Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1333: Bulwark and the Beavers

Chapter 1333: Bulwark and the Beavers

When all the action of the Farming World was concentrated in the Northern Capital, the rest of the Northern region was being combed by a group of people. Initially, Jin had sent several waves of Pandarens to attack the various Demon Rat hideouts, Demon Rat infested towns and even their supply bases.

The System had verified that there were a few Demon Rats that ran away but it was not an issue as the Southern Stars Organisation from the Southern Region had been deployed to handle any stragglers from each of the towns. It was especially easy when the System practically had an all seeing eye based on their contract with the spirit of the land. (Not to mention the spirits of the land rejoiced when they felt the noticeable effect where there was no more mining of the lifestream of the Farming World.)

However, that also meant that all the hideouts, towns and bases were deserted or abandoned after the attacks. Thus, the coordination between the System and the Northern Region's last remaining military force, the Bulwark Army, had been put into play. General Matt Umiterus of the Bulwark Army had already dispatched his troops to all those towns and hideouts in order to clean up the place.

After all, the dead Demon Rats turned into various types of raw materials and they were left hanging around on all those battlefields. The System was also unsure whether leaving those raw materials too long may cause new Demon Rats to emerge and it was something which it did not wish to leave such items to chance. Although the System did entertain such thoughts upon capturing the Demon Rats, as noted previously those Demon Rats had the capability to proliferate when left alone for too long and that was why the roguelike dungeon instance which Jin had was still going strong since those Demon Rats were able to do so.

And aside from material collection, it was to ensure that those hideouts and mining facilities were shut down permanently. With the knowledge and training acquired from the System, the Bulwark Army were capable of using bombs to make sure that caves and mines were destroyed so that the Demon Rats or other people would take the opportunity to salvage these places. As for the machinery and even housing units, the Bulwark Army tried their best to break them all down while the System sent NPC representatives to collect said items.

Why burn them down when they all could be recycled? And if they were utterly useless, they can still be thrown into the Recycler unit so that the System is able to make use of everything.

As for the towns, the Bulwark Army cleaned up the rest of the areas like debris, and any dead civilians that were caught in the crossfire as well as requisitioning the supplies from the Demon Rat base. While they could not finish all this work in one day, the Bulwark army did not stop in their cleanup operations and the soldiers took turns so that they could get ready for the town's reconstruction efforts.

Speaking of reconstruction efforts, the only person that was capable of handling everything in such matters was none other than the Sub System User Qiu Yue. She had been assigned with an entire tribe of beastmen from the Giant World as her helpers since she demanded the Sub System to take pity on her for working so hard. (Also because, when the Sub System asked what reward she wanted, she said she needed workers or else she could not concentrate on her training.)

Thus, the beastmen tribe that was contracted to her was the Beavers. Qiu Yue initially wanted more than one tribe considering the scale of this entire operation but she was proven wrong when the Red Panda Cultivator found out that the Beavers were exceptionally hardworking.

There were stereotypes of using the Beavers in the real world as the Construction Mascots but she did not expect it to be true until she saw how the Beavers adored her when they found out that she had been the one who had (almost) single handedly designed and headed the entire construction of Pandapolis City.

In her eyes, it was her magnum opus thus far and the beavers were head over heels for her work that they diligently learned how to use the Sub System modules that were available to them. However, construction was not the issue but rather the acute sense of design as well as the foundation and 'harmony' of the buildings that matter. Qiu Yue thought that these Beavers would only be great at building stuff since they were able to do every test that was passed to them but she once again found out that those little buggers were talented in designing too.

It did not take them long to learn how to design and how to consciously cooperate with different buildings and their subsequent functions in harmony together. (Of course, there was some vigorous training not just from Qiu Yue but ironically from Itori when she tried to impart knowledge as part of her practice.) So, while Qiu Yue was busy with the subsequent phases of the Great Demon Rat War Operation, she was 100% confident that the Beavers were able to do a decent job in reconstructing the towns as well as their subsequent defences.

And they have to do it quickly.

The townsfolk that the Pandarens had saved had been transported into a secured location -or more like a temporary dungeon instance set up to house all these refugees. Although there were tents, adequate food and even basic sanitation which were miles of improvement from their previous predicament, the System could not hold them up for free entirely. While Jin had proposed to offer them some work to do in the Agriculture sector of Pandapolis, the System was reluctant to transport people around any more than necessary when it had resources strained to keep up with the shop's transactions as well as the war.

Therefore, it was imperative for both the Bulwark Army and the Beavers to get the towns ready amid the war they were having right now. (And to be honest, Jin might think that the System was being lazy, but currently, the backend process was immensely huge and the System had no time to argue with its user.)

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