Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1147 - Morning System Updates -unedited

Chapter 1147 - Morning System Updates -unedited



A very familiar voice came on the channel when Jin thought that he could have a decent amount of sleep after finalising the Cultivation Zoo Instance.


His door was slammed wide open from and Jin could not bother to open his eyes properly to see who was coming in. But the reality was just as cruel as he was being picked up like a ragdoll and shook violently.


True to his Panda cultivation, Jin did not care a single bit especially since he was not able to get a proper wink of sleep. However, the shaking did not stop and that somehow had irritated him to a point that he had to answer.

"Yes, yes what is it Mr CEO that you have to personally barge into my room and wake me up?" Jin said and Ke Loong finally had his attention fixated on him.

"The System said this was the only way to wake you up. I even prepared myself a diving suit since I heard you produce some sort of oil or sludge that would make it difficult for me to enter." Ke Loong said and he was indeed in a diving suit with an oxygen tank right behind him.

"System...did you not update him with the latest news..." Jin asked and the System replied that it had no idea that Jin would not produce any sludge until it had visual confirmation. Till then, it would be right to have the necessary precautions equipped.

"Does that mean I can take this out right now?" Ke Loong placed the oxygen tank down and tried to unzip the diving suit since it was extremely stuffy to wear it indoors. If not for the air conditioner, he would have been a roasted pig with the humid weather outside.

"Do you even have something to wear aside from that, or are you trying to b.a.r.e yourself n.a.k.e.d in front of me!" Jin squirmed at the sight of Ke Loong stripping his diving suit and he was insistent on removing the entire thing.

"Hahahahah! Gotcha!" Ke Loong laughed as he zipped back partially and told him to wait as he returned to the first floor to get his change of clothes.

"Jin! The breakfast is ready!" Lynn shouted from the first floor and Jin acknowledged reluctantly. (He really wanted to sleep more but the sound of breakfast was no doubt alluding to him.)

"Alright... Give me a minute to wash up," Jin replied and in the meantime, he questioned System what was his agenda for today.

"We are waiting for Sub System User Claire to give us an update on the Advanced Training Centre. The Virtual Reality Instance could be finalised once the meeting with Senior Executive Ke Loong had been completed and subsequent tasks would emerge upon the discussion. Other than that, the Virtual Reality instance required additional testing before it could be revealed for the Symposium. And one last agenda for the day, the Tree Mall Store Owners wished to discuss a few things with you if you are available, the request had been pending for three days and Yun had said that User was on a business trip. The System had also determined that it is best to have a bi monthly meeting with the store owners to see what issues they might have." The System summarised what Jin needed to do.

"Sounds like a busy day, I see what I can do though I can’t promise on that bi monthly meeting. Other than that, what’s the news about the outer worlds? Especially the Dungeon World. You seem to be keeping information from me with regards to that."

"The situation in the Dungeon World would be thoroughly explained during the breakfast session. Original Bellator Kraft had agreed to sit in for the session to discuss the outcomes for the Dungeon World. Aside from that, the reconstruction of the Farming World’s Southern Capital is on track and they are steadily building their forces in the outskirt islands of the Southern Region. The North had been very quiet although the Bulwark Army did perform a few raids to ensure the rats were not too busy with their own agendas. Defences had improved significantly in Town Wecha once the repairs were done. While the System determined that our forces required more time, it is best to strike when they least expected."

"Or else, they would have already reached the Eastern and Western islands. Gah! So far, the Rats are a pain in the a.s.s. Would be a different story if those Demon Rats can be converted to our cause." Jin said as he cleaned his face and checked his phone.

"JINNNNNNNN. You coming? I am hungry already!" Peppers shouted in a bid to get Jin to come to the table as soon as possible.

"If you are hungry, go ahead! I just need to perform my number two!" Jin said but obviously, on the table, Lynn did not allow Peppers to go ahead and the rest were indeed waiting patiently despite Jin’s go ahead. (There were echoes from Peppers that Jin was giving too much information about his toilet business.)

But for Jin, he was merely creating an excuse so that he could sit at the toilet bowl and check the circ.u.mstances in the Farming World. While there were other pressing matters to take care of, Jin had been gearing up for the fight in the Farming World especially with the previous Dungeon World event.

Even though the System did not explain the current situation of the Dungeon World to Jin, it did assure him that the army forces he wanted had already been recruited. Lynn and Qiu Yue had been taking care of their basic needs with adequate housing and food for the time being.

They were not situated in one of the Pandapolis Domes where prefabricated houses and retro modern technology had left the troops living there in aghast.

"System, give me an estimate on the completion of the rat tunnels to the Eastern and Western regions." Jin requested as he sat on the toilet bowl.

"Based on the information from the Spirits of the Land, the System estimated we have at least a month before they reach the other side. If User were to be optimistic, presumably a month and a half at the very most. However, the System had to warn User that our fighting might cause the project to accelerate and thus recommend not to dally too long before the actual assault."

"Yeah, we need time to dismantle them too. I understand." Jin said before thanking the System for the quick update.

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