Chapter 5 Strange hole

I don’t know who said that the greatest enemy of man is not himself, but his own vanity cannot be suppressed. That night, the vanity of the duck finally defeated the fear in his heart. At 12 o'clock, he went to the camphor wood next to the pavilion with the little ghosts as scheduled.

The following is the boss of those little ghosts-Lu Ying told me about that day a few days later. When it comes to some plots, his hands will tremble slightly, as if he still feels awkward. I don't know if he lied, but some plots are too exaggerated. I tidyed it up, but it looked slightly pale. Please note that I will write down this story in the first person. The following ‘I’ all refer to Lu Ying.

At 12 o'clock, I went to the ancient pavilion in the school. Hey, I didn't expect the guys who are often late to come. duck……

Wang Wei... Senior also arrived. It just doesn't seem very energetic. Maybe it was because I didn't sleep well last night, and I didn't care much.

In fact, after leaving the seniors and returning to the dormitory last night, I have inquired about the legend about the crying baby. I told those guys too. They were very excited, and some even brought tools such as shovel, threatening to dig him out for human anatomy class.

"It's been so many years, I think there are only bones left."

Trump said. Someone immediately said unconvinced: "You can also dissect it and dismember it with your hands. Hey, by the way, you can also understand whether the human bone structure is the same as that written in the book."

They talked with great interest, as if they were caught in their hands, as if the baby's corpse was in their hands, just waiting for them to deal with it. In fact, we don't know why we are so excited, as if something is inciting in our hearts. But I found that Senior Lu Ying was just watching quietly. Suddenly he said: "You want to dig a baby? Do you know where he is buried?"

We were immediately dumbfounded. Indeed, we only know that he was buried in the camphor forest, and we do not know the specific location. I was surprised at the time because I had heard some rumors about seniors before. Many people say that he is as timid and timid. Hehe, to be honest, a large part of the reason for arranging this adventure is to see the seniors make a fool of themselves. But he didn't expect him to be so calm.

The wind is strong again, and it makes people feel a little chill. The night is dark and there is no moon in the sky. Strange, the moon was shining not long ago. "Do you know that?"

Someone asked. The senior snorted: "I want to call the senior "you"!"

The man was very angry, but couldn't suppress his curiosity, so he had to pretend to be respectful and ask: "Senior, do you know?"

"I do not know."

He said slowly. "Then you still pretend to be that bird!"

Several people couldn't help but scream. The senior said indifferently: "Although I don't know, I can roughly deduce his position."


The stinky person said angrily: "Do you think you are Conan Doyle?"

The senior didn’t care about him but said: “It’s very simple. Think about it. There are two people. One is flustered and absent-minded. The other is exhausted and weak. They want to hide one in this woods and never want to. Things you see and don't want to be discovered by others. Where do you think they will hide?"

"Of course it's in a place where no one else would go often."

The man murmured, and suddenly realized: "Ah! At the far south of the forest!"

There are two solitary graves on the southernmost part of Zhangshulin, but the school still keeps them for some reason. It was gloomy all day long, and it was very scary. Fewer people go naturally. Those guys cheered and picked up their tools, and ran towards there in a hurry. I’m even more surprised. I’ve never heard of Wang Wei’s strong reasoning ability. And the courage is not as small as the rumors. Because he actually ran ahead of everyone. Is it true that the rumors cannot be trusted? But the senior I saw yesterday was like a babble, and you could find a lot of slums on the street. But now he seems to be a talented man who reads poems and scriptures. day! In just over 20 hours, a person's personality has become so much.

Suspicious, I followed without stopping.

After arriving, some people began to look at the forest. This is a small place more than 20 square meters away. There are two ancient tombs scattered in between. The location is very strange. We certainly won't be here for the first time, but we have never really paid attention to the surroundings. I have never noticed that there are actually many camphor trees here, too many for us to start.

Since they couldn't get started, many people's eyes naturally fell on the seniors. The senior said slowly: "Imagine, in this case, you must put that thing in the safest place you think. There..."

"I see, he is in one of the two graves!"

Someone shouted happily. There was a sound of shared sympathy from the crowd. The senior stared at him fiercely, and seemed very upset that he interrupted himself: "Do you think it is feasible? Then you go try!"

The man snorted, picked up the shovel and walked to one of the graves. But when he was about to dig down, he was taken aback for a while, and finally came back silently with a shovel.

"what happened?"

Someone asked curiously.

"It can't be there."

