
Chapter 195: This is the Prefecture Government

# 195. This is the Prefecture Government

Crossing two provinces and three counties, the Inspector General's team finally arrived at the main city of Yunzhou—Baidi City.

The name Baidi City had a historical origin, dating back to the previous dynasty, about 1,300 years ago. At that time, Yunzhou suffered from a severe drought, with lands barren for miles.

The people had no harvest and no means to live.

That year, a strange beast came from overseas. It resembled a deer, covered in snow-white scales, with a pair of horns on its head, hooves like a horse, and a snake-like tail.

Wherever it went, dark clouds gathered, and heavy rain poured. This beast roamed Yunzhou for over a month, filling reservoirs and revitalising dried rivers and lakes, ending the drought in Yunzhou.

The court regarded it as an auspicious creature, and named it Baidi — the White Emperor.

Xu Qi'an looked at the majestic outline of Baidi City and asked with a smile, "So, is this legend true?"

Inspector Zhang, who was looking at Baidi City and recounting this story, nodded:

"It should be true; otherwise, it wouldn't be recorded in the history books. Droughts and floods are common occurrences, and historians wouldn't fabricate history for such events. However, since then, no one has ever seen the auspicious beast Baidi again."

*Clearly, it was an overseas monster, perhaps even a sea beast, and maybe it was just touring the nine provinces. Seeing Yunzhou's drought, it intervened to change the environment...* Xu Qi'an analyzed from a "scientific perspective" while saying:

"Excellent insight, sir."

After speaking, he continued to gaze at the city walls, a poem coming to mind:

*In morning of rosy clouds, Baidi city I depart;*

*One thousand li to Jiangling, yet only one day apart.*

*On both banks, apes are calling without rest;*

*This little boat passing myriad mountains far.*[^1]

*One thousand li to Jiangling, yet only one day apart... so luxurious. If it were me, it would take today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and thirty-one days in a month before I'd be willing to return,* Xu Qi'an thought.

He couldn't help but recall a travel advertisement he had seen, encouraging high-level executives to fly straight to Thailand after work on Friday, enjoy a day of leisure, and return on Sunday.

Everyone living like modern-day Li Bai.

The soldiers guarding the gate of Baidi City stopped the group. After examining the court-issued documents, they respectfully allowed them to pass.

Once inside the city, Xu Qi'an looked around, noticing many passers by carrying swords and sabres among the bustling crowd.

The strict control of weapons in the Great Feng meant that in cities, from provinces to counties, one could not carry swords unless in special professions, like bodyguards.

But even bodyguards could only be armed when on duty.

"Is this characteristic of Yunzhou?" Xu Qi'an wondered.

At this moment, Inspector Zhang lifted the curtain again and said to Xu Qi'an, "Ningyan, have someone send these merchants home. The goods can wait. Let the merchants bring their accounts and come to the station tomorrow to verify and retrieve their goods."

Xu Qi'an had a thought, "What about Zhao Long's goods?"

Inspector Zhang replied, "Naturally, they should be returned. Zhao Long and the bodyguards were all killed, and their families must be compensated. Now that Zhao Long is dead, returning the goods can somewhat make up for their loss."

Xu Qi'an gave a thumbs-up, "Sir, you are truly a good eel."

Inspector Zhang frowned, "What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing, nothing," Xu Qi'an turned to find Song Tingfeng and relay the instructions, telling him to handle it.

"Why should I be the errand boy?" Song Tingfeng protested, "It's like I'm your subordinate. We're on the same level."

Xu Qi'an turned and shouted, "Inspector, Song Tingfeng is shirking his duties and being lazy. Deduct his pay."

Song Tingfeng quickly said, "I'll do it, I'll do it."

He then turned to Zhu Guangxiao, told him what to do, and instructed him to handle it.

Zhu Guangxiao grumbled, "Ningyan told you to do it."

Song Tingfeng said, "Xu Ningyan, Zhu Guangxiao is shirking his duties and being lazy."

"...," Zhu Guangxiao, sulking, turned his horse around and took a few Guards with him to complete the task.

The two rascals sighed together:

"Guangxiao is such a hard-working and honest man."

"Indeed, whether in bed or at work."

Office of the Military Commissioner.

Yang Chuannan, in his early forties, was a calm and composed scholar. He was also a fifth-rank martial artist.

Born into a military family, Yang Chuannan was exceptionally talented, having a passion for both martial arts and literature. In the 12th year of Yuanjing, he passed the imperial examination, and due to his extensive family education and thorough knowledge of military strategy, secured a position in the Ministry of War.

