Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1191 - Animal KAIZER -Final

Chapter 1191 - Animal KAIZER -Final

As Lizzie was about to give the killing blow to the Silverback gorilla, Jiang Song instantly teleported in between them and stopped the attack. "Alright, Lizzie. That’s enough for today. You won the match and here’s your reward." The Zoo Guard said as he took out a slab of juicy meat, possibly beef and tangled it in front of the Brown Bear.

Obviously, Lizzie isn’t a human who can make rational choices but since Jiang Song was dangling a piece of delicious smelling cooked meat right in front of her, she could not resist it. Thus, she walked away from the Silverback Gorilla and started consuming the meat in peace. And just as she was about to finish chewing the first one, a portal emerged right in front of her and Jiang Song threw another large slab of meat through it, hinting her to return to her environment.

At the same time, the Zoo Guard picked the injured Silverback Gorilla through another portal where the Panda Nurses were waiting with their tools all ready to nurse the Gorilla back to health. "There, there buddy. Do not be discouraged, there will always be time for revenge." Jiang Song whispered to the defeated animal and told him to learn from today’s mistake so that he could emerge stronger from the match. The gorilla subtlety nodded his head as he received treatment from the Panda Nurses..

"Thank you everyone for the show. If anyone was disappointed by my interruption, then I would like to reemphasize that this is a Cultivation Zoo and not a death murder match organised by us. As much as the animals would like to reign supreme against each other, we still have to care for them since they are not here just for our entertainment, but for the betterment of our cultivation." Jiang Song said and Bear Cub One immediately took over.

"Yes, yes. This is our Zoo Guard Jiang Song. Some might know him as the Gatekeeper of Shenzhen’s Cultivation Zoo, known for kicking errant guests from doing stupid acts in the Zoo. He is now employed under Jin to make sure that the animals and visitors alike would behave in the appropriate manner. So, please give him your warm welcome!" The Bear Cub One said but the crowd was not exactly pleased since the fight was done so quickly.

"If you guys think that the match is done, you are mistaken as we have two more in line for you so please hang on tight while we make the necessary changes to the field and ensure that both of our competitors are ready for the fight!" Mr Patsu added and instantly the Animal Kaizer Stadium was filled with pitch black shade as the System changed the background.


"To be honest, I am half expecting Xin would emerge out of nowhere to target the Bear and Gorilla’s fight," Jin said as he opened a teleportation portal right beside him. He took a few documents with him and walked through it.

"The System enforced procedures in place to ensure that Xin would not be allowed to make any interruptions. For some reason, Xin had acquired the ability to teleport without the System’s help and it could possibly stem from the spiritual union with User."

"But isn’t that your ability? Why has it become his?" Jin said when he emerged out of the portal and double checked his current attire was decent enough for a meeting.

"Unconfirmed. Perhaps, in conjunction with the User’s contract with the System and its yearning to come near you, it somehow managed to learn such an ability." The System said and at the same time opened the door for Jin as he was met with a delegation of old men in suits waiting for him in the Conference Room Instance.

"Apologies for the lateness, I had to ensure what you all had been watching was going smoothly," Jin said as the screen featuring the Animal Kazier was turned off and he sat at the centre of the long table.

"And I believe you all have also seen the medical treatment given to the Silverback Gorilla, a highlight which was not shown to the public to alleviate your fears," Jin added and the rest of the group seems stoic about it.

"I see. For the group known to be handling animals, you all are still the same as everyone else. Profit." Jin furrowed his eyebrows as he opened his documents. With a double knock on the table, documents emerged from the sides of the tables and he requested the delegation to pick them up for a look. There was lots of flipping and reading for a few minutes before a few whispers were going through the room.

Naturally, Jin could hear each and every one of them, given his enhanced hearing ability and even if he could not, the System was already recording each and every conversation, transcribing them real time onto Jin’s side document without anyone noticing and he could read them off the sides.

"The figures I believed are very reasonable, given that you need to do a major renovation. You had already been given a private tour by our Zoo Staff and saw how the animals are doing." Jin said as he saw some disgruntled expression.

"First thing first, how are you controlling those animals for the Kaizer-" One of the personnel requested and Jin stared at him hard.

"Trade Secret. All I can say is this is a method that has been thoroughly researched and been approved by the Ethics community. You may choose to duplicate it but I will not guarantee your success. But let’s stay focused on the current agenda."

"Your numbers are a little unreasonable." Another old man in his suit said, obviously wanted a cut in the rental prices. "We had been aiding other zoos to hold their animals at less than half the price."

"We are feeding them quality feed, excellent health care and most importantly, the ability to roam freely. Are you saying those things do not require money?" Jin queried and a few of them cut in, saying that Shenzhen’s zoo does not need such treatment. A space to hold their animals out of the sight of the customers would be fine too.

"I totally disagree. In fact, for your disgusting behaviour, I am doubling the price tag right here and now." Jin said straight to their faces and a number of them started to stand up, demanding why does he have the right to do such a thing.

"Because of this." Jin picked up a remote control under the desk and then pressed a button. The screen that was behind him, turned on once more and clips of animal abuse within the Cultivation Zoo had been shown right in front of them.

It was not just personal abuse but also direct torture of the animals in front of VIPs with a few of the delegation’s faces being shown right in there. Some who were not in the known were flabbergasted by the clips while the victims demanded how he got the clips.

"Let’s say a certain Samaritan had gifted us this because they trusted us to do right for the animals. Also, for this answer. The price now has tripled." Jin said and a knock came from the door. Jin allowed her to come in and Grandma Yuan, along with Claire, walked through it.

"Do not think I am an old woman that I can be side blinded by some of you. Pay now and those in the video clips resign." Grandma Yuan said as if she knew the situation beforehand. Even though as the chairwoman, she had little control since it was just a title for being the biggest donor. But with this change of events, even the zoo delegation has no way of coming out unscathed.

And right now because of this forced deal, Jin had become the Animal Kaiser of Shenzhen.

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