Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1272: Royal Zodiac Meeting -Part 3

Chapter 1272: Royal Zodiac Meeting -Part 3

"Jin, it's best if you bring all of this to the meeting," Lynn said as she hollered for her boyfriend when he was about to depart with Kraft.

"Why? I am going there as a participant, not some delivery guy," Jin said and Lynn smacked his head hard for not being able to comprehend the situation he was in.

"You did not bother to do anything with regards to the meeting and you wish to show up at the very last minute? Don't you think it's high time you gain some brownie points from all those higher up from you? Do you really want them to think that the Panda Lord is some young adult who did not respect any of their rules?" Lynn pouted and Jin quietly receive the scolding. She was not as fierce when they were mere boss and employee but her concern for Jin was well thought out.

"I had prepared this for the past few hours with time dilution magic. Keep them in the special System storage compartment of your watch." Lynn said to Jin as she wiped her hands and recounted the number of steam baskets and trays he was about to bring for the meeting. Her Sub System assured her that everything had been accounted for and would bill Jin if he did not return all the dishes.

"I do not care if they are dirty or not, be sure to bring them back. Those bamboo steam baskets are not easy to come by. They are made from Grade 11 bamboo which the System had been cultivating in the Werejackals farm. Currently, they are considered as limited goods so you better bring them back."

"Why use such expensive baskets?! Also, you want me to time freeze the food is just-"

"Just listen to me for this once. If you do not think it's helping you after you serve them, you can complain to me all you want when you reach home." Lynn interjected while throwing a piece of chopstick towards Kraft as his fingers were getting very fidgety especially when the smell of the dim sum combined had been nearly intolerable for his mouth to control.

"Eat it later or else no food for you for the next one week." Lynn sternly said and he quietly received his punishment when the chopstick flew towards Kraft's fingers. Way too close for comfort when he could see the chopstick was barely a millimetre away from his index finger.


"Thank god for Lynn's cooking… Looks like I really owe you big time." Jin thought to himself as everyone thoroughly enjoyed the food presented to them and kept pressing for more information about Jin's employee. That was where Kraft had debuted his charismatic self and fully praised Lynn right in front of the entire group without any reserves. If it was about Jin, he would probably have added some snarky remarks into it but Lynn had nothing short of compliments from Kraft. (In fact, he was being rather genuine with his comments and no one had detected a single lie from him at all.)

Kong Rong even chipped in some of the experiences he had from Lynn's cooking and he said that Jin's store was no ordinary dungeon supplier shop at all. While the rest had sent in their spies to poke around Jin's store, they could not believe what their followers had said until they personally heard it from the horse's mouth.

"I too wished to compliment Jin's store as it had been nothing but a wonderful experience." A very familiar female voice was heard within the crowd and Jin was totally surprised to see her. (Perhaps, her father's presence and the need to please the crowd was more pressurising to notice her.)

"Yang Ling. Do not say anymore." Yuan Ba stared at his daughter but she was adamant to voice her opinion. After all her father had done to suppress Jin, she was not willing to let the matter slide easily. This entire meeting is also the one and only opportunity for Jin to make allies and not more enemies if everything was done right. If her father was able to let go of the centuries old grudge between the main zodiac team and the Panda Clan, they might be able to do something extraordinary together especially when the Panda Lord had been climbing up the ladder of influence pretty quickly.

And she also supported him regardless even though Yang Ling had known that she had no chance to be with him when Lynn gave a friendly call to her asking for help. In a way, she was returning a favour Jin never owned and was doing it to support her dear friend too. The Panda Lord had unanimously helped the tiger princess at her lowest and she will do the same for him when the situation arises. And that situation is now, as she told everyone how the help of Jin was crucial to the success she was enjoying at the moment.

Kong Rong too did not hesitate to take the opportunity to reiterate the achievements Jin had done for the country in order to show that the Panda Lord was here to assist the Royal Zodiac Clans as well as protect the country's sovereignty against both internal and external threats.

If anything, Pig Head Tai Fang had unknowingly sided with Jin now that he knows he might finally have a cooking rival he could look forward to. The rest of the group were partially swayed by the stories Jin's friends had said and even Tiger Head Yuan Ba had reluctantly admitted indirectly that Jin was a league of his own as his General had praised him for the efforts against the Banned Emperor's induced Monster Horde.

"Ah, that. Yes, my own general too had many compliments for him on that particular incident. For that, I personally would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Those men who could live and breathe easily right now were because of your efforts. They repeatedly said that they owe their lives to you and would assist you in any endeavour in a heartbeat. Even if I were to give orders to kill you, they will at the very least disobey it once. This is how much my men respected you for your heroics for that particular day." Se Chang Chang, the Head of the Royal Zodiac Snake said as he savoured a Char Siew Bao. (Pork Bun)

"While the food is nice, honestly the compliments are making me sick." Royal Zodiac Rat Head, Shu Tiao Xiao, grumbled and everyone knew that like Yuan Ba, he had suffered financially because of the loss of King's Monster as well as his Triad Boss. However, as bitter he was, he knew that it was somewhat inevitable since he knew his lackey's personality.

"Right, we have enough idle chit chat. Thank you for the food, Jin. It had been refreshing to hear about you from these people and it made me understand you a little more." He Fei smiled as he raised his hand to shake with Jin for the impromptu sumptuous meal.

Now, the meeting has truly begun.

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