
Chapter 42 [Otaku Manipulation]

"Listen up! As of this moment, Myriad is legally known as a cultivation world!" Marie announced in the arena.

Most of the Knights looked at her with wide eyes.

Light cheers resounded by a few of the students.

Marie gave them a wicked grin and sent shivers running down their spines.

"Here's the thing about the world of cultivation!

There's only one protagonist!" She bellowed.

"The rest of the cultivators that are chosen are only used as benchmarks to show how powerful the protagonist is!"

The enthusiasm in the atmosphere cooled until it felt icy and lifeless.

Marie chuckled at the sight of the other [Knights] when the realization sunk in.

"There are two types of benchmarks.

Those who are irrelevant and those ignorant of the protagonist's strength!

The first type of person is never spoken about other than when they're used for shameless reaction fulfillment.

The second type of person gets slaughtered for offending the protagonist." She added with an ominous grin.

Shivers ran down the spines of the otaku super-virgin elite task force members.

"The question is—how do you know that you're the protagonist?" She asked.

After a few seconds of silence, she continued.

"There are two criteria! You're comically stronger than everyone else or a reluctant virgin drowning in women.

Considering that the only person that met one of those qualifications died, and none of the women are looking at the men, you better hope you're strong!"

Cringes rang through the audience.

It hadn't been a week since Helix was [killed], and his death weighed heavily upon everyone.

Marie looked around the crowd.

"So I have a question for you. Which of you is stronger than me?" Marie asked.

Silence overcame the otakus.

"Hmmm? Nobody?" She asked sweetly.

"That's right… Lina clawed her own face into a bloody mess and needed to be institutionalized after I shattered both of her legs in front of you…."

Audible groans washed over the crowd at the reminder.

"That means that there is nobody that currently challenges me.

Lina recently electrocuted two people to death and almost killed half of you.

But as you saw for yourself, she was an [ant] in my eyes." She announced sarcastically.

"Below me is Atlas, followed by Charlotte and Riley!

They crippled the five people that killed two of your peers.

You saw how effortless it was for them too.

Let me introduce ourselves.

We're the three women and the lazy man that many of you have offended by aiding in the death of two people we loved!"

The anxiety in the crowd was palpable.

"Tell me, everyone. Are you glad that we're in a cultivation world?" Marie asked with a serious expression.

"No? Not so fun anymore, is it?"

Marie gazed over the crowd.

"Are you still glad you turned the term [fantasy world] into the term [cultivation world] now? Hmmm?

Are you glad that [magic] has been converted into [Qi]?

This world doesn't have Qi in it, but you insisted it does.

Do you remember what the results of that change are?

Let me remind you." Marie announced with an icy gaze.

"It's been one month, and now Lina, Walter, and 13 people that aren't present died or had their cultivation crippled.

One person in front of me is missing an arm.

Those that had their cultivation crippled are now normal morals without the internet, video games, light novels, lube, or tissues.

Does that sound fun to you?" She asked.

Her words were met with silence once again.

"Good, I'm glad you're starting to let reality sink in.

It started with you believing this was an RPG, now, it's turned into a cultivation fantasy.

Well, guess what, your fantasy has been fulfilled!

This is officially a cultivation world where the laws are made by the strong!

Before approaching someone, there is something you must know.

While you're in this arena or on a battlefield, it's officially legal for you to abuse, assault, or murder someone!"

Shock overcame the audience.

No one could believe what they just heard.

Many women's eyes filled with tears and horror.

"That's the world of cultivation where the strong can do whatever they want." Marie reminded them with a serious look in their eyes.

"But before you get excited!

So before you plot anything!

Before you confront someone!

Before you even say the word offend!

Remember that I am the strongest!

Remember the sounds of Lina's screams when thousands of bone fragments shredded her muscle fibers like confetti!

Let me remind you! There are far too many to remove so they're stuck.

She'll live every second of the day in agony for the rest of her life.

And as you can see, I'm standing in front of you speaking today without a worry in the world.

This is what you asked for, so I hope you're as excited about the new world as I am!"

Many men and women started shivering when they saw Marie's gentle smile.

"Not only am I exponentially more powerful than you, I'm one of four people with the legal authority to use my Nightmare anywhere in the city.

I was given that authority because many of you are treating human life like it's a video game.

Or you think cultivation light novel behavior is acceptable.

Lina tried to release [Chain Reaction] to kill half of you.

Her words were, [I demand compensation for this offense].

You told her it's not okay to murder people.

Then she tried to mass murder you.

This is cultivator novel behavior.

Do you remember where we were when she demanded compensation and tried to kill you all?" Marie asked with a sweet smile.

"Helix's funeral."