He muttered to himself. Senior said: "Hmph, you still have some brains. Of course you won't be there anymore. The grave soil is so hard, it is really difficult for those two people. And the most important thing is the street lamp."

"Street lights?"

Everyone was confused.

"Yes. Although the school's street lamps have changed from oil lamps to electric lamps for decades, the location has not changed. You see, although it is very remote here, the light from the street lamps can still shine on the location of the grave. As long as there is light, it may be inevitable. Being seen. This is too risky for both of them. So, if I let me, I will definitely choose a place where the soil quality is better and will not be exposed to light. There is only one place that meets the above conditions ,That is……"

The senior looked to the north. At the end of the dim light of the street lamp, a tall white camphor tree is standing in the darkness.

"It's there!"

The crowd ran over excitedly, digging under the tree. Alas, until now I still don't know why we are so engaged, or the first time we are so excited. It's like what's buried in the soil is not a baby's bones, but a staggering treasure. I couldn't keep calm, I just kept digging the soil with a shovel. He raised his head by accident, but saw that Senior Wang Wei didn't help, but just looked at him coldly.

I was stunned, before I could think about it, I heard the sound of a shovel hitting a hard object. "What is this? It's like concrete."

The owner of the shovel grunted. "Smash it open."

I did not hesitate to say that I had never thought about why there was concrete there. I just intuitively thought that the bones should be under the concrete.

With a ‘click’, the hard soil was finally opened in the madness of everyone’s joint translation, and a cool breeze blew out. The person who blows chills from head to head. Suddenly, something faintly sounded. Yes... it's the cry of a baby! The voice echoed in the woods like a ghost, but what was even more frightening was that it didn't come from the cave...but...but from the top of our heads.

Our enthusiasm was suddenly vanished by this unprecedented terror. At this time, the senior laughed unexpectedly, very strangely. He rushed up the tree quickly and quickly climbed up on the white camphor tree with almost no branches. I bet that even a professional rock climber cannot achieve this speed.

He took out a light blue bag at the top of the tree with dense foliage and jumped down from a tree more than ten meters high. Please believe me, I can say with certainty that I didn't look at it. He did jump down, and nothing happened. He just smiled and said to us: "Hey, don't you want to see the baby's bones?"

As he said, he lifted up the incomplete pocket that had been exposed to wind and rain for so long, and peeled it layer by layer...

day! What's inside is actually a living, underdeveloped baby! The baby kept crying, waving his little hand. Suddenly, blood flowed out of his face, the bright red color was horrible. But he was still crying, holding his little hand...


I don't know who called out first, and our group immediately ran back frantically as if they heard the command.

After returning to the dormitory, the more I thought about it, the more wrong it became. Could this be the seniors playing tricks on us? Did he know our plan and want us to make a fool of ourselves? But this idea is so brilliant that no one can be fooled! I was immediately convinced and my fear was gone. So the whole night was thinking about countermeasures. This time I lost my face, but the key is how to minimize the loss.

Early the next morning, I went to the senior's classroom, hoping to take the lead, and asked him why he frightened the junior in that way the night before. So maybe he's speechless for a while, and that's it. But the senior did not come to class.

‘Are you trying to compile this scandal at home and spread it around the school? I grumbled.

I didn't give up. After the morning class, I asked two companions to go to the tomb. Looking for loopholes in that plan. At least one illusion is to cooperate with him. day! We discovered that there was no trace of excavation under the white camphor tree. In great surprise, I couldn't help but look to the top of the tree. Where the senior got the bag, there seemed to be a faint blue thing.

No one of us has the courage to take it down.

This was the case, but when the police found me a few days later, I learned that the senior was missing. The incident had violated school rules, and there was a missing person. Naturally, we dare not say it, or we will be counted a big mistake.

Lu Ying finished the matter to me in one breath, and finally said: "Fuck! Who can tell me what is going on!"

I shrugged, there are many questions in my heart. After asking him, there was no tangible answer. Lu Ying panted, and said as if tired off: "Senior! Damn, don't ask me any more questions. From now on I don't want to hear anything about this!"

After speaking, he left like this, bowing his back strangely, looking haggard.

Being curious about this kind of stuff is like smoking marijuana. After thinking hard, I decided to take down the blue bag hanging on the camphor tree. ‘Maybe all the explanations for the question are in it. ’I think so.

So that night, I made an appointment with Dog Bear, Zhang Wen and Xueying to find out. Hey, and what interesting things will happen that night?

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