
Chapter 83 [Public Execution]

"Shit! Shit-shit-shit-shit-shit!" Helix cried while running for his life.

When Tyrene saw the boy running in a panic, she looked into the distance.

"Fuck! How the hell did he manage to piss off the Markov from that distance!?" She cried.

Both of them were crying; one of them knew why they were crying.

It was a big difference.

As Tyrene approached the scene at lightning speed, she heard something strange in the distance.


"What the hell?" She asked in confusion.

Hanging from the wyvern's mouth was a Hella Boar squeezing for its life.

"Please make eating part of your demonstration!" Helix cried as he ran as fast as possible.

However, by an unlucky stroke of fate, the wyvern was following him.

Helix didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw Tyrene approaching from a distance.

"Tyrene! Run!" He yelled.

"I'm coming to get you, you idiot!" Tyrene barked.

"No! Run!" Helix reiterated.

Tyrene lifted an eyebrow.

"Are you stupid, woman!? I'm telling you to fucking run for a reason!" He cried.

"Instead of eating the boar, it scooped it into its maw and flew up into the sky with it." Tyrene sighed.

"Why would it do that?" Marie asked in confusion.

"The Markov wyvern is a nocturnal creature.

Helix had woken it up with the boar, which pissed it off something savage.

It decided to make a demonstration of the boar to warn all other creatures of what they'd face if they woke it up."

Tyrene looked up, and the wyvern was flapping its wings in a fixed location, circling so every creature in the forest could see the Hella Boar.


It was a public execution.

"Run!" Helix yelled.

"I can't with you here. You're too slow to keep up!" Tyrene yelled in annoyance.

"If you're dead set on saving me, pick me up, princess carry me, do whatever!" Helix roared.

"Whatever you do, run and get the fuck out of here!" Helix roared when he saw she wasn't moving.

Tyrene's eyes widened, and she quickly complied.

She scooped him into her arms.

"When I saw the wyvern flying out of its den in broad daylight and this idiot running for his life, I caught up with him quickly." Tyrene continued.

"The idiot was in a frenzy.

When I didn't comply, he asked…."

Tyrene looked at Helix and then his three girlfriends with a conflicted look on her face.

She didn't want to embarrass him.


On second thought, it would make a good punishment.

"... me to princess carry him and get the hell out of dodge."

Everyone around the campfire burst into laughter.

"So here I am, princess carrying Helix, by explicit request, running away from a wyvern at 4 pm.

It had only been four hours since we showed up!" Tyrene exclaimed.

More laughter erupted from the area.

"What the hell is going on, Helix!

You have some real nerve calling me [woman]!" Tyrene barked.

"Beat the fuck out of me later when we're alive!" Helix cried.


A sickening crunch filled the soundwaves.

Blood poured out of Markov's jaws and spilled to the ground.

"Master! If we're lucky, we have 30 seconds!

If it comes our way, move faster towards an area with cover!" Helix yelled.

Tyrene's eyes widened, and her heart started pounding.

She wanted to scream and beat his reasoning out of him.

But when she heard thirty seconds, she started booking it.

"What happened!? Did it eat the boar?" Charlotte cried.

"I… don't know how to answer that question…." Tyrene answered with a conflicted expression.

Her uncertainty only made everyone present more excited.

"What I do know is that the idiot hit me with three battle discs on his journey to set up a barrier spell!"

Helix looked back.

The wyvern was still circling the area, ensuring every creature could see it.

20 seconds.

It scanned the area for prey while it was already out.

10 seconds.

When it spotted Helix and Tyrene, it narrowed its eyes.


"Fuck fuck fuck" Helix yelled.

"Stop squirming!" Tyrene growled.

Suddenly a series of battle discs hit her in the face.

"What the fuck, kid!" She yelled.

However, when she saw the disc that was glowing, she panicked.

The wyvern started moving in their direction when the magic circle lit up.

Tyrene looked back just in time to watch the most absurd thing she had ever seen.



Fire exploded from the Markov's mouth like a raging river.

It shot out over 100 feet in a straight line.

Its body expanded like a water balloon for a few seconds.

Tyrene's eyes went wide when she saw the beast double in size before—


A shockwave hit Helix and Tyrene—with a light breeze.

However, the heat from the explosion didn't reach them.

As planned, the Markov scales contained the calamity spell within a [small] blast radius.

50-feet radius [small].

It was a huge explosion.

It just wasn't a calamity-sized explosion.

Suddenly, Tyrene burst into laughter.

"I… hahahaha… have… to… hahaha… admit… haha… the sight was comical! Hahahaha!" She roared.

"The Markov looked like it just ate spicy food.

Its face scrunched up something fierce.

Then it shot out a fire breath 100 feet in front of its face!" She laughed.

The other women and Tilo were chuckling with bewilderment.

"Then it filled up like a water balloon and exploded!"

Tilo and the women started roaring with laughter.

Helix grumbled when he got tossed off Marie's lap.

However, before Marie panicked, he sleep-crawled back to her lap and laid his head on her.

The women started laughing again when they saw the scene play out.

"Anyway, his silly barrier spell didn't get used.

We would have been safe 50 meters closer.

It was extremely well contained as planned.

Still, I started to yell at this idiot, of course…."

"Helix Hellgates Margrave!" Tyrene cried.

The two were not affected by the blast whatsoever.

Tyrene estimated they were closer to the wyvern than Helix originally was.

Therefore, his plan—whatever it was—could be categorized as safe.

However! It still unleashed a biblical fucking blast!

Tyrene didn't know whether to laugh or cry after watching the sight.

Helix didn't know whether to laugh or cry because he was in his teacher's arms.

Unfortunately, they weren't home-free by any stretch of the imagination.

"Kiiiiiiiiiiii! Ki! Ki! Ki! Kiki! Kiiiiiiii!"



Beasts of every size and character started barking, whooping, roaring, screeching, and howling in the distance.

"But there was something neither could have expected." Tyrene continued with a serious expression.

"The wyvern was the alpha of the forest.

It made a public demonstration of the boar getting eaten.

Thirty seconds later, it exploded into a million pieces.

That meant—"

"There was a biblical power struggle to see who would be on top!?" Charlotte asked excitedly.

"... Yes." Tyrene replied with a suspicious expression.

"Don't worry. We've had to deal with this type of situation twice now." Marie sighed.

Riley nodded with bitter agreement.

Charlotte couldn't care less.

She wanted to know what happened after that.

"There was a biblical power struggle, as you call it, and that kid and I had to fight our way to safety.

I took all the strong ones, and he took out the weak ones." Tyrene sighed.

"Which meant that I took out 90% of them."

"Wait… is that it?" Charlotte frowned.

"Is that… it? What the hell does that mean?" Tyrene snapped.

"Well, aren't you going to depict what happened?" Charlotte clarified.

"Oh… you're one of those people…." Tyrene muttered.

"Those interested in hearing about the quantity of weak things killed, not the quality and ingenuity of the interesting?"

"I think you misunderstand something, master." Charlotte huffed.

"I just like to hear about people killing things."

The women burst into laughter.

Tyrene couldn't help but chuckle.

Tilo's eyes glazed over a while ago.

"So? Are you going to just sit there and let me take this beating?

Or will you keep hiding what happened between you and him now that I've come clean?" Tyrene asked Tilo.


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