Kan Hang’s question did not wipe the sweet smile off Yeung Chun’s face. Shaking his head, Yeung Chun answered.

“No motive. I was here working for Brother Chui even before you and Ming Sum arrived and when Brother Chui was just an ordinary teenager. What motive could I have towards an average teenage boy?

“Brother Kan and the rest are just too complicated.” Yeung Chun looked upward to the stars of heaven blooming in velvet black with a smile. “Humans like to make things complicated when they are in fact as simple as they seem. It was fate that brought me and Brother Chui together. The only motive that brought me to the South was to get Siu Hun a temporary accommodation, and Brother Chui’s offer happened to meet that requirement. Thus, I’m here and that’s the only motive.”

Kan Hang did not respond. He was left speechless and unable to retort. Just as Yeung Chun mentioned, he had been living with Chui Yim and Kam Chin Kee long-term. Yeung Chun would have taken action long ago if he had come with malicious intentions.

“If I find out that you indeed came with malicious intentions, I’ll make sure that you never leave this city alive,” Kan Hang said in all seriousness after a short pause.

Despite appearing to dislike the teen boys who treated Princess Ming Sum as a maid, Kan Hang was secretly grateful for them. It was Chui Yim who noticed the abnormality with his hands and saved him from being a disabled person. If not for Chui Yim, Kan Hang would not have even dared to think about continuing cultivation, let alone moving towards the five-chambered state.

However, Kan Hang was not one to show his emotions. He expressed his gratitude by coming over frequently for visits with Lam Ming Sum; it was his way of protecting Chui Yim and Kam Chin Kee. Everything else aside, but in South Imperial City, nobody could hurt anyone that Kan Hang cared about because it was his homebase.

“Not by myself,” Kan Hang said, “but Old Ngai.”

Yeung Chun chuckled and ignored Kan Hang. He returned to star gazing as if he was admiring the sea of blossoms on Four Season Heaven Summer Peak. Even Kan Hang’s departure did not distract him.

“The Southern night sky is less bright than the North, but beautiful in its own ways.” Yeung Chun sighed with a broad, joyful smile.

Unlike his three younger brothers, he was in touch with the world and loved every single thing, even the minor details of the world. They brought happiness to him.

Yeung Chun was being totally honest. He did not have any malicious intentions. This was the real Yeung Chun – the pure and innocent Yeung Chun that his younger brothers worried for.

The day after was special, starting from the large stone tablet located at Black Tortoise Avenue and Evergreen Palace junction.

The stone tablet that stood seven meters tall was a gorgeous white colour, resembling a huge piece of marble with mysterious patterns. Two men were cleaning the stone tablet carefully as they stared at the names with admiration.

Suddenly, the stone tablet shook, sending the man jumping out of their skin and falling on their butts!

They instantly realized the situation and screamed, “Send the azure birds!”

With Evergreen Palace as the center, countless azure birds, a mainstream communication form of the South, filled the skies within no time!

Now, there were less than three months until the Cloud Palace enrollment.

It had also been three months since the inter-school exchange, and all young talents were leading a lowkey life. For example, Kong Yau, Fok Fung, Lee Bak, Suen San Kuk, and many more simply announced to the world that they would be going into seclusion.

The inter-school exchange was undoubtedly a great learning chance for all talents, and as growing teens, it would be no surprise if they exhibited massive improvements before the enrollment.

And today, they were fated to be the world’s focus once again.

Since the palace was located at the center of South Imperial City, each of the largest four avenues – Black Tortoise, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Vermillion Bird – would lead to Evergreen Palace.

In front of each of the palace doors was a huge stone tablet that had been present ever since Evergreen Palace was established. Some workers maintained and kept the stone tablets clean too.

These stone tablets contained the Cloud Rank: Blue Skies Rank on White Tiger Avenue, Celestial Weapon Rank on Vermillion Bird Avenue, Divine Skies Rank on Azure Dragon Avenue, and Cloud Rank on Black Tortoise Avenue.

The Blue Skies Rank was for young cultivators below eighteen and with a cultivation state below or equivalent to two chambers or single-gliphic, while the Celestial Weapon Rank was obviously for gliphic weapons of the world. Cultivators below fifty years old and at or below the three-chambered or ten-gliphic state would be ranked on the Divine Skies Rank. Last but not least, the Cloud Rank consisted of a variety of rankings like the Heaven-Earth-Human rank for special body forms.

This was what the world meant by “update of rankings.” It meant that the changes would be seen on these stone tablets. Even the final results of the Cloud Palace enrollment would be announced at Black Tortoise Avenue’s stone tablet! They would temporarily shut down one of the rankings to make space for it.

Yet, this was not the main concern of today. Today was about the Blue Skies Rank!

This rank was solely for cultivators below the age of eighteen and below or at the two-chambered state. Most two-chambered cultivators would be above eighteen years old, but the rule was to allow the minority who managed to break through to the two-chambered state early to be ranked too.

The main purpose of the Blue Skies Rank was to motivate cultivators who just broke through to the one-chambered or single-gliphic state to work hard and compete with their peers. It did sound unfair, as it was widely known that a single-gliphic gliphist was way stronger than one-chambered gliphers, but because gliphists were late bloomers whose potential could only be unleashed when they reached the hundred-gliphic state, there was not much difference in their ability at the one-chambered or single-gliphic state.

It was just perfect then that most young elites of the previous generation were about to reach the age of nineteen, which was the reason for a major update in the Blue and Divine Skies Rank every few years. This time, Cloud Palace deliberately updated it after the inter-school exchange so they could refer to the competition.

Not everyone in the world bore the same excitement towards the rankings.

The Northerners were uninterested, but Southerns valued it greatly due to the difference in culture.

In the North where survival of the fittest was the rule of the land, it was commonplace for talented kids to leave the world before they could unleash their potential, so “talent” meant nothing to them.

But the South was a place where heritage held great importance and people believed in giving young talents the best resources, education, and protection so they could grow into pillars of the South. Most resource allocation in the South was dependent on the younger talents.

The best proof of how important education was in the South was how education centers were as powerful as great Northern entities.

Currently, countless azure birds brought notes containing the latest update of the Blue Skies Rank all across the world, including the North. Even though the Northern entities viewed the ranking in disdain, they were still strong organizations, and azure birds would bring them the information. It was accurate to say that the entire world had their eyes on every update.

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