In the 16th year of Yuanjing, he was assigned to Yunzhou. Due to his merits in suppressing bandits, he gradually rose to the position of Military Commissioner, becoming one of the three most powerful figures in Yunzhou.

As Yang Chuannan was handling official duties in his office, he suddenly looked up. A few seconds later, the sound of footsteps approached, and a woman in light armor strode in without any officials stopping her along the way.

She had a tall and slender figure, with a sword at her waist and a silver spear on her back. Her sharp, oval face and delicate, beautiful features exuded a heroic aura rather than feminine softness.

Furthermore, she had her long hair tied in a high ponytail, revealing a smooth and attractive forehead.

"The Inspector General has entered the city," she said directly upon entering, cutting straight to the point.

Yang Chuannan paused and then nodded slightly, "I know."

"That damned Yuanjing Emperor, always indulging in immortality pursuits, an earthly emperor dreaming of eternal life—what a delusion, a damned—" she began to rant.

"Miaozhen!" Yang Chuannan frowned.

Li Miaozhen[^2] sneered, "It’s not as if I’m eating out of the crown’s hand."

She leaned her silver spear against the wall, sat cross-legged on the tea table in the reception area, and placed her sword across her knees. "With the Inspector here, you'll have to hand over your military authority. That's the law in Feng. What are you going to do?"

"Since it's the law, I will naturally comply," Yang Chuannan replied.

Li Miaozhen nodded, "I will help you."

Yang Chuannan glanced at her and shook his head helplessly. "No wonder so many people in the martial world are willing to serve you. Lady Flying Swallow, I owe you one. But be cautious, there is a Gold Gong among the accompanying team. A fourth-rank expert, a formidable hero in the martial world."

Li Miaozhen was indifferent. "What is there to fear? Anyone below third rank cannot withstand an army."

*The food in Yunzhou is somewhat numbing and spicy, with a preference for strong flavours. I don't like the cuisine here... doesn’t eating spicy food too often give you hemorrhoids?* Xu Qi'an silently grumbled while eating the steaming hot food in the inn.

The main hall was crowded with Nightwatchers and Huben Guards, with eight people crammed around a table.

Baidi City had four inns, and this one was the largest, with a large courtyard and two adjacent three-story buildings. It had one manager and seven attendants.

For safety reasons, Yang Yingying also had to stay in the inn. She sat alone at a table, quietly eating her meal.

The young woman's figure was plump and alluring. Sitting down, her dress clung tightly to her hips, outlining a voluptuous curve.

Xu Qi'an noticed Song Tingfeng staring at her buttocks and kicked him under the table. "What are you looking at?"

After scolding, he took a few glances himself.

"So what if we look? Everyone else is looking," Song Tingfeng whispered.

Men are like this. When they see a beautiful woman, they can't help but take a few extra glances, unable to control their gaze unless their wife is right next to them.

"Alright, alright, I’ll stop, it’ll just make me uncomfortable," Song Tingfeng muttered.

Earlier, Inspector Zhang had ordered that during their time in Yunzhou, they were not to visit the Jiaofangsi or leave the inn unless on duty.

Xu Qi'an raised his hand and clenched his fist.

"What are you doing?" Song Tingfeng asked, puzzled.

"This is called the unyielding grip. You should learn it privately."

After dinner, Inspector Zhang invited Xu Qi'an and Jiang Lyuzhong to his room to discuss matters. The Inspector General, with a background as a Censor, looked at the two experienced Nightwatchers and said:

"Because of the banditry, Yunzhou has lifted the ban on personal weapons. Thus, compared to daytime, the nights are actually safer due to the strict curfew.

"Gold Gong Jiang must protect me at all times, so the investigation will be temporarily entrusted to Ningyan. You can freely command the Nightwatchers and Huben Guards in the inn."

*... So I really am just a tool, huh.* Xu Qi'an glanced at Inspector Zhang without speaking.

The Inspector explained, "In the first few days, I will have to attend many social engagements and need to get a feel for the political landscape in Yunzhou."

*Alright…* Xu Qi'an accepted the explanation. "Understood, I will do my utmost."

Inspector Zhang nodded in satisfaction and asked, "How do you plan to start the investigation?"

"I will first go to the government office to get Zhou Min's belongings and then visit his home," Xu Qi'an replied.

"No need to exhume the body for an autopsy?" Inspector Zhang frowned.

