Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1101 - That Artillery Shot

Chapter 1101 - That Artillery Shot

The trembling noises of the Loopa Ooofpa were enough to scare every Panderen inside the instance and they finally understood why there had been a need for an interim to gather more people for this last part of the raid. (Though at the back end, Kraft was hastily fixing bugs and adding his shade of rainbow sparkles to make their fight against the latest boss AI programme one they wouldn’t forget anytime soon.)

Without any help from Jin’s minions, it was solely up to the Pandarens to organise themselves and fight. However, despite the possibility of a Raid Wipe occurring, their Pandamonium App blinked once more, notifying them that their current playthrough of the raid instance had yielded them a special bonus. This particular bonus was given to everyone regardless of the amount of time they had spent in the raid instance or their contribution beforehand.

It was sort of a ’congratulatory’ gift for the collective of Pandarens that they had reached this far into the raid instance. Strangely, the end of the doc.u.ment didn’t have Jin signing off but a fox paw.

Most of the Pandarens did not really bother but the Pandawans who were perceptive to such minute changes began to suspect that the following boss might not be as ’simple’ as they had thought. (This ’Fox Paw/Difficulty’ later became synonymous to a Hardcore/Hell Mode)

The gift came in the form of a raid specific inscription charm that would enable the users to create an invincible shield around them lasting for 10 seconds. After which there would be a cooldown of 10 minutes before they could use it again, for a total of 3 times. Most believed it should be saved for emergency uses but Bu Dong begged to differ given his vast experience in gaming.

"Boss Jin would not give us something this powerful unless us not having this would make this Final Boss fight too difficult. However, since this letter isn’t signed off by him, it’s hard to say whether this is a friendly bonus or like a lifeline to allow us to win." Bu Dong stated his opinion, yet everyone was already in panic mode when the trembling noises turned to tremors that felt like an impending earthquake was about to set in.

"There is no way we can defeat that thing!" Ruo Ying shrieked out as she nearly tripped from the constant tremors.

"We have to do this no matter what! Just imagine the rewards we are bound to get if we can clear this!" Bu Dong tried to encourage them but the tremors were indeed not helping them at all.

On the other hand, Xiong Da used his cultivation powers and jumped hastily towards one of the communication towers since that was the highest height available to check where the Ooofpa Loopa was coming from.

"What the hell... we have to deal with TWO of those monsters?!" Xiong Da could feel his balls shrinking.

"WHAT?! TWO??!" Hong Deng Long felt like fainting at this instant and everyone within Demopolis felt the same dread overcoming them. Was this sense of helplessness the same as how the frontline had felt when they had encountered the very same monsters?


Yet when hell turned loose, some of the Pandarens that had been gathered on the walls were not falling into despair. Instead, they picked up the artillery guns that had been installed and aimed at the Southern Ooofpa Loopa.

"This is for all my friends you killed!" One of the Pandarens shouted as he pulled the trigger for the artillery gun and its shot exploded through the deafening aura of fear that surrounded the Demopolis City Instance.

This initial shot became a beacon of hope for the Pandarens who had been stricken with dread as they watched the artillery fire fly miles across the sea and score a direct shot on the Ooofpa Loopa. The Artillery Gun immediately released the spent round and that sole Pandaren removed it. At that point, another Pandaren who was near him went towards the pile of explosive shells and picked a new one, passing it to the shooter.

The former Pandaren thanked him and slowly placed that new shell into the barrel while the artillery gun automatically reloaded itself without much help. It even had an onboard navigation system to help the Pandarens readjust themselves. (The only thing was that the System left the aiming navigation to the Pandarens without much assistance.)

Once again, the second shot was fired and its sound pierced through the silence as people started to feel invigorated by the sole actions of the Pandaren.

Xiong Da then took a deep breath in to calm himself, before he picked up his Pandamonium App. There was an option within his visor that allowed him to make a full Raid Announcement which would be broadcast to everyone, although it was costly. However, since money was not an issue to him, the Hippo Cultivator gladly paid for it.

"To all Pandarens, this is Hippo Pandawan Xiong Da speaking. That thundering roar of fire from that brave Pandaren has shown us that we DO have the ability to stop these monsters! All we need to do is remain calm and work together! So throw away all your doubts like how he did with those two shots of artillery fire! Guys, we can win this!" The lawyer’s impromptu speech did wonders for his fellow customer’s morale.

"Operate all the artillery cannons you can find! If Boss Jin recreated this one from the original, there is no doubt that it will create some bad shit crazy swarm of offsprings to hunt us down! We have the entire Demopolis City at our disposal since there are no minions around to help us at all." Xiong Da shouted as he used the information at his disposal to give instructions to the masses. After all, there was no leader to order them around or any super defying high grade cultivator like Grandma Yuan who could solo fight one Ooofpa Loopa by themselves.

"Imagine if we do not have our army, police or some secret clan and organisations to protect us. Should we let these kinds of fiends destroy our homes? If we cannot clear this, it will be a disgrace to all the Pandarens! So send out the ’call for arms’! Get your friends to come as soon as possible and join us! We will clear this no matter what and show Jin that we Pandarens as a collective are to be feared!! Should you ever falter, remember you’re not alone!! If you can’t do it for yourselves do it FOR THE PLUSHIES!!!’" Xiong Da shouted and his persuasion was not for nought.

Even the joke-like declaration should help immensely to hype up some of the stronger fans. (Although Xiong Da didn’t know whether there would be plushies as rewards, he was sure with enough of them demanding them, they might convince Jin.)

The Pandarens wore their Panda badge with pride and to withdraw because of the high level difficulty would be a disgrace. A disgrace to their past efforts, their time, sweat and blood. They were going to clear this and show the world that they’re the proud Pandarens of this unique dungeon supplier store!

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