
Chapter 66 [Brutal Training]

"Look, kid. I've agreed to train you and keep you alive.

Keeping you alive has nothing to do with your appearance.

So if you don't pick up the pack, you'll be a toothless hero."

"Huuuuh. Huuuuh. Yes, master! Huuuh."

"Master… I get not using self-correcting chalk, but…."

"But, what?"

"Do… we have to start with my enemies' blood?"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Uh… aside from being brutally difficult… hmmm. How do I put this?.

Using the Intent Spell in the field, sucking out my enemy's blood, and drawing magic circles always feels like a satanic ritual."

"Is… that a bad thing? Start making sense, or get back to work!"

"I…. Never mind. Can you pass me the Morra Snake blood?"

"I thought you didn't want to do this?"

"I want to avoid getting beaten half to death even more."

"Hah, good man. Here it is."

"This is… liquid fire…."

"Hmmm? Isn't that what you asked for?"

"I'll get everything myself, Master."

"Now you're making sense, boy!"

"Kyyyyyyahhhh! Kyyyyyyahhhh!"

"Master! Help! I'm taking this as a lesson that being too self-reliant will get you killed!"

"Hah. Good try, kid! I'm immune to your logical smooth talk."

"Seriously! Look up!"

"Kyyyyyyahhhh! Kyyyyyyahhhh!"

"What was that?"


"Why is your voice trailing off?"

"kyaaah…. kyaaah…."

"Look, kid. If you want help, don't run away from—"


"What the hell! Helix!"

"Why are you always taking on more than you can handle, idiot!?"

"Master… you took me into a Level 30-40 zone, and I'm level…."

"Don't make excuses for your recklessness!"


"Hmmm? Do I hear you want an extra 200 swings?"

"I…. No. I'm sorry for my recklessness."

"Much better."

"In the future, when a Tidal Vulture lifts me four-hundred feet in the air, how do I kill it safely? I can't learn a low-gravity or air spell."


"I… see. Run for cover, stab first, or kill quickly at liftoff. Got it."

"... yes. Exactly."

"Thanks for confirming."

"You're… welcome."

"Master… is it necessary to wear a Circle of Silence set like ear muffs?"

"Hmmm? Absolutely not. I just find it hilarious."

"I just realized I can't hear you. Can I take these off?"

"Yeah, sure. Go ahead."

"Master… can you turn around so I can lip-read your replies?"

"Gah. You're never going to keep those girlfriends if you're always this needy!"

"What about my girlfriends? Never mind. I'll get back to work."

"Haaaaaahh. You turn into a docile rabbit the moment your girlfriends get brought up."


"Hmmm? He's working really hard. I'll have to keep this tactic in mind…."

"1735…. Huuuuuh… huuuuuuh, 1737—"

"Nice try, kid. Just because I'm reading a book doesn't mean that I'm not also taking pleasure in your torment."

"Master… huuuuh… huuuuh… I only had to do 1200 yesterday…. Isn't an 800 swing jump… excessive?"

"You leveled up today. It's not my fault you're doing so good."

"Master, I'm in a muscle memory training circle… I'm always the same strength."

"Hmmm? Oh yeah. That is a good point. We'll put it at 2500 tomorrow and leave it there."



"Thank you for your leniency, master…."

"You can thank me by not dragging out this conversation for an impromptu break."

"I…. Haaaaaah. 1736… huuuuh… 1737… huuuuh…1738…."

"I don't mean to question your teaching methods…."


"Master, this magic circle will violently explode if I don't make it correctly.

Shouldn't I at least practice once with self-correcting chalk?"

"Huh? Absolutely not! You won't get better if you don't have an incentive to improve."

"... as you will."

"Good man."


"Wait! Are you an idiot! You're going to—"


"Haven't you listened to anything I've taught you!? I'll remind you. If you want to succeed, you have to draw it perfectly!"

"That's…. Yes, master. I'll remember that lesson next time."

"Haaaaah. Kids."

"You call that form!?"

"I… was thought this technique for the first time five min—"

"Exactly. It's still fresh in your mind.

If you can't pay attention, I'll rip your left arm off and use it to demonstrate good technique."

"I… will try harder."

"Hah. You should've said that to begin with."

"You messed up another. What's wrong with you today, boy? This isn't like you."

"My apologies, master…. It's just that you beat… taught me a lesson, and my body's still numb…."

"Ah… I suppose I did do that, didn't I?"