"I was just waiting for sir to ask," Xu Qi'an grinned, "The body has been dead for over half a month, the decomposed skin is bloated and will burst at the slightest touch, and the fluid in the corpse would be enough for any man to drink his fill."

Jiang Lyuzhong, who had just eaten, turned pale, while Inspector Zhang retched.

"Then I shall take my leave," Xu Qi'an slipped away.

Leaving the room and going downstairs, he gathered Song Tingfeng, Zhu Guangxiao, four Bronze Gongs, a familiar Silver Gong, and six Huben Guards. They mounted their horses and headed towards the government office.

Zhou Min was a registered court official. Whenever a court official passed away, the government office was responsible for conducting an autopsy to determine the cause of death. For officials like Zhou Min, whose family was not local, the government office also had to safeguard his belongings until his family or the court came to claim them.

Controlling the pace of his horse, Xu Qi'an occasionally glanced at the map of Baidi City given by the courier. After nearly an hour of navigating, he finally saw the gates of the prefecture government office.

"According to official protocols, a portion of such belongings—up to thirty percent, and sometimes even fifty percent for the greedy ones—are often pocketed. I wonder how much of Zhou's belongings remain," remarked Tang, the Silver Gong.

This was the first time Xu Qi'an had heard of such an unwritten rule, and he frowned, "Does the Great Feng’s code of law have any punishments for such actions?"

"Of course," Tang replied, "Embezzling a court official's inheritance, depending on the severity, could result in fifty strokes or even dismissal and fines."

Xu Qi'an nodded and suddenly asked, "Is the Nightwatcher’s constabulary the same?"

"No way. Duke Wei strictly forbids it. Plus, we're different from these officials; Nightwatchers are comrades who fight together and visit brothels together. Anyone daring to embezzle would face the wrath of his brothers," Tang explained.

Song Tingfeng laughed and nodded, "Exactly. If you die, Ningyan, and anyone tries to pocket your compensation, I’d take his damned life."

*I feel like there’s something wrong with what you just said...* Xu Qi'an decided not to argue with the squinty-eyed Song Tingfeng.

Entering the government office and revealing their identities, a seventh-rank official in a green robe came out to greet them, introducing himself as the Administrative registrar.

"To prevent theft by servants, all of Zhou Min's belongings are stored in the office's warehouse."

This registrar, responsible for reception, accounting, and storage, led Xu Qi'an and the others to the warehouse. Holding a heavy bunch of keys, he expertly found the right one and unlocked the iron door of the warehouse.

Among Zhou Min's belongings were paintings, clothes, antiques, writing tools, and other items. Xu Qi'an meticulously inspected each item.

Seeing that only thirty taels of silver remained, he said sternly, "Officer, this isn't right. Zhou Min was a sixth-grade official, in service for over twenty years. Even if he saved just one tael a year, there should be more than this."

"Sir, there are twenty taels," the registrar chuckled.

*You still dare to joke with me?*

Xu Qi'an glared at him, "Embezzling a court official’s inheritance, depending on the value, could result in fifty strokes or even dismissal and fines."

Zhou Min was an undercover agent for the Nightwatchers. He had died in service, and his family far away in his hometown still didn't know the news. Though Xu Qi'an couldn't bring him back to life, he could ensure that his belongings were returned to his family.

He should do this.

*An outright fool...* The registrar, an old hand, shrugged helplessly, "Perhaps Zhou Min squandered his money on women or other pleasures. This is all he left."

He wore a smug expression, confident that the government office had the final say on the inheritance. *Unhappy? What could you do? Bring the dead back to life?*

Xu Qi'an pointed to his badge, "Do the officials in Yunzhou not recognise the Nightwatchers?"

The registrar scoffed, "The Nightwatchers oversee officials; of course, I’ve heard of them."

*So you’ve only heard but never experienced... You need a taste of the Nightwatchers' discipline...* Xu Qi'an kicked the officer hard in the stomach.

With a thud, the registrar's fat body slammed into the wall, causing dust to fall. He curled up in pain, his face contorted, and after a few seconds, he started to moan.

Xu Qi'an drew his sword and placed it against the officer’s neck, looking down at him. "I came to Yunzhou with the Inspector General to investigate a case. I have the authority to act as I see fit. Even if I kill you, the Inspector will cover for me. Do you believe it?"

The registrar took several heavy breaths, incredulous, and stressed, "This is the prefecture government."


[^1]: Setting off Early from Baidi City, by Li Bai. Translation Mine.

[^2]: 李妙真

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