Yuen Yau did not reply to the outer sect disciples as he muttered expressionlessly. But there was slight sadness swimming in his eyes if one were to take a close look. He was chanting the Buddhism funeral chant since Buddhists believed that doing so for all living would help them reach Sukhavati, the Land of Bliss when they passed on. 

Sadness swam his Yuen Yau’s eyes, but he did not hesitate to launch his attack on Lee Bat Fan and his peers as Yuen Yau signalled! 

The Angry Buddha’s Chop! 


At the same time, the audience watched the live broadcast of different parts of the Metallic Blood Giant Tower projected by the ruby hung on the roof. 

Yuen Yau’s giant hand shown in one of the broadcasts left some spectators mind-blown. “What gliphility is that? That’s one gigantic hand…” 

But before they recover from their surprise, the Metallic Blood Giant Tower shook violently and the gate shot open, throwing a few figures wrapped in balls of red light out! 

Cough! The disciples vomited blood the instant they touched the ground, and all of their faces flushed white. Well-prepared Metallic Blood War Gate disciples came at lightning speed and took the badly injured participants away on wooden stretchers. It was evident that Sze Fung was prepared for such an incident. 

Lee Bat Fan was among those eliminated by Yuen Yau. Fuming, he swore at Apex Temple despite his mouth still filled with blood. “Perfect act, sneaky Apex Temple! The Lee Clan remembers your doing and will take revenge someday!” 

Mute on the grandstand only spared Lee Bat Fan a short glance hearing his threatening remark. He killed his way; literally, to who he was today, so he wouldn’t fear a teen boy whose acting like a menace. With that, he returned to watch Yuen Yau from the broadcast with a pleased smile on his face. 

Now, the giant hand of Yuen Yau had disappeared into thin air. He took a short glance at the blood stains and along with his groupmates, he inhaled the leftover blood intent before leading his group away from the place immediately; as if they were never here. 

The blood-fog-filled tower was a stressful place to be at. 

Amongst the red emerged a beautiful scenery. It was a big group of girls in white and their arrival seemed to chase the uncomfortable red away. They were no other than disciples from the School of Blossoms, an all-girls institution and the dream school of many young female cultivators. Every single disciple of theirs were graceful beauties and being girls, they were way more united compared to other institutions. 

Cautiously, they passed through foggy spaces while absorbing blood intent under Yip Luk Ching’s lead. She was the senior sister to her institution, as well as Fa Siu Siu’s direct disciple. 

Yip Luk Ching was no great beauty, but she had a demeanourunique to her and the ability to remain composed during unexpected events—it might be the result of her practicing alchemy for a long period of time. 

However, being the best disciple comes with great responsibilities; she had to take care of her fellow sister under her lead! 

“I never thought that I’ll meet the School of Blossoms here.” A cold voice rang out. 

“Be careful!” Yip Luk Ching shouted and released energliph to draw a Wall Prison gliph in front of them. 

Crack! The Wall Prison gliph she drew shattered! 

Similarly, the attack dispersed in thin air, revealing Yip Luk Ching’s pale face. She seemed unharmed but in reality, Yip Luk Ching suffered from grave internal injuries. 

A figure walked through the thick blood fog, revealing his identity as a teen wielded with a striking sword. He bore a terrifying aura and his eyes were filled with disdain; as if destroying the world was a piece of cake to him. Disdain filled his eyes as blood fog trailed after him like two long strands of red ribbon. 

From afar, the skinny teen with narrow shoulders resembles a sword pointing towards heaven. 

“I’m Fok Fung from the Great Book Academy. Nice to meet all from the School of Blossoms.” In raspy voice, Fok Fung spoke. 

Fok Fung’s appearance left a solemn look on Yip Luk Ching’s face. Her worry intensify when she saw that he had no companions with him. Cultivators who act alone were either abandoned for being so weak that they served as others’ burdens or so capable that they viewed their peers as burdens. 

And Fok Fung was obviously the latter. 

Whoosh…Another group arrived right after Fok Fung. They were led by two aloof girls with one wielding a weird-looking bow. 

“Siu Suet greets the School of Blossoms disciples.” 

“Siu Suet, do not snatch my prey.” Fok Fung frowned.

“Snatch? What do you mean by that when everyone here has an equal standing? Moreover, this is a competition.” Unfazed, Siu Suet replied and left Fok Fung with a  scowl on his face. The sharp sword aura of the latter gushed up, but this did not affect Siu Suet as a breeze graced her beautiful hand holding onto the bow. 

The next second, the breeze solidified into an eye-catching arrow. True to the rumours, Siu Suet’s combat ability improved by thirty per cent after acquiring the New Rich Thirty-Six and not only she no longer feared Fok Fung, the thought of going against him even excites her!  

Fok Fung looked at the bow on Siu Suet’s hands with a black look. “That gliph weapon must be what you rely upon, huh?” 

“You could try.” Siu Suet retaliated. Tension loomed over the two best disciples of Great Book Academy’s current generation instantly. 

In the midst of silent tension, energliph movements were felt by the School of Blossoms disciples. All twenty-plus of them activated their energliphs. 

Bright green energliph surrounded Yip Luk Ching. Her snowy white robe danced in the air without caused by any wind. “Miss and Mister, don’t you think your attitude towards the School of Blossoms is kind of rude? 

“We might be a girls’ school, but we are full of fighting spirit and perseverance just like others. If Miss and Mister greed for our blood intent, then you’ll have to fight for it.”

The pretty faces behind Yip Luk Ching was filled with anger too. They couldn’t accept how Siu Suet and Fok Fung treated them like items; discussing on how to share them right in their faces! Hearing Yip Luk Ching, they supported her immediately. “Senior sister Yip is right!” 

Anger washed over the pretty faces behind Yip Luk Ching. How Fok Fung and Siu Suet treated them like items; discussing who owned them right in their faces was unacceptable! They supported Yip Luk Ching fully. “Senior sister Yip is right!” 

“Let’s show them who the School of Blossoms is!” 

“I apologize for my offensive mistake,” Siu Suet nodded to Yip Luk With sincerely after a short pause. Holding up her bow, energliph formed into an arrow as she pulled on it. “Siu Suet will give in my all to defeat the School of Blossoms to express my sincere apology.” 

Fok Fung still wore a black look on his face, but his sword intent had already reached the peak; like a precious sword that was leaving its heath! 

“Make your move.”

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