Chapter 350


The commotion gradually subsided. Lil waited for it to quiet down completely before proceeding.

“The reason why the Duke of Mireille wants to lock me back in his residence and why he frames me when that was not possible.”

The Emperor lowered his hand from his forehead.

“What is it? Please tell me the whole story behind this madness.”

“While Admiral Retiro and I were on our way from Roahn, we were attacked by bandits, as well as the Prince Regent’s hired men disguised as bandits. Your Majesty knows this much.”

“Yes. And?”

“The Admiral, injured by the assassin’s weapon, and I fell off a cliff and washed ashore. This shore belongs to a beach bordering the so-called ‘Smuggler’s Forest’.”

“That name stems from its old days, but I am aware.”

“While people still call it ‘Smuggler’s Forest’, nowadays no one suspects anything dubious about it. But at some point in time, certain merchant groups started using it as a smuggling route again.”

“…Certain groups?”

Lil nodded.

“While passing through the forest, the Admiral and I encountered gunmen who attacked us. We barely managed to escape before we were rescued, but the gunmen seemed too suspicious to be part of a regular bandit group, so a brief investigation was conducted…”

One of the council members shouted.

“You recklessly investigated land belonging to the Imperial Family?!”

“As the Admiral was almost killed, do we not need to know who was behind it? The Imperial Army’s investigation alone yielded nothing. And as a result, the Great Trade Route Unions, who witnessed the Imperial Army’s attitude, were enraged. It was not hard to imagine what kind of light His Majesty would be reflected in. The Admiral of the Mondovi Fleet had no choice but to exercise his discretion, fearing that our attackers could even be remnants of the Western Pirates…”

“But the forest…!”

The Emperor looked at the council member as if he was a nuisance, prompting him to shut his mouth immediately. The Emperor then looked down at Lil again and gestured.

“Go on.”

“We discovered a cabin used by a group of smugglers. There we found and secured evidence of their activities.”

‘Smuggling is not only a serious felony but also a treasonable act in line with tax evasion. Since taxes are the Emperor’s gold, evading tax is no different from stealing from the imperial treasury.’

“And where is this evidence you speak of?”

“Please allow me to call in the Roahn Guard from the waiting room.”

The Emperor gestured to the chamberlain.

Not much later, Lil was handed a small box by Shail, who was brought in by the Chamberlain.

“These are forged customs statements and precious pieces of jewellery confiscated from the cabin.”

The items in the box were displayed one by one in front of the podium. Among them were thick pearl earrings, bracelets, and accessories made with alternating amber and emeralds.

“They all come from Your Majesty’s colonies and imperial territories. As one knows, the more expensive the goods, the higher the tariff, yet these are believed to have been transported through smuggling routes. When inquired with the Imperial Customs Office, they will confirm that the goods have never passed through customs…”

Count Lazilière stood up and shouted.

“That is a lie!”

“Your Majesty, I know why Count Lazilière is quick to react like that.”

The Emperor held the forged statements. Most of the statements came from the huge merchants, owned by the Duke of Mireille and Count Lazilière. Their recipients were several nobles from various families, but the sellers were only three or four.

“And I believe Your Majesty knows now too.”

Mireille, who was being held by the guards, also shouted.

“Your Majesty, this… this is a setup!”

“At first, I was confused by His Grace’s obsession and possessiveness, but I came to understand that it was his way of attempting to hide the smuggling traces I found. Still, even if my reasoning is untrue, there is no doubt I found evidence of treason.”

The Emperor’s hand holding the document trembled. Annette watched him nervously out of concern for his health.

The Emperor’s anger came out with the sound of grinding teeth.

“René… Mireille…”

At that moment, several people jumped up from their seats and shouted simultaneously.

“…Your Majesty! It is not true!..”

Unswayed by them, Lil remained steadfast and looked straight at the Emperor.

“Among all the fake seals in these documents, there is only one authentic mark. Those are the seals of the merchant groups. Only the party initiating the forgery could have used their real seal. By comparing each of the seals, I believe it can be easily confirmed that what I say is true.”

Someone on the left quickly countered.