Many of the otaku elites started to have panic attacks.

"That's right. She was acting like a cringe-worthy light novel villain at a funeral.

This is the world of cultivation you've asked for. I hope you are happy."

Marie looked at certain people with a sharpened gaze.

"There are many of you that haven't done a single bad thing since arriving.

You know who you are.

As for the rest, you've acted like animals.

Instead of convincing you to be humane, the kingdom has made your fantasy a reality.

I am not joking with you right now.

This is officially a cultivation world.

When it comes to our matters, none of us are bound by laws.

I can legally shatter every disc in your spine in this arena.

You can do the same to me.

So at any point, if someone wants to challenge me, you're legally in your right to kill me when we're in this arena!

Is anyone willing to step forth to become the new leader of this place?

If you do, you can make the rules!" Marie asked with a mocking smile.

Whispers and murmurs passed through the crowd like wildfire.

Some people asked their friends if they were willing to fight.

"Hah! I see you, little boys! Before you show your courage, there's something you should know.

First! If you challenge me, I will break every bone in your body that doesn't immediately kill or paralyze you.

However, before I do that, I will drag every friend you have in front of an audience and shatter all their bones too.

Birds of a feather flock together, and I don't want future problems.

So remember that when your friend tries to court death." Marie explained with a mocking smile.

Many in the audience started crying.

Every person whispering shook with fear.

"Second! To all of you beautiful, innocent women and men crying right now or are having trouble breathing.

For all of the gorgeous women that showed Helix your support two days ago!

For all of the proud and respectable men, I want to become friends with in the future!

Know this!

If anyone tries to assault you, demand compensation for you, stalk you, hinder your growth, or steal from you—they will meet a brutal fate at my hands!"

Most of the people crying looked at Marie with puffy, confused eyes.

"That's right! I see you appreciate you, and I'm here to protect you.

In a world where the strong make the rules, I'm the person that makes the rules and carries out the punishment.

Those rules offer much safer protections than you had before.

After watching a weak, stat-less boy go through countless assassination attempts, I'm fed up!

If anyone tries to harm or threatens another peer, I will turn their body into a calcium-packed claymore!

The days where innocent people trying to enjoy Myriad suffer are over!"

Astonished hope-filled faces started popping up in the arena.

"That's right. To offend the innocent is to offend me.

To threaten other humans is to offend me.

To act like a cultivator is to offend me.

Squabble and hate each other if you wish.

Be jealous or angry if you like.

I'm not going to be offended by you being humans.

However, the moment you release killing intent, your life as a cultivator is over.

The only people that will suffer in this new cultivator world—will be people acting like cultivators!

So if you act like a respectable human being, you no longer have to fear people like Lina and Walter!

You are safe to grow and enjoy magic in this world as of right now!"

Marie's eyes softened considerably, and she flashed the people crying a dazzling smile.

Many people's reaction toward her did a 180 the moment the kindhearted goddess they admired returned to them.

"Let's talk about the future now.

This is the world I rule now, and there's a new goal that the people around me must follow.

That goal is to become the protagonist!" Marie declared.

A shockwave of perplexion assaulted the crowd.

"That's right! You can still be the protagonist.

Every protagonist starts weak but obtains strength through various means." Marie explained.

"Just because you're not the protagonist doesn't mean you can't be.

If you become one, there's not a single woman or man who will not follow you!

If I'm not the protagonist, I will also support the person that is!" She announced.

Confused and nervous excitement washed over the crowd.

"Keep in mind right now that most light novels and web novels aren't harem novels.

So I'm not offering my chastity as a prize!

I better not overhear a single person saying something like that.

If I do, I'll remind them this is a cultivation world by ripping off their testicles and shoving them down their best friend's throat!"

Silence washed over the crowd again.

Marie's steeled eyes gazed over the group.

"However, that doesn't mean it's out of the question.

It will only come to light when the protagonist is found." She added.

Macron watched Marie with wide eyes.

The instant she spoke to the group, the entire power dynamic shifted, and the raging hellspawn children turned into weak, defenseless lambs.

"Let's talk about the qualifications of a protagonist!" Marie announced.

"First! If you want to become a harem protagonist—women must like you!"

The men groaned after her words.

"Luckily! I'll give you a chance, and the people I know will too.

The murderers have been snuffed out, and we don't want to blame every man for what happened." She commented.

Hope started to fill up the young men's hearts once again.

"You don't need social skills to make women fall hands over heels for you!

I repeat you don't need social skills for women to like you!" Marie announced.

Confusion washed over the otakus like a tidal wave.

"There are cold, steely destructive types that win over women because they stand up when people are bullied or are on the verge of death!

Those types of characters don't need social skills!

