The building was silent, as if it was deserted.


“Mayor!” A sharp voice came from the other side. It was hard to tell the owner’s gender. “They are over there!” Jiang Cheng and the rest turned to the voice. They discovered it was where the Loli girl and the tall man were hiding. It was hard to say if the tall man did it on purpose or not. He hid among two small rocks. His large body was practically exposed. He was immediately discovered by the newcomers.

After the tall man was discovered, he looked flustered. In the end… he stood up obediently. This meant that the girl beside him was exposed as well. There were many shadows near the broken window, glancing into the building.

At least… they looked like humans.

The leader was a muscular man around 40. He was about as large as the tall man. His golden, curly hair was eye-grabbing. He carried a rodgun on his back.

After the tall man and the Loli girl were discovered, Jiang Cheng and the young master’s hiding became meaningless. The newcomers had a torch each. Since they knew that there were people hiding around, once they searched the area, the travellers would be easily exposed. With the newcomers’ stature, the travellers would be overwhelmed quickly.

When the travellers walked out one after another, the golden-haired guy’s eyes glowed. He explained to them that he was the temporary mayor of Black Stone Town, which was not far away. When they saw the lighthouse come on, they knew that someone had returned to this place again. When Jiang Cheng heard the term again, his eyes flashed.

The golden-haired man was very polite. They stood outside the door. They didn’t throng the travellers with their advantage in number. The young master and the rest also talked to them through the window.

“What do you mean by again?” The young master asked, “Have you met others like us?”

“Yes.” The golden-haired man nodded and sighed. “However, you’re unlucky enough to come here while lost.”

The Loli girl interrupted, “What’s wrong with this place?”

“This…” The golden-haired man’s face turned with fear as if he just remembered something. A few seconds later, he continued in a whisper, “In any case, this is a desecrated place. Everyone who has been here will be cursed.”

“What kind of curse?”

Behind the golden-haired man, a strangely dressed man moved forward. The people on the sides moved away and showed great respect.

“Your light will be taken away, and you’ll fall into eternal darkness. You’ll crawl through the meandering ruins. Maggots will munch on the carcasses around you. You’ll feel pain, but you’ll never die. Your soul will be trapped in the shell. You’ll watch it rot helplessly. You can only prostrate yourself before its throne to beg for its mercy. The former traitors used blood…” A hymnal voice echoed. The travellers couldn’t discern the gender of the strangely-dressed individual. His body was covered in a black robe that had strange patterns.

As Fatty stared at the patterns, something strange happened. He saw the patterns move. They curled like snakes before pouncing at him. However, the moment before they could latch themselves to his face, everything disappeared.

The strange man should be a priest-like character. His words were a prediction. They carried a mysterious and helpless allure.

After the strange man was done, the young master and the Loli girl frowned in consternation.

Only Jiang Cheng glanced at the mysterious man and turned to the golden-haired man. He straightened his neck to say, “Come. Please translate.”

The man was startled and opened his mouth, “I thought it had already been explained…”

The young master interrupted them. He glanced at the strange man and the golden-haired man, “Do you mean we’re the traitors?”

The man nodded. “That’s right. Anyone who enters this building is viewed as a traitor, and they will be cursed.”

“Who have we betrayed?”

The golden-haired man was silent again. Clearly, he knew the answer, but he didn’t dare say it. It was as if saying the thing’s name was a desecration.

“Alright.” The young master switched the topic. “Now, let’s talk about you. Where did you come from?”

“Black Stone Town,” A young man raised the torch to answer. “We’re all from Black Stone Town.”

Earlier, Fatty felt like these people were very strange. Their voices were one thing, but…

Then, his eyes shook. He realised what the problem was!

These people’s lips didn’t match their words!

It was like watching a dubbed movie. However, this phenomenon was horrifying in real life. Fatty believed that they were not humans but ghosts! Or they were puppets controlled by ghosts.

He tried his best to silently warn the Doctor. However, before his trembling hand could reach the Doctor, the latter grabbed his arm naturally and gave it a light squeeze. Fatty instantly stopped shaking.

The young master thought about it, “Then…”

“Why is your city floating on the city? And why does it only show up at night…” The tall man suddenly spoke. His voice was thin, like he was a boy who hadn’t undergone puberty. Before he could finish, the girl beside him kicked him in his shin.

The atmosphere tensed.

The sudden appearance of the city was suspicious. These people were equally suspicious. The direct question would cause tension. After all, they still didn’t know if they were allies or enemies.

“That’s right.” The golden-haired man sighed and addressed the travellers, “Our city is as you can see. It floats on the sea and will only appear at these hours.” He paused. “Because, like you, we’re also cursed by it.”

The Loli girl couldn’t help but ask, “Have you been inside this building?”

The golden-haired man and the rest had their faces sunken. Their eyes dimmed. It was hard to describe. However, Fatty could sense the heavy helplessness and despair from them.

Eventually, the golden-haired man lifted his head. “We built this building.”

The Loli girl was startled. “Why?”

“To… survive.”

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