty would decrease as it travelled through the combat regions.

"For example, if a level 10 sheep had been spotted in the Village Outskirts, there would be a 100 gold on it but as it goes into the Grass Plains, the bounty would drop by 10 and the further it goes, it would drop even drastically," Jin explained.

"You still got to work on your village names though. We can't be calling Grass Plains to every grass plains we see." Ke Loong teased and Jin rolled his eyes.

"Ya know, you could simply use the current town names. Then set the Virtual Reality instance to something like post apocalyptic. The ruins of the modern world being incorporated into the world. It would give the people some familiarity and make it easier to navigate since you are aiming for this game for all ages." Yu Xuan said and some of the agents chuckled at how excited he was with this new Virtual Reality instance.

"What? This game has loads of potential and since it's still in the beta phase, we can give some feedback!" Yu Xuan tried to defend his enthusiasm while Kong Rong placed his arms over Yu Xuan's shoulders.

"Enough talk about this Virtual Reality. Let's go have one more round of drinks and karaoke before the night ends." Kong Rong said and told his team members that he would be treating. Jin bid them goodbye though Ke Loong stayed with Jin to discuss a few additional stuff with regards to Virtual Reality now that he had personally tried it.

"My friend, the concept you had was great and it's already amazing that you did almost everything by yourself but you really do need a team if we are to succeed big time." Ke Loong warned.

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