Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1194 - Art Exhibition

Chapter 1194 - Art Exhibition

The Cultivation Zoo Instance was a major hit for being a new instance and the fact that there was an entire array of new stores in the Tree Mall brought more life to the place. Jin was initially afraid that the consumption of digital apps and laziness of humans would cause shopping malls to die down but it seems that with the right set of attractions such as his dungeon supplier store and other entertainment stores, there was not much to worry about. (Although, it does seem like he had forgotten it was because of the speciality that allowed him to be this way!)

From his own personal hotels in the Dungeon Supplier store to the increased tenants, while ensuring the stores would also have an ’uncapped’ capacity, the customers who visited Jin’s Tree Mall could safely say that there was so much potential that Jin had yet to tap on to.

With the reshuffle of shops to the first floor and nothing else, at the subsequent levels, there was an odd feeling of emptiness despite the crowd. That was why Jin had temporarily remodelled the Tree Mall making the next few levels as a temporary exhibition as well as a resting place for customers and passersby alike. What exhibition? Since Jin wants variety to his Tree Mall, he too wanted to support the arts industry of China. And thus, the second level had temporarily been allocated to budding artistic entrepreneurs to show their artwork as well as a rating system to let the artists gauge from behind the scenes how their work had been viewed.

It was also because with Jin’s increasing workload, there was no way he could take care of everything despite the amount of time he had even with compression and dilation of time itself. Also, the System’s artistic assets were fairly limited and to be frank, Jin had to do his own personal research to ensure that the dungeons he created were fantastical in nature while ensuring some realism to it.

Later, it was up to the System to beautify the place a little further. It might not seem to be much of a problem for most dungeon instances but it would be a different scenario with the Virtual Reality System.. As much as Jin could copy and paste certain environments, he felt that he could not bring enough life or the full potential of the backgrounds.

By using this temporary exhibition call to get artists of various styles to come together, he would be able to judge and possibly hire someone young and talented to bring his Virtual Reality instance to the next level. Background artists, Graphic Artists, Character Creation Artists and many more would be needed.

The System did ask why Jin could not just acquire an established art studio to do all this work but his reasoning was very simple. "The hungrier an artist’s ambition is, the more work he could produce and it’s best to catch such golden egg hatchlings before they have their feathers peeled and be a normal industry chicken."

However, the System did argue that there are many reputable artists to merely convert and Jin returned the argument. "I too could not have been a Dungeon Supplier, without your aid. And that was my childhood dream. We are doing this partially because we all dreamed to be something better, right? All those saving we did in the other worlds was also because of that same reason. Those reputable artists had already achieved theirs, I would rather help someone who was in the same shoes as me."

And thus, the exhibition on physical and digital art had been placed on the subsequent levels of the Tree Mall with Jin promoting the artwork from students to adults. With regards to the rating system, there was only ’thumbs up’ option and each of these thumbs up visitors could only press it if they wished to spend a panda coin on it. In doing so, based on the number of likes they received, the System would then pay out a definite amount of money to these artists for showcasing their work at the end of the day. This then spurred each of these artists to pour out their best works, in hopes that someone pressed that like button.

Not only that, but Jin had also created a mini silent auction where the visitors could also buy the artists’ artwork if they did like it. Since there was a deadline for each art exhibition, that would also be the time where the customer who paid the most could receive the artwork. If one thinks that was applied to only physical artwork, they were absolutely wrong about it.

Jin was not oblivious to the bitcoin scene and had also developed his very own NFTs, Non-Fungible Tokens through the power of the System.

(Although he did not know the process, the System said it was just some manipulation of data code to create it.) These NFTs are digital assets that are encoded with the very same underlying software as many cryptocurrencies so it creates a digital scarcity and no one could steal it once it’s under them.

However, unlike the standard NFTs that are being paid with bitcoins, the System had purposely created its own encryption software based on Kraft’s previous exploits to the Deep Web such that it could only be payable with Panda Coins. And since the System was intelligent and powerful enough to manipulate behind the scenes, it maintained the value of these NFTs to the current currency market rather than the bitcoin market, making it extremely accessible to the public.

To make things sound simpler, those digital assets could not be stolen once bought and the System guaranteed it. But all this selling could not have happened if there was no enticement. Thus, Jin brought out his ultimate weapon.

A lottery to earn a unique Artist Panda plushie.

Those who were in the know comprehended that the plushies were of a certain quality and some even said that the ultimate art was plushie themselves.

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