They're cold and lifeless individuals that don't speak much.

They're moody and often insecure!

They hate getting involved in other people's business and prefer to be alone!

But women love them once they fight disgusting people!" She explained.

"There's also the one-track focused character that constantly obtains the power to accomplish a goal.

Women like resolve!"

The men in the audience tilted their heads.

"Ah, good! You're starting to get it!

Read through the mental encyclopedia of your favorite characters and find the strategy that fits you!

Remember that the protagonist is never jealous of others.

They're only focused on themselves!

Whether they're just trying to survive or working for a goal, every protagonist needs a story!"

Marie smiled when she realized the men in the audience were receptive.

"Here is the second criteria for being the protagonist!

You must not murder, ****, or assault others.

Even in the cultivation world, where you can if you're strong, the protagonist will never engage in battle unless necessary.

Protagonists might kill people trying to harm them or their loved ones, but they never plot to kill or harm people.

Anti-heroes and cold protagonists may be bad people, but they're not [evil] people!"

Everyone in the audience nodded in response.

"The third criteria is for someone to make the most of the world they live in!

This is a world of magic!

There are dragons and beasts!

There are treasures in this world!

You can obtain superhuman strength!

To be the protagonist, you must dedicate yourself to learning as much as possible about the world and taking advantage of it!

And even if you aren't the protagonist—you're in a magical world, for fucks sake.

What isn't there to enjoy?" Marie asked with a cute smile.

Ripples passed through the otakus, and their excitement returned.

"That's right! This is a fantasy world!"

"Why did I forget that?"

"We haven't even left this place yet!"

"Why haven't I spent more time outside?"

"I get it!"

Marie gazed warmly at her people.

"I'm glad you're as excited about Myriad as I am.

This is the land of our cultured people.

Please try to enjoy it.

If you do, men and women will flock to you regardless of who you are or the power you obtain." Marie said gently.

"Do you want to know the last criteria?"

The audience erupted into a frenzy.

"Tell us, Fairy Marie!"

"Fairy Marie, let's hear it!"

"Yes, Fairy Marie!

Marie groaned inwardly.

"Take a deep breath, Marie…. You're in a harem now, you have a man waiting for you, and he's counting on you." She muttered dangerously under her breath.

Marie gazed over the crowd to ensure she had all of their attention.

"You must survive."

Silence befell everyone as they pondered her comment.

"Let me explain. You're not loaded with plot armor if you're not the protagonist.

As a result, you'll die, and you can no longer become the protagonist." Marie reasoned.

"Everyone that's not the protagonist gets slaughtered if they attack or try to harm the real one.

The best way not to get slaughtered, and retain your potential status as the protagonist, is not to offend anyone.

Be respectful to others.

Can you do that?" She asked.


"Yes, Fairy Marie!"

"Fairy Marie, you can count on us."

Marie's eyebrow twitched, but she retained her warm smile.

"Thank you. I hope we can become friends even if you don't become the protagonist.

The best way to do that, in my eyes, is to be kind to other people.

Stand up for the weak.

Focus on your strength and become strong for the sake of a goal.

Don't turn a blind eye to illegal behavior on earth.

If you do that, I'll give you support to grow and enjoy this beautiful world we've brought to!

Help others grow, and let's rise to save this world together!" Marie explained while flashing the Knights a dazzling smile and bowing lightly.

The crowd burst into applause.

After soaking up the audience's attention, she addressed them one last time.

"If you do not know my name, it's Marie Skybolt.

Alongside Atlas, Charlotte, and Riley, we will be the overseers of this elite group of Knights for the unforeseeable future.

There are monster hunts starting tomorrow, and we'll be teaming up with you to carry them out.

We will help you grow and develop into a potential protagonist.

If you have issues with others, we will do our best to mediate them.

To us, you're all someone we hope to watch grow and blossom over the next few months."

The crowd burst into excited applause.

Marie smiled in satisfaction.

"Helix…." She chuckled to herself.

There was a magic circle on the back of her shirt called the Circle of Speeches.

It creates an invisible interface-like teleprompter with all the documents outlined.

On the top of the page was a single line of text.

[Manipulating Otaku Super-Virgins like a Champ—By Helix Margrave]

"If you only knew." Charlotte whispered to herself with an evil grin.

Only she followed Helix's games since the beginning.

So only she understood the full nature of what Helix had done and what he had accomplished.

[A/N: If you're let down there isn't a war, read the next chapter despite the warning.

What happened was far more ruthless than a war, but it might not be apparent.

The level-up arc starts after the next chapter.

Helix will return in the future after he levels up; there's no point if there's nothing to return to.]

Disclaimer: Grammatical mistakes and minor inconsistencies = more content.

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