Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1296: Prison Heist - Part 9

Chapter 1296: Prison Heist - Part 9

"What the holy crap!" Jin said as he peered through the broken door. With his Inverse eyes, he was able to make up at least three to four transport spaceships coming through the hangar. And each transport ship was carrying a few dozen heavily armed soldiers.

While he had already received training from Suzaku to fight at least a hundred soldiers by himself, the mental pressure from doing such a task is still maddening. Not only that, Mechas seemed to be deployed to forcefully open the broken door using laser cutters. Thankfully, Jin was quick wit enough to disable those mechas the moment they started to begin their task, causing even more robot debris, and blocking the door even more.

"Hou Fei, protect the ship alright? I don't even want a single scratch on it or else!" Jin did not finish his sentence as he pounced into action, releasing Yellow Lightning Panda Energy in short intermittent bursts in his physical attacks. The soldiers who were trained to do mainly ranged combat had a hard time evading the attacks especially when the enemy was moving literally in a flash.

Jin figured that the best way to protect his current objective was to throw himself towards them so the attention would be on him rather than on the ship. After all, it was rare for the System to throw a mission objective out of the blue and he believed that the System was doing this to not just protect the ship but Rei's progress on it.

On the other hand, the User had no idea that the System and Kraft were plotting to steal the entire maximum security prison spaceship instead of merely rescuing the prisoners. So, in his ignorance, he continued to stand his ground in the hangar and fought against the incoming military reinforcement.

Sadly despite his experience in handling multiple enemies at one go, the soldiers in the Mecha World were of a different calibre. There were grenades, stray laser beams from space, flashbangs and an assortment of bullets being fired into his direction. Even though Jin was zooming around the hangar, some of the soldiers were able to predict his movement with their onboard AI in their equipment and predicted the way he was moving, firing preemptive shots or grenades in hopes that he would be immobilised and they could bring him down.

While there were orders to capture him alive, the soldiers on the field had decided to belay that order mainly because he was too much of a threat to be captured alive in a normal way. Their best bet was to use deadly force in hopes that he was injured sufficiently for them to capture him. So, right now, it was kill on sight.

Thus, the only way to reduce the amount of damage for Jin was to move fast and also break their formations while making sure not to fall into their trap. Each time he saw that the soldiers attempted to bunker down, they had a quick set up device that was capable of creating a makeshift barricade that was sufficient enough to withstand his swift lightning blows at least once.

Hence, Jin added a little more Maqi in his attacks and blasted the barricades with yellow lightning and red fire Panda Energy. At the same time, he released streams of Blue Water Panda Energy right in front of them as if they were homed towards them. It might sound like a stupid move but the chi within the Blue Water Panda Energy was concentrated enough to break the suits of the soldiers, causing a hole.

As much as Jin would like to fight fair, he too needed an advantage against the masses. And right now, it was the environment that they were in. The Hangar was partially connected to 'outer' space and thus everyone was affected by it. From zero oxygen to deep freezing temperatures as well as the battle debris, it was a dangerous battlefield they were in.

Jin had already equipped his Gearbox suit and even activated his System Rider for extra protection the instant he knew the environment he was subjected to and hence he understood that the soldiers were equally vulnerable to the horrors of space. Those holes in their suits caused them to panic with the exception of the veteran soldiers who knew what to do to patch up the problem but that was more than enough distraction for Jin to plough his way through the rank and file of those soldiers.

At that point as Jin thought he was dominating the battlefield in the Hangar, a Mecha suddenly flew right towards him and it was way bigger than the usual ones he had seen previously. If there's a comparison, the usual ones were like trolls and half giant size (that armoured Mecha which he brought down initially) but the one that was flying towards him was more like a giant. Also, for its size, it was moving way too fast than he would have expected.

"Fuck.. Gunndam… is true." Jin suddenly thought to himself as he instinctively changed his Bam and Boo into a large shield when he saw the mecha move its arm and aimed a laser rifle at him. As it fired the rifle, almost half the hangar was decimated by the rifle blast. While it might not look like a Gunndam in Rei's comics, Jin could see the similarities in terms of design, making him feel that there was something more about Rei that he was not telling about.

However, at that point in time, the System reported to Jin that the prison ship was about to teleport. It caused the Dungeon Supplier to be confused until the System clarified that it was about to teleport the ship back to the System's servers, in one of Jin's empty dungeon instances.

"What…I thought Peppers said it was almost impossible for such a size. Ah whatever, if that's the case, then perhaps I might bring a souvenir back as well." Jin said as he leapt towards the unique mecha while activating his System Rider.

"Shu, you are up." The Dungeon Supplier shouted as he took out that card with an intricate Tree design on it into his System Driver.

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