Nightmare's Call

Chapter 493 - Fate: Part 2

Chapter 493: Fate: Part 2

Aesculus Street, Shermanton Safe Zone.

Neat rows of lush green aesculus trees neatly hugged the street on both sides.

Inside a small apartment near to a clinic, Gu Wanqiu was taking routine care of the veggie and fruits she grew in the courtyard just outside her house. Since business in the shop had picked up and income grown, there was no need for her to be in the shop again. They had hired workers.

But Lin Zhounian still preferred to get hands on. So he still stayed in the grocery shop most of the time, though it was no longer a grocery shop but an underground supermarket now.

The Lin family’s business had grown with the blessing from all sides, becoming a 14-outlet supermarket chain within half a year. Taking advantage of the influx of survivors into Shermanton, business of the underground supermarket was growing. Now they had outlets across the entire Shermanton and generated higher income.

Life was becoming much easier for Lin Zhounian and his wife.

As Gu Wanqi was busy taking care of the veggie in the courtyard, she heard the sound of the iron gate opening. Looking up, she saw Lin Zhounian had come home with a white bag in his hand.

“I’ve bought fish. It’s still fresh and alive! Let’s cook it tonight. Sheng Sheng is coming home today.” Lin Zhounian waved the bag at her in his hand.

“Lin Xiao is still in school. Have you informed her that Sheng Sheng is coming back?” Gu Wanqiu asked.

“I’ve informed her earlier.” Lin Zhounian nodded. As the looks of Lin Xiao came to mind, he suddenly felt a little upset.

Previously, they never had to worry about Lin Xiao, Lin Sheng’s elder sister. But after moving to Shermanton, it was the other way round.

“I will go to the nearby small sanctum with Sheng Sheng tonight. Prayer is good for mental and physical health and willpower. I have to bring Sheng Sheng there,” said Lin Zhounian with a smile.

“Come one, Sheng Sheng is also a member of the Sanctum there. Who knows, he is even more devoted than you are.” Gu Wanqi shook her head.

While speaking, the loud roar of a fast approaching motorcycle came outside the courtyard. A super bike in purple paint screeched to a stop outside. The rider got down and took off the helmet, revealing her waist length jade-black long hair. She wore a tight-fit motor sport suit, revealing her perfect body line. Her breasts were not the biggest in town, but they neither looked small under her tight outfit.

“I’m back!”

The female rider pushed open the unlocked courtyard door and strode in. Wearing makeup that you would normally see on the women in the bars, she was Lin Xiao, the elder sister who Lin Sheng had not seen for a long time.

Gu Wanqiu and Lin Zhounian glanced at her and started to shake their heads in their minds.

Half a year ago, Lin Xiao had started to go out with a hooligan near her school despite the strong opposition from her family. Since then, under the influence of her boyfriend, Lin Xiao had turned from an innocent, frugal and a stop student into something on the opposite spectrum. Despite them having broken up after his boyfriend got into an accident, his influence on her remained.

“When will Sheng Sheng arrive?” Lin Xiao asked. As she stepped into the house, she tied her hair up with a rubber band, lowering the zipper on her jacket to let in some fresh air.

“I don’t know. I should be today,” Lin Zhounian said. “Signal interference is bad these few days. But news says it is because of the weather, something broken and repair underway. I think they will fix it soon.”

“Really?” Lin Xiao sat down and poured herself a glass of water and started to sip on it. “I wonder how Sheng Sheng looks now. We have not seen each other for a long time...”

“Things must have changed a lot, I supposed...” Lin Zhounian sighed. “I heard he had joined the Sanctum, just like me. And he is smarter than me, so I guess he is doing well in the Sanctum.”

Knocks came from the metal gate in the courtyard.

“Who is it? Lin Zhounian asked in a loud voice, putting up his glasses and looking out the courtyard at the gate.

“It’s me. I’m home.”

A bassy voice with a mature air came from the courtyard. Lin Zhounian found it strange yet familiar. He was startled for a second and then realized the identity of the voice.

“Hahaha, he is back! He is back!” Lin Zhounian darted out to open the courtyard gate and saw a man standing outside.

“Stinky little rascal! You are finally back!” Lin Zhounian smacked the young man on the shoulder, then pulled back his hand and groaned in pain. When he made out the face of the young man, he stopped groaning.

“Err... who are you looking for, young man?” Lin Zhounian was stunned.

Standing at two meter five, Lin Sheng bowed and let out a harmless, gentle smile.

“Dad, it’s me, your son, Lin Sheng!”

He held Lin Zhounian with his large hand, which was almost the size of the head of his dad, looking at him with his pair of affectionate eyes. Standing in the shadow of his son, Lin Zhounian looked up at the young man, who was so much taller than him.

“You are... Lin... Sheng?”

“It’s me, dad. Don’t you recognize me?”

Lin Sheng smiled at him, wrapping his hand around his dad’s shoulder as they walked into the courtyard. It was supposed to be an affectionate gesture between a father and a son. But his tall build made him look like a gorilla hugging a bean sprout, which would be snapped in half if he was not careful. He was almost carrying Lin Zhounian in the air as they walked across the courtyard into the house before gingerly placing him on a wicker chair.

Lin Sheng then poured him some tea, needing to do his part as a son after he was absent for so long. Lin Xiao and Gu Wanqiu looked on, struck dumb as Lin Sheng held up the cup that looked too small in his hand, with his fingers. Lin Zhounian did not know what expression to make. He just felt that they looked like three little bean sprouts in front of Lin Sheng. Seeing Lin Sheng picking up the cup with his fingers, it gave him the feeling that the cup could break apart any minute.

“Are you really... Lin Sheng?” Gu Wanqiu looked at him who was too tall to be her son, face struck dumb.

“It’s me.” Lin Sheng nodded with a smile as his eyes landed on Lin Xiao. “You are my sister?”

“Yeah.” Lin Xiao could recognize him through his tone of voice. But she still did a double take at him, circling to take a closer look at him.

“Lin Sheng, the food in Miga must be very appetizing; you come back totally different!”

“It’s all right. Besides, I’m doing body training.” Lin Sheng grinned, revealing two rows of white teeth.

“The situation is very unstable everywhere. What is the situation in Henricqal?” Lin Zhounian asked worriedly. “Aren’t all flights and ships suspended? How did you make it back?”

“They are suspended. But I have found a way. I have friends in the Sanctum, who helped get me onto a small fleet. It carried fewer people and was fast,” Lin Sheng explained.

“Since you’re back now, would you stay here? It is chaotic everywhere. I guess even the schools are closed.” Gu Zhiyan was worried after her soon.

“What do you know? He is now a member of the Sanctum. He will have to do something for the greater good. What use does he have if he stays home? Lin Zhounian put up his hand.

“The tall guy will take care of that even if the sky falls. Why must it be my son?” Gu Wanqiu was adamant. “There are many powerful people in the Sanctum and the country. Don’t forget that the TSSF (the Transcendent Special Strike Force) is always there. What could ordinary folk like us do?”

Lin Sheng did not know what to say. He could not possibly tell his mom he was the tall guy. If he did not do it, no one would. If he died, here and Henricqal would be history.

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