Beads of sweat kept rolling down her forehead, yet she maintained her consistency, only heaving a sigh of relief when Ping Chi announced that the competition had ended.

The elixirs were collected by Metallic Blood War Gate disciples and brought to the judges’ platform. It didn’t take more than a glance for Ping Chi to determine the winner. “Most of the elixirs here only have seventy to eighty per cent efficacy. But amongst all the elixirs, Yip Luk Ching has refined the most elixirs, and her elixirs average at ninety per cent efficacy. The winner of this segment is clear.”

Fa Siu Siu plastered a huge smile on her face; she was greatly satisfied with her disciple!

With Yip Luk Ching declared the winner, the alchemy segment ended. Even though the other participants hadn’t won, they accepted their loss as they knew Yip Luk Ching was much more proficient than them and had cleanly won.

Meanwhile, Woo Hung was in despair. He knew the consequences of losing.

When he returned to his seat, no outer sect disciple spared him a look, whilst Woo Nim only shook her head after some hesitation.

 “It isn’t simple to represent the Cloud Palace outer sect, and as our disciple, it’s your responsibility to win. Thus, you only have yourself to blame for this outcome. From tomorrow onwards, you are no longer an outer sect disciple.” Cheuk Kwun said.

The class was subsequently dismissed, leaving Woo Hung staring into space blankly.

Chui Yim’s residence. 

“Why are you still here? The alchemy segment has ended” He asked Ping Chi angrily as he gobbled down the dinner Yeung Chun prepared.

“I’m staying to watch the remaining segments!” Ping Chi sneered, competing with Chui Yim for the food. “It’d be a loss to travel such a distance and go home just like this!”

 Chui Yim could only huff unhappily and snatch the food from Ping Chi’s chopsticks.

Watching them, Kam Chin Kee laughed bitterly and changed the topic. “I wonder how the gliphism segment will be carried out tomorrow.”

“What else can they do besides asking the participants to identify or draw gliphs?” Chui Yim shrugged.

“How would it be that simple!” Ping Chi was determined to seize every chance to anger Chui Yim. “Gliphism is too profound for a stupid child like you to understand!”

Indeed, Chui Yim flared up as Kam Chin Kee tried to meditate. “The outer sect is sending Mung Si as our representative. No matter what, we will most likely win, right?”

Ping Chi munched as he listened to Kam Chin-Kee. The classy old man that oversaw the alchemy segment was long gone, leaving an alcoholic elder who loved meat. “Not really. It’s said that the Stars Unite Education Center’s Kang Yao is extraordinary. At sixteen, she already cultivated the most powerful style of her institution, the Star Unite Secret style, even able to control stellar energy, and she’s more skilled than her predecessors!”

“Can’t you speak properly!” Chui Yim flared up again. “Scolding people with every word, aren’t you bored?”

“Well, it’s your competition, not mine.” Ping Chi replied lazily, making Kam Chin Kee laugh as he watched the old and young bicker.

The next day, the warm sun woke up Mung Si.

She was a youthful beauty with chocolate skin, yet it didn’t make her any less pretty than other girls.

“Let’s go.” Yim Ying Yuet called out.



There weren’t as many people in the arena compared to the alchemy and forging segments, as only gliphists could participate in this segment.

There might not be even one glipher amongst a hundred people, but there might not even be one gliphist amongst a thousand gliphers. Every gliphist played an important role as they possessed the ability to grant gliphers their special abilities and power!

 This was why gliphists were the world’s focus, which was why the Blazing Skies Mountain and Four Seasons Heaven remained on good terms with the Imperial Sunset Palace.

 “Is that Mung Si?”

“Wow, she’s gorgeous…”

“How beautiful will she be in the future when she’s already stealing hearts at this age…”

“Shh! Lower your volume! There are Northerners here.”

The spectators then turned to the side where the Northerners like Yim Ying Yuet and the other cultivators that followed the Northern disciples here to the Cloud Palace outer sect were. All of them were sitting at their seats peacefully as they were here to protect their disciples rather than pick a fight. For example, Yim Ying Yuet came down South to protect their latest talent, Mung Si.

After Mung Si appeared, a girl in a light yellow shawl stepped up. Her fair skin shone brightly under the sun; her face was graced by a pretty smile that left many gushing. This was none other than Stars Unite Education Center’s representative, Kong Yau.

Kong Yau and Mung Si were polar opposites. If Kong Yau was described to be like the gorgeous, shining stars at night, then Mung Si would be the unforgettable blazing sun.

When the two girls stood beside each other contrastingly, it created a weirdly attractive scene which was impossible for the crowd to look away from. It wasn’t that other participants were inferior, but the duo was just too gorgeous, especially with the soft laughter and tone of Kong Yau.

 “I’ve long heard about elder sister Mung Si’s talent and how elder sister can be considered a triple innate chamber genius after going into seclusion in the Chamber Refining Cave. Please guide me today, sister.”

Unlike Kong Yau, not only was Mung Si’s voice cold, but her worlds were similarly frigid. “Who are you?”

Kong Yau was taken aback, but her shock was soon replaced with anger.

“I see elder sister likes to joke around.”

“It’s not a joke; I don’t recognize you,” Mung Si shook her head. “Oh, and we aren’t that close, so don’t call me elder sister.”

Chui Yim nearly died of laughter at this. It was interesting to watch Mung Si interact with others, and only now did he know that Mung Si wasn’t being mean to him; this was just who she was.

Kong Yau was so angry that she flushed red. What could be more embarrassing than your “rival” not even knowing you existed? With a sneer, Kong Yau scoffed at Mung Si. “You’ll soon know me.”

However, all she got in return was a simple glance from Mung Si before she closed her eyes to rest, which further angered Kong Yau!

“Okay, we shall start the competition today.”

Grandma Chin Shu stood up; she was the examiner for this segment which put a solemn expression on Old Star Reacher’s face. He felt that he was more qualified as the representative from the “holy land” of gliphists, the Stars Unite Education Center!

But Sze Fung dared not let a madman like Old Star Reacher take the role! Grandma Chin Shu, who had a gentle character and was of the same state as Old Star Reacher, was a better choice. Moreover, with Elder Man Shu present, they had a joint attack; if she combined her personal gliph with Elder Man Shu’s gliphility, it unleashed a devastating attack that even cultivators at the peak of their state dared not receive!

Thus, Grandma Chin Shu was fully qualified to host this competition.

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