
Chapter 213: Wanted

# 213. Wanted

*The Code has been Cracked?!*

At that moment, Inspector Zhang almost wanted to clean out his ears to confirm they weren’t clogged with earwax.

In the Inspector’s plan, Zhou Min’s case was obscure and difficult, with no other clues apart from the code, making the investigation exceedingly challenging. He was prepared for a long, drawn-out battle, willing to stay in Yunzhou even if it meant not returning to the capital before spring, determined to pursue the case to the end.

However, he never expected that before the long battle even began, the evidence would be in hand. This signalled the nearing end of the Zhou Min case and the Yunzhou mission.

This meant Yang Chuannan was finished.

Inspector Zhang took a deep breath, looking at Xu Qi’an as if seeing him for the first time.

He had to admit that he had still underestimated this young Bronze Gong. Despite Duke Wei’s recognition and Xu Qi’an's demonstrated abilities, he had given him the utmost confidence. Yet now he realised he still didn’t fully understand him.

This young man is destined for greatness.

With the fifteen days of intense effort as a backdrop, Jiang Lyuzhong felt only relief at the case’s progress, believing it was an achievement within Xu Qi’an's capabilities, without a dramatic emotional reaction. He had just one thought:

*Xu Qi’an has the makings of a Gold Gong.*

More accurately, his potential to become a Gold Gong had become even more solid. Previously, it was a fifty-fifty chance; now it was seventy-thirty.

Inspector Zhang calmed his excitement and joy, nodding steadily. “Come with me.”

He led the way, leaving the others behind, entering the hall, and going upstairs to his room.

No one else followed except Xu Qi’an and Jiang Lyuzhong.

“Did you get the evidence?”

Once Xu Qi’an closed the door, the Inspector’s calm and composed demeanour vanished. He looked directly at him, unable to hide his excitement and anticipation.

Xu Qi’an pulled the ledger from his coat and handed it over.

Inspector Zhang eagerly took it but didn’t open it in haste. After taking a deep breath and suppressing all his emotions, he began to read the ledger.

“Shocking, absolutely shocking… such a vast amount. Yang Chuannan deserves death,” Inspector Zhang said, clutching the ledger tightly after reading it.

*...The Inspector really lives up to being a scholar. It took me ages to grasp the gist of it.* Xu Qi’an, in an admiring tone, asked, “How vast is this amount?”

Inspector Zhang glanced at him, seemingly not hearing, repeating, “Shocking, absolutely shocking…”

…Xu Qi’an understood. The amount was vast, but don’t ask—if you ask, it’s just shocking.

Inspector Zhang solemnly put away the ledger, coughed, and asked, “How did you crack the code?”

“This is the brilliant part,” Xu Qi’an immediately detailed the process of cracking the code, not forgetting to credit his two socially embarrassed colleagues:

“Song Tingfeng and Zhu Guangxiao also played important roles. They not only actively participated in the decryption but even risked their reputations, sacrificing greatly, which was truly touching.”

“Risked their reputations?” The Inspector was taken aback.

“Yes, while out yesterday, a resentful spirit blocked our way. Fortunately, Song Tingfeng and Zhu Guangxiao bravely fought it off…” Xu Qi’an said earnestly.

“The Church of the Warlock God is skilled in raising and controlling ghosts. Hmm, it seems there are warlocks hiding in Baidi City,” Jiang Lyuzhong noted with raised eyebrows.

Xu Qi’an nodded, feeling it was reasonable for the Church of the Warlock God to take the blame, and asked:

“Inspector, what are your next steps?”

Inspector Zhang stroked his beard with a smile. “Speed is of the essence!”

Then, changing his tone, he added, “But no rush. Let's eat first and discuss later.”

Inspector Zhang, adhering to the rule of not speaking during meals, called over Song Tingfeng and Zhu Guangxiao after finishing lunch. Looking at the two Bronze Gongs, the Inspector gently said:

“I heard from Ningyan that you both made significant contributions during the investigation.”

Song Tingfeng and Zhu Guangxiao immediately glanced at Xu Qi’an, feeling touched. It was clear that Xu Ningyan had spoken on their behalf in front of the Inspector.

Merits are a valuable thing, primarily affecting promotions. Additionally, after completing the Yunzhou mission, the yamen would reward individuals based on their contributions, often with substantial bonuses.

*…What a good brother!*

Song Tingfeng and Zhu Guangxiao were deeply moved.

“This is our duty, to alleviate the Inspector's burdens and to serve the court with unwavering loyalty,” Song Tingfeng said with a cheerful smile.

The usually silent Zhu Guangxiao nodded vigorously.

Inspector Zhang nodded approvingly, and with concern, asked, “I heard from Ningyan that during the investigation, you sacrificed yourselves to combat the resentful spirits obstructing the case. Is this true?”

…The expressions of gratitude on Song Tingfeng and Zhu Guangxiao’s faces instantly vanished, turning rigid.

“Why aren’t you speaking?”

“Sir… it was a minor issue, not worth troubling you,” Song Tingfeng forced a smile.

Inspector Zhang shook his head and said gently, “Once the matter is resolved, I will write a report. Everyone's contributions will be recorded and submitted to the court, and merits will be rewarded accordingly.”

Song Tingfeng and Zhu Guangxiao’s faces turned pale, “Inspector, it’s not that we don't want to tell, it’s just… just that our spirits were injured by the resentful ghost, making our memories hazy. We can’t remember the details.”

In perfect synchronisation, they both covered their faces and waved their hands, “Can’t remember, can’t remember…”


After dinner, Jiang Lyuzhong and Inspector Zhang led a group of 130 people, including the Nightwatchers and Huben Guards, towards the Commander’s residence.