“…If the seal from the Customs Office is forged, then the seal of the merchant groups can be forged as well!…”

“…Anyone who can buy those items and forge statements, can use them including the Lady…”

Lil snorted.

“How can I purchase the necessities without any wealth of my own?”

A voice from an unknown owner viciously shouted.

“…Admiral Retiro! These are things that the Marquess of Roahn can afford! Compared to his assets, are those items not trivial expenses?…”

“…Yes, that is true! I cannot help but be shocked that the Admiral would frame his fellow noblemen!…”

‘Everyone seems to be out of their minds out of fear of being executed, they are even going as far as framing Ed without any countermeasures.’

Lil calmly continued with speaking the truth.

“I believe Your Majesty, more than anyone else, is aware of the fact that the Admiral is not interested in central politics. Those who are making a fuss here are the ones who are truly guilty.”

The Emperor’s chin trembled. “Everyone, shut up!”

“…In addition, I never said that this is all the evidence I have.”

‘Failure cannot be avoided when showing all the cards at once. Cards must be played one by one, so the opponent will be mistaken about the scale. As a result, the opponent will naively believe that the current situation is everything and try to avoid this situation by somehow creating a loophole. Falling into self-contradiction without even realising it. By letting them make excuses before revealing the cards in hand one after another and plugging the holes they’ve been trying so hard to dig, the opponent will eventually become trapped in their own lies and therefore destroy themselves… It’s crystal clear who the parties involved are by simply looking around the crowd.’

Lil smiled contentedly. Mireille, who was sensing defeat at an alarming rate, looked at Lil in shock and despair, making the corners of her mouth rise even higher.

An old gentleman left his seat and grumbled.

“…This is unfair! If you want to make me sit down, you will have to cut off my legs…”

“…Your Majesty!!!”

The interrupting sound was closer to a scream, but in some ways, it felt like the voice was calling the Emperor for something urgent. And it wasn’t a voice coming from the courtroom.

Catching everyone’s attention, the crowd began to look around.

“…Your Majesty!”

This time, it was unmistakably ‘Your Majesty’ that had been shouted. More shouts came from outside the window and it became clear those weren’t made by only one or two people.

Lil quickly reached into her sleeve as the Emperor gestured to the guards.

“Find out what is going on.”

While everyone was wavering, one of the guards ran to the window behind the Supreme Court Justice’s seat.

“Your Majesty! Four ships are… wait, sailors are gathered on the deck of the ship and calling to you, Your Majesty.”

Four sailing ships that had passed the Sesbron dock were gradually approaching the royal patronage. Somehow, they had managed to breach through the palace walls and enter the palace territory. It was unclear who had willingly raised the iron bars of the palace walls for mere merchant ships.

The guard stuttered as he added.

“…But, the sailors… No, they are all wearing officer uniforms…”

Out of nowhere, a huge bird flew in through one of the windows. Its red wings fluttered around the chandelier on the vaulted ceiling. The guards standing throughout court took out their guns and aimed at the animal.

But an officer in naval uniform shouted, pointing at the bird.

“Do not shoot! It is the Admiral’s messenger pigeon!”

While the guards were hesitating, the pigeon landed on Lil’s shoulder. The creature bent its snout down and pecked at the bottle of scented oil hidden in her sleeve. Lil glanced at the Emperor seeking permission. When the Emperor nodded his head, she opened the communication tube and took out the letter.

“What does it say?”

Lil read the letter solemnly as if she were reciting a verdict.

[ “Your Majesty, I, Edgar Retiro, in accordance with the mission that His Majesty has issued by decree, seized the pirate ships and hereby dedicate them to the throne.” ]

‘Pirate ships, huh? I really like Ed’s way of phrasing it.’

[ “Your Majesty’s taxes were not stolen by Southern pirates, but by the Court.” ]

Lil, who delivered the letter to the Emperor through one of the guards, cast a sideways glance at Mireille. He seemed to have realised what kind of ships Ed was referring to as ‘pirate ships’, given his fuming face.

‘As expected, he’s so sharp that he already figured out what’s going on. It’s definitely entertaining to watch him quickly become frustrated like this.’

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