[Mary's POV]

You see? You saw it, right?

I asked him—my eyes wandered towards him as he stared at me, serene.

I wanted to show him that I am great; I can defeat anyone and anything—this is what I learned in this academy.

I always said that I wanted to grow, and see, I have grown as a warrior and a swordsman too.

You saw it? Right, Ruu?

His eyes didn't linger on me for long before he turned them towards the girl fallen behind me, on her knees. Why wouldn't he keep his focus on me and me only?

"Hey! What was that!?" I was shaken out of my thoughts as someone grabbed my shoulder.

I looked at Adam, who shook me. I unconsciously stepped back. Ruu didn't see me like this, right?

"Why did you do that? What's going on with you, Mary? First Raven, now Cecelia—are you alright?" He drew closer.

"Y-yeah," I nodded, creating some distance. Right now, I just didn't want his touch—especially not in front of Ruu.

"Blood... come with me," he grabbed my elbow and pulled me towards them. The healers were ushering Cecelia off the stage.

And then, realization struck me—I did that. I lost control.

I couldn't contain my blows. I injured her, even though she's a friend, not mine, but at least Adam's.

His concerned expression sent a pang of guilt through me, but why did I do it?

"Wait," I shook off Adam's hand.

"What?" he asked.

I scanned the Arena audience, searching for the girl. She sat there, silent, a concerned expression etched on her face.

Why did she intervene?

Anger surged within me. Why couldn't she leave Ruu alone?

"Mary!" Adam pinched my left cheek.

"What!?" I snapped back to reality.

He gestured to the side, and I followed his gaze to Cecelia, seated on the ground, her back exposed, a conspicuous red mark evident—it must've happened when I slammed her onto the floor.

"Ugh," she winced as the professor attended to her. Glancing around, I realized we were close to the healing booth at the corner of the Arena.

I hadn't even registered when I arrived; my mind was a jumble.

The healer, with a mix of concern and focus, began tending to my wounds. The ache and exhaustion started to catch up, the adrenaline of the moment slowly waning.

"Mary, what in the world happened?" Adam's voice cut through the ambient hum of the healing area.

I sighed, rubbing my temples. "I... I don't know. Everything just... blurred. It was like I wasn't in control of my actions."

Adam's expression softened, concern etched on his face. "Cecelia, she's hurt too. What was that all about?"

Cecelia winced as the healer gently applied a soothing ointment. She glanced at me, her eyes holding a mix of confusion and pain.

I felt a pang of remorse shoot through me. Cecelia was innocent in all of this. "I'm sorry, Cecelia. I lost it back there. You didn't deserve that."

Cecelia offered a small, understanding smile, though her discomfort was evident. "It's okay, Mary. Just... take it easy."

The healer finished his treatment, advising rest and caution. I nodded, acknowledging his guidance.

As Adam and I walked away from the healing area, the weight of my actions pressed heavily on my mind.

Adam placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "whatever it is, we'll figure it out. You've been under a lot of stress lately, and

selections can be overwhelming."

His words brought a sense of relief. "Thanks, Adam. I just hope I can make amends..... it's just that I didn't want to miss the chance for the Mage's Gambit."

"Don't worry, we'd go there," he turned towards me and said, "Together."

"....Yeah, together," I muttered.

Truly, I just didn't want to let Ruu get to Gambit without me being there, and with his current performance, I am sure that he's going to be up there.

"Hm?" I looked at the stage. The arena was silent as the girl stood on the stage while her opponent lay sprawled at her feet.

Ren was the only one who was standing from his row, his eyes just staring at the girl as if he was in a trance.

... What's happening?

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