They were fully equipped with swords, spears, bows, crossbows, and even firearms, ready for any resistance from Commander Yang Chuannan.

Inspector Zhang had planned the arrest for nighttime to catch the opponent off guard and to surprise the entire Yunzhou officialdom, leaving them no time to respond.

Along the way, they encountered two patrols, but the Inspector overpowered them with a stronger stance. Amidst the clanking of armor, the arresting party arrived at Yang Chuannan’s residence.

Jiang Lyuzhong, sitting on horseback, waved his hand.

A Silver Gong dismounted, walked briskly to the gate, and with a slight crouch and some stored strength, punched out.


The heavy gate instantly shattered, sending splinters flying.

The Nightwatchers led the charge into the residence, shouting, “Inspector Zhang is handling a case, anyone obstructing will be killed without mercy!”

The guards at Yang Chuannan’s residence, all seasoned soldiers, were unruly and unafraid of the Inspector, drawing their swords to fight the Nightwatchers.

“Damn, these bastards have been bullying Yunzhou for too long?” A Silver Gong sneered, drawing his sword.

There were also experts in the Commander’s residence who quickly engaged the Silver Gongs.


As the shout echoed, Yang Chuannan emerged in a robe, repelling two Silver Gongs with a single punch, saving several guards.


Jiang Lyuzhong, who had been watching, stepped forward, extending his five fingers toward Yang Chuannan. His thick knuckles and glowing skin resembled bronze, not flesh.

An overpowering force enveloped Yang Chuannan. With Jiang Lyuzhong’s clenched fist, he was forcibly pulled through the air.

Fist intent exploded!

The Gold Gong’s punch struck Yang Chuannan’s chest with a resonating boom, as if a giant bell had rung. Everyone saw the divine light on Yang Chuannan’s body flicker and then shatter into fragments.

The bronze skin and iron bones was broken.

Yang Chuannan, vomiting blood, flew horizontally.


The guards, with bloodshot eyes, gripped their swords, ready to fight to the death with the intruders.

“Stop, stop…” Yang Chuannan staggered up, dishevelled and unsteady.

Inspector Zhang appeared timely, looking at the dishevelled Commander, and said in a deep voice, “Master Yang, please restrain your subordinates.”

Yang Chuannan staggered forward, staring at Inspector Zhang, and sneered, “I am a second-rank official. Inspector Zhang, you led a team into my residence at night, wielding weapons… I want to hear your reason.”

“So you can understand clearly,” Inspector Zhang would not reveal the evidence publicly, and said in a deep voice:

“I have obtained Zhou Min’s ledger.”

Yang Chuannan’s eyes widened instantly, “Impossible!”

Inspector Zhang sneered, “Master Yang, please accompany me to the inn. You will know then.”

With that, he shouted, “Take him away. Anyone obstructing will be executed!”

The guards stepped forward, ready to fight, but Yang Chuannan stopped them, knowing that obstructing an Inspector and freeing a ‘criminal’ was a capital offense.

Yang Chuannan did not doubt the Nightwatchers' decisiveness or the Gold Gong's combat prowess. He didn’t want his men to die in vain.

Immediately, the Huben Guards stepped forward, shackling Yang Chuannan and escorting him out.

The group of 130 people left the Commander’s residence in a grand procession.

A military tent outside Baidi city.

“What? The Nightwatchers broke into Yang's mansion at night and took away the Commander?” Li Miaozhen stood up in shock, glaring at the black-clad ghost that had returned to report. This ghost was her spy in Yang Chuannan's mansion, replaced every three days since ghosts would dissipate without nourishment from yin energy.

Sitting at the bedside, Susu swung her legs and said in a coquettish voice, “Is the Inspector so bold? Arresting someone without evidence? Even though he is the highest-ranking official in Baidi City right now, how dare he touch Master Yang without any proof.

“Master, I suggest we gather three thousand troops, storm the inn, and hang that Bronze Gong named Xu at the city gate.”

Li Miaozhen, having calmed down, gave her a sidelong glance, “Hmm, good idea. I'll appoint you as the general of the vanguard.”

Susu shrank her head back, “Let’s stick to the laws of the Great Feng.”

“Get lost.”

“Okay.” Susu pouted and left the tent, feeling wronged.

“Come back!” Li Miaozhen called out.

“Alright, Master.” Susu’s beautiful face brightened instantly, revealing a sweet smile.

“Are you sure that Xu Qi'an didn't secretly investigate and obtain any supposed evidence?” Li Miaozhen asked, her eyes suspiciously fixed on Susu.

“No, no.” Susu shook her head vigorously, her delicate body trembling, her skirt fluttering.

“What about the others?”

“I was only tasked with watching Xu Qi'an and his two colleagues. I didn't pay attention to the other Nightwatchers.”

Li Miaozhen nodded. As long as Xu Qi'an wasn't secretly investigating, the others could be ignored. Whether or not he noticed Susu's surveillance was unimportant.

Li Miaozhen was only concerned with what Xu Qi'an had been doing these past three days. If he had not been investigating and had no breakthrough, it didn’t matter if he noticed the surveillance.

If it wasn't Xu Qi'an who obtained the "evidence," what was the Inspector's reason and purpose for arresting Yang Chuannan?

Trying to use force to extract a confession?

No, a dignified Inspector wouldn't do something so foolish.

“Come!” Li Miaozhen shouted.

A guard on night duty outside the tent responded and entered.

“Gather the troops. We'll enter the city at dawn.”


Then, she looked at Susu, “You will accompany me. We’ll enter the city tonight. I need to visit the Inspector.”

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