Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1280: Extra - A Couples Chat

Chapter 1280: Extra - A Couple's Chat

"Oh hey, you are back. How did it go?" Lynn replied as she was surprised by Jin's appearance in the busy kitchen of the Restaurant Train Instance. Jin then embarrassingly asked if he was able to talk to her alone at her office for a moment.

The rest of the penguins immediately offered to take over her duties, allowing her to accede to her boss' request. At that moment, Jin's heart was pounding hard, even harder than the adrenaline he had felt when fighting for his life. It might not be the first time he ever gave flowers to someone especially when he had courted Qiu Yue before but this was the first time he did something …romantic to Lynn after asking for her hand in the relationship.

For all this time, it had always been quite a one way street with Lynn supporting Jin, being the woman to take care of his health as well as his store. Qiu Yue, on the other hand, was conscientious with the constructions being done in the Southern Region Capital but took the rest of the time training herself to be a better cultivator. It was as if her goals had redirected for the betterment of herself rather than to fight with Lynn for Jin

In fact, the fight for Jin was actually not entirely for her own selfish reasons. She had repeatedly seen how Lynn was grateful for Jin and how that idiotic ex boyfriend of hers was pretty oblivious to her deeds and actions. But it was great to see that Jin was forward looking enough to put down the burden he once had with her and move on to start a new relationship with Lynn.

Yet, Qiu Yue would not deny that she might be a tad jealous of Lynn since it's not every time you have a superhuman with a System as your boyfriend. Perhaps that was the few reasons why she decided to occupy her time with Zeru to improve her skills while handling her emotions.

As for Lynn, one could say that she was utterly surprised by Jin's attempt in presenting the bouquet of flowers to her. "Kraft and I went erm…sightseeing after the meeting and we- erm I mean I decided to get you this as a thank you gift for what you had done for me earlier this morning."

"So, the Royal Zodiac Heads do like the food! That's a relief to hear. I thought that they would insist on not eating, especially coming from a stranger like yourself." Lynn thanked Jin for the flowers and instantly conjured up a flower vase to put the flowers in it. She also requested her Sub System to put a constant time dilation spell on the Camellia flowers so they would be able to last longer than usual. "I will get a better flower vase!" She thought to herself while Jin babbled how there was a Royal Zodiac Head who trusted food more than Jin himself.

"The Royal Zodiac Pig Head said that he would like to meet you to exchange some …pointers."

"Ah, an indirect cooking invitation challenge," Lynn said and she willingly agreed to it without the dungeon supplier explaining more about it.

"You sure? Don't these cook offs involve some condition where you lose and then you have to vow not being able to cook ever again?" Jin asked and Lynn laughed.

"Sometimes, I honestly think that your imagination had been heavily influenced by too much anime. No, we do cooking duels to not just impress our opponents but to learn from each other as well. It's an exchange of ideas as well as skills. Sure, there are off the books cooking duels but they mostly involve cash or certain incentives." Lynn said but the Sub System that governs her abilities and everyday life suddenly chimed out in the System Channel.

"Sub System must warn User that based on her memories, Sub System User had been through life and death cooking duels before and urged the User to take caution upon her acceptance in duels."

"What! Why do you expose that to him!" Lynn was visibly infuriated but Jin realised that there was much that he did not know about Lynn.

"Care to explain more?" Jin asked but Lynn shook her head saying that she still had work to do. "But you are leaving me in suspense!"

"Please, you basically do that to all your customers too. Also, speaking of Anime, Rei seemed to be looking for you earlier in the day. I told him that you were off at Beijing and might take some time to return. And by some time, I was expecting you to make a big ruckus that you might not be back in a day or two. I am honestly surprised you were generally cooperative with the other leaders." Lynn said as she pretended to pick up a few clipboards to check on her stock inventory so as to act busy.

"You will never believe what we found out. It's either a big hoax by Kraft or everything we know about this world could be a conspiracy." Jin sighed as he picked up his phone to see if Rei had left him any messages.

"Original Bellator had allowed the System to take a look into the information he had obtained and the System is currently collaborating with Original Bellator Kraft to search for the people in question. It would take some time due to the several backend processes that had been running in the background for the PandaVerse but it should be ready in a day or two."

"Looks like it's more than you can chew then," Lynn said as she tapped his shoulders. "We can go over it during our dinner meeting. If you like, we can call back the rest of the gang."

"If you are the one who called them, they will definitely come." Jin always knew the power of her food was compelling but sometimes he had forgotten how incredibly powerful a tool it was.

"I shall. I assume everyone in Panda Inc?" Lynn said as she was about to leave the room.

"Yes, that would be great. If Kong Rong could make it, it would definitely be a boon too." Jin said and just as she was about to leave the room, he held her hand and pulled her towards him for a peck on the cheeks.

"Hmmph!" Lynn pouted from the surprise attack but nevertheless, she was delighted by his actions today.

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