Chapter 303: Zhao Yong Entering the Palace

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Facing Jiang Hong’s expression, Xiao Nanye briefly explained his condition.

However, regarding the poisoning, Xiao Nanye only mentioned it was a leftover from a past battlefield.

“After all, if you need to recuperate, do it at General Mansion. In the Cheng mansion, apart from you two as a couple, there are no elders. It might as well be better for King Cheng to recover at General Mansion before returning to the Cheng mansion,” Jiang Hong suggested immediately upon hearing Xiao Nanye’s words.

Yet, Xiao Nanye remained silent, turning his gaze to Jiang Peihuan.

Seeing her nod, he smiled and addressed Jiang Hong, “In that case, thank you, father.”

“You two should dine with me today. 1’11 instruct the kitchen to prepare some blood-nourishing dishes.”

“Thank you, Mother.”

After breakfast in Yanlin, Jiang Peihuan and Xiao Nanye returned to Plum Garden.

Just as they stepped into the courtyard, Jiang Peihuan saw a white figure rushing towards her.

Xiao Bai had grown significantly. Despite only being a few months old, it now resembled a mature wolf, weighing over 300 pounds.

As Xiao Bai charged towards Jiang Peihuan, she could feel a gust of wind.

“Xiao Bai, don’t mess around.”

Although Xiao Bai was sprinting directly towards her, it halted right in front of her, rubbing its big head affectionately against Jiang Peihuan.

If it weren’t for the fact that no matter how hard Xiao Bai tried, it couldn’t wag its tail, Jiang Peihuan would’ve thought it was a dog rather than a wolf.

Looking at Xiao Bai circling around her feet, she bent down and gently patted its head.

Observing this, Xiao Nanye remarked in a slightly irritated tone, “Look at yourself. Do you even resemble a wolf anymore?”

Seemingly understanding his words, Xiao Bai bared its teeth at him.

Xiao Nanye’s expression cooled instantly. “Dare to bare your teeth at me again, and I’ll pull them out.”

Hearing this, Xiao Bai retracted its neck, no longer looking at Xiao Nanye and turned its gaze back to Jiang Peihuan.

Jiang Peihuan, having grown accustomed to their playful banter, smiled and said, “Alright, go and play with Lu Er.”

Upon hearing her words, Xiao Bai ran off happily.

While the servants of the general’s mansion were terrified of Xiao Bai, they kept quiet knowing it was Jiang Peihuan’s pet.

In the following days, Xiao Nanye spent most of his time in Jiang Peihuan’s Plum Garden.

Jiang Peihuan dedicated herself to helping Xiao Nanye recuperate. While examining his pulse, she discovered various internal injuries from his past battles and wanted to provide thorough care for him during this period. Meanwhile, Zhao Yong entered the palace.

Emperor Qi Ming looked at Zhao Yong who was kneeling on the ground with a complicated gaze.

After a long silence, he finally said, “You are the Prince of Huainan. After your father’s death, you were supposed to inherit the title. However, I fear that once you marry and have children, the tragedy of your father might repeat. Hence, I’ve decided to grant you the title of “Marquis of Huainan,” and the title will not be hereditary.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Regarding Emperor Qi Ming’s decree, Zhao Yong showed no surprise. After hearing the emperor’s words, he immediately knelt down to express his gratitude.

Seeing that Zhao Yong’s demeanor was unchanged, with no sign of dissatisfaction in his eyes, Emperor Qi Ming looked slightly more pleased. After a moment of thought, he addressed Zhao Yong, “The Huainan Queen might be your birth mother, but she dared to kill her husband, which is a heinous crime. Out of respect for the loyal legacy of the Chu family, 1 won’t punish her. However, when you return home, confine her to a yard and do not let her out again.”


“Rise. You may leave now.”

“I will take my leave.”

After bowing to Emperor Qi Ming, Zhao Yong left the Qianqing Palace.

Upon leaving the palace, as Zhao Yong prepared to depart, someone approached him.

“Your Highness, the Great Empress Dowager wishes to see you.”

In the Cining Palace.

After hearing about the death of the King Huainan, the Great Empress Dowager was promptly informed.

Listening to the old nanny narration, the Great Empress Dowager couldn’t help but curse, “He’s such a waste to have died at the hands of a woman.”

“The King’s death is inconsequential, but King Cheng is still alive and well.”

Hearing this, the Great Empress Dowager’s already sour expression deepened.

Seeing the Great Empress Dowager’s displeasure, the old maid hurriedly spoke, “Your Royal Majesty, it is said that Prince Zhao Yong is intelligent. With the King Huainan gone, you can fully utilize the prince to your advantage. Perhaps he is even smarter than his father.”

“Now, there’s no other choice.”

“Your Royal Majesty, Prince Zhao Yong has arrived.”

As the Great Empress Dowager finished speaking, an eunuch’s voice echoed from the entrance.

“Let him in.”

Subsequently, Zhao Yong approached the Great Empress Dowager, kneeling down in deference, “Greetings, Your Royal Majesty the Great Empress Dowager.”

“What has the Emperor planned for the Huainan mansion now that your father has passed?”

“The Emperor has conferred upon me the title of Marquis of Huainan.”

Upon hearing the Great Empress Dowager’s question, Zhao Yong briefly recounted the emperor’s decision. However, upon hearing the emperor’s arrangements, the Great Empress Dowager couldn’t help but frown.

Seeing Zhao Yong’s calm demeanor, she questioned, “According to tradition, you should be the King of Huainan. Aren’t you angry that the emperor has stripped you of that title?”

“In response to Your Royal Majesty, 1 am truly grateful for the emperor’s decision.”

As Zhao Yong spoke, the Great Empress Dowager observed him closely, noting his sincere and nonchalant expression, which pleased her further.

Looking at Zhao Yong, she continued, “Do you know that before his death, your father was working for me?”

Hearing this, a look of surprise appeared in Zhao Yong’s eyes.

His mind raced back to the time when his father attempted to assassinate Xiao Nanye on the way to the Western Regions. He had assumed it was on the emperor’s orders, never suspecting that it might have been instigated by the Great Empress Dowager.

Seeing Zhao Yong’s silence, she pressed on, “You’re an intelligent person. Surely you understand why I’ve summoned you today?”

“Your servant is slow-witted. 1 seek the Great Empress Dowager’s clarification.” Hearing his response, a shadow crossed the Great Empress Dowager’s eyes. But after a moment’s pause, she stated directly, “I have only one purpose in summoning you: I hope you will serve me.”

“What does the Great Empress Dowager command?”

“My command to you is simple: kill Xiao Nanye.”

Even though he had suspected as much, Zhao Yong couldn’t conceal his shock upon hearing these words.

“As long as you can kill Xiao Nanye, 1 can reinstate your title as the King of Huainan.”

“So, will you agree to serve me?”

Hearing the Great Empress Dowager’s words, Zhao Yong’s initial instinct was to refuse..

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