"Hmmm. Finish up 80 more, and we'll call it good for the day. Sounds good?"

"... thank you for your kindness, master."

"Your technique is starting to deteriorate. Get it together, kid!"

"Master… I'm… on… my 2617th… strike… please… have… mercy…."

"Will your enemies show you mercy!?"

"2618… huuuuh… 2719…."

"Hah. Still trash, but a good improvement."

"Ms. Tyrene… Helix… can't walk correctly right now.

Can't you go a little easier on him?"

"Has he complained to you?"

"No, why—"

"So, what's the problem then?"




"Give the boy the morning off. He can make it up tomorrow. Happy?"

"Thank you, Tyrene. He hasn't complained once since he's started training.

So if he shows up tomorrow, just know that I still appreciate it."

"Elsa. If that boy goes against my order, tell him I'll play his ribs like a xylophone!"

"Tyrene, you do understand that the more concerned you are, the more aggressive you get, right?"

"Don't giggle at me! I better not see either of you tomorrow. Got it?"

"Sure, sure."

"I give you an F during our match."

"That's harsh…."

"F stands for failure, Helix. It's been two weeks and you still haven't hit me."

"Master… you hid a magic circle under the arena last night…."

"Traps and planning are part of real battles."

"Okay. I'll make sure to try that in the—"

"Good try, boy."


"Don't sigh at me. Now again!"

"Master… that Yeska Spider…."

"Hmmm? Are you arachnophobiac? If you are, consider this endurance training."

"No… It's level 61."

"So? You've been handling things ten levels above you for the last week."

"Master… ten levels!? I'm…."

"Hoh? Suddenly realizing your mortality and taking life seriously now that your armor doesn't make you invincible?"

".... Yes? There are only two weeks before my girlfriends get here.

I assure you I don't want to die."

"Then you better start practicing defense."

"I will… Master, can I at least use my battle discs?"


"I… really don't want to die, master."

"Good! I see you're starting to take things more seriously.

Are you going to stop letting weak little 35ers hit you now?"


"If you use the inflection of a question again, I'll put you on a fishing pole and use you to catch Swalter Shark."

"There's no need to misinterpret my statement. I will not let… low level… monsters and beasts hit me anymore…."

"Much better."

"Today, you're going to leave the muscle memory circle for the entire practice.

Now give me your 3000 strikes."

"Yes, master."

"Let's see it."

"I… feel like I'm cheating…."

"You should feel like your technique is trash."


"Your sword is 10x lighter. Yet I only gave you 3000 strikes.

Do you think that I'm going easy on you?

Relearn your technique, now!"

"Yes, master!"

"Hmmm. Impressive."

"Thank you, master."

"What is this?"

"It's a variation I tested in my downtime."

"Interesting. You'll have to explain this to me later."

"Happy to."

"You do this type of variation often. It's always different, but it has similar characteristics. Is it a technique?"

"Sort of. It doesn't exist as a field in Myriad. But it's known as encryption."

"Encryption? Is it security measures?"

"Yes. It's a set of techniques for safeguarding information and access to your items."

"Hmmm. You'll have to teach me."

"Sure. I'd like your help on one of them, as well."



"You killed that spider…."

"There's only a week before my girlfriends get here.

So I devised combat strategies and have incorporated them into my matches with Master Tilo."


"Is everything alright?"

"I don't know whether to praise you or kick myself."

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Do something wrong? Haaaaaaah.

No way, kid. You were masterful.

However, you're going to level jump again, which will thrash your muscle memory."


"Don't get let down. Let's go get some baked goods to celebrate."

"I'm honestly impressed."

"Thank you, master."

"Tyrene is giving you the morning off.

So I expect you to hit me tomorrow.

There are only a few days left before your girlfriends arrive, so I expect results."

"Are you sure you want to give me such high expectations?"

"Why do you make it sound like you're going to win?"

"It's not that. It's just that I'll win at any cost that will not threaten my life."

"Hoh? That's a bold thing to say."

"I'm just speaking the truth."

"Challenge accepted."

"I'll be giving you a test before your girlfriends arrive like Tilo."

"What type of test?"

"I will take you to fight a real beast, and I won't be helping you.

If you flee, you fail, but you're guaranteed to live.

If you choose to fight but fail, you die."

"I see…."

"You will be able to use any technique, magic item, or treasure at your disposal."

"I'll be ready for it."

"I know you will, kid."

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