Chapter 359: Acting as a Lobbyist

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Regarding this, Jiang Peihuan felt helpless, but there was nothing she could do.

Until the tenth day, Jiang Changbai came to King Cheng’s Mansion.

Jiang Peihuan hadn’t left her room for ten days straight. When she saw Jiang Changbai sitting in front of her, her eyes were full of joy. “Elder Brother, how come you have time to visit today?”

“Huan Er, i came here today because there’s an important matter 1 want to ask you.”

“Just tell me what it is, Elder Brother. 1 need to rest.”

Before Jiang Peihuan could reply, Xiao Nanye, sitting next to her, spoke up first.

However, upon hearing this, Jiang Changbai shook his head and whispered, “No one else can handle this matter except for Huan Er.”

“Elder Brother, tell me, what is it?”

“I want to marry Xin Er.”

“You want to marry Xin Er?”

Joy filled Jiang Peihuan’s eyes. After seeing Jiang Changbai nod, she said with a smile, “If I’m not wrong, Elder Brother, you want me to speak on your behalf to our grandmother?”

Jiang Peihuan spoke with certainty.

Upon hearing her words, Jiang Changbai nodded.

Seeing his nod, Jiang Peihuan paused for a few seconds before continuing, “Elder Brother, although grandmother loves me, she might not agree when it comes to your marriage. Considering the matters of our third aunt and third uncle, and now you wanting to marry Xin Er, she might not be able to accept it easily. What will you do if grandmother refuses no matter what?”

After hearing Jiang Peihuan’s words, Jiang Changbai fell silent.Please visit 𝓃𝑜𝓋𝓮𝓁-𝒏𝑒xt.c0m website to read fastest update

After a long while, he whispered, “Huan Er, to be honest, I’ve made up my mind. Regardless of whether grandmother agrees or not, I will marry Xin Er. If she supports me and Xin Er, I would be eternally grateful. But if she doesn’t, 1 will have to apologize to her.”

Hearing this, both Jiang Peihuan and Xiao Nanye became silent.

Eventually, Jiang Peihuan said with a smile, “No worries, I’ll speak on your behalf to our grandmother. If she refuses, I’ll go see her multiple times. Given how much she dotes on me, she might agree.”

“What will you do to thank me then?”

Seeing the smile on Jiang Peihuan’s face, Jiang Changbai also smiled, meeting her gaze. He said, “If you can get grandmother’s approval for my marriage to Xin Er, I will always heed your advice in the future. Whatever you ask of me, 1 won’t refuse.”

“You better remember what you promised,” she teased.

“Did you all assume that I would oppose this marriage?”

“Initially, 1 did oppose it, but that girl has saved my life twice. Even if I had reservations, I should let them go.”

“Grandmother… does that mean you agree?”

Hearing the old madam’s words, Jiang Peihuan was full of surprise.

Sitting nearby, Liu Xiu’s eyes widened, filled with excitement.

However, the old madam glared at Jiang Peihuan, “Despite my usual affection for you, in critical times, you still side with that boy Changbai.”

“Nevermind, call that boy over…”


Before the old madam could finish, Jiang Changbai rushed in. After kneeling and paying respects to the old madam, he looked at her with gratitude, “Thank you, Grandmother, for your blessing.”

The old madam originally wanted to maintain her stern demeanor, but seeing Jiang Changbai’s joy, a smile appeared in her eyes.

She said, “Get up. Xin Er is a good girl; you must treat her well in the future.”


“Yu Zhen, bring the things I prepared.”


Nanny had been standing quietly on the side. After hearing the old madam’s words, she went inside. Moments later, she returned holding a large wooden box.

Seeing the box in Nanny Xu’s hands, the old madam whispered, “Give it to him.”

“Grandmother, what is this?”

Holding the box handed to him by Nanny Xu, Jiang Changbai looked at the old madam with puzzlement.

“Open it and take a look.”

Upon the old madam’s instruction, Jiang Changbai opened the box. The moment he opened it, he was stunned. The entire box was filled with land deeds and silver notes.

“Grandmother, 1 can’t accept this. This is your personal savings; how can I take it?”

“If I give it to you, you take it.”

“After the wedding, you’ll be an adult. Consider this a wedding gift from your grandmother.”

“Elder Brother, I’ve successfully completed the task for you.. Shouldn’t you share half of what Grandmother gave you with me?”

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