Smiling, Chui Yim went to collect his ingredients. The forging segment was sponsored by the Blacksmith Academy, the institution supported by the world’s richest man, Chau Tai Fu, who cared most about his pride. He had prepared the most expensive ingredients, not caring about their practical effects. 

Chui Yim lamented at the sight. He only got ten thousand taels after pooling with Kam Chin-Kee, Chau Cheung and Choh Hang San. Yet, ten thousand taels weren’t near enough to purchase the ingredients before him… Thus, he started picking out all the expensive items, acting like a buyer in a fish market, shocking everybody, even Chau Tai Fu.

After a long time, Chui Yim returned to his workbench with his extravagant collection of ingredients, throwing them onto the ground like rubbish before starting his refining.

Even Chau Tai Fu trembled at the sight. All of those ingredients were worth money! But at the same time, he was surprised that Chui Yim could use such high-quality ingredients as not everybody could.

The higher an ingredient’s quality, the harder it was to utilise.

Currently, he watched Chui Yim dump the metals and refine them together, which was something only blacksmiths with a complete understanding of their ingredients could do. Chau Tai Fu didn’t know that Chui Yim had started researching this world’s minerals from young, finishing his “World’s Mineral Field Guide”, which helped him become extremely knowledgeable in his field.

As the metals fused, their aura became increasingly weird. The more powerful the ingredients were, the more powerful the natural gliph they contained could be. Chui Yim’s forceful refining was too much for the bench.

“The temperature isn’t hot enough…” Chui Yim wore a serious expression as he mumbled. He put the huge metal piece he had forged into the bench carefully.

Szz! The temperature around him rose in an instant. Chui Yim stared at the stove closely as the metal he melted surged forward to shroud the metal piece on all sides as if it was attracted.

Chai Fook Sau and Yau Suet Chung reached the last stage of forging simultaneously. Chui Yim was right, Chai Fook Sau’s product was a spear, and he was almost done.

The spear was sharp, with red, green and blue colours along its blade. A strong, sharp aura could be felt, and Chai Fook Sau was confident. He poured the contents of his last bottle onto the spear, a green flame quickly igniting the entire spear. But surprisingly, there was no burning temperature.

After being burnt by the green flame, the spear looked like it was made of jade with red, green and blue tricolour gliphs along it. If the crowd did not witness it themselves, it would be difficult to believe that the spear was born from a huge tree.

As for Yau Suet Chung, he finished carving a gliph on his glacier bench. With a loud yell, he pulled his hand out from the well-like glacier bench!

The low temperature could be felt throughout the arena, and a long, blue knife was in his hands. The knife was enchantingly clear, as if it was made of ice! On the back of the knife were three ice hoops that created the sound of ice when waved; with the knife in his hands, Yau Suet Chung looked extremely proud.

He was confident that this was the best work he could forge now, and both he and Chai Fook Sau were just a step away from the great master stage. Moreover, they were disciples of renowned elites in this field, making them the best out of all their peers.

However, a furious temperature fell over the crowd once they finished.

Chui Yim stared at the stove in front of him unhappily and helplessly. If he was making a normal item, it wouldn’t matter, but the temperature mattered when forging an actual creation. As a great master in fire-forging who had once forged a divine weapon, he knew a widely used method that could forge all kinds of weapons, but there were many restrictions to this method too.

The fire’s temperature was one such requirement. In his past life, the high temperature from the earth core’s flame was an important factor in his success!

Feeling that the heat from the stove was obviously inadequate, Chui Yim silently drew a mark with his fingers and pointed at the stove. “First level fire mark!”

The Nine Levels of Fire Mark was a skill taught to him by his forging master!

Seeing a gliph congeal in front of him, he grew excited and performed the Nine Levels of Fire Mark using gliphism! The fire mark landed in the stove, causing heatwaves to suddenly spread throughout the arena!

Fung Seung’s face fell, while Sze Fung had already stood up. With a wave, he dispersed the surrounding flames that would affect the spectators. His actions made all the elites of his standing solemn, like Old Star Reacher and Grandma Chin Shu. They realised that Sze Fung had improved once more.

 Chui Yim was focused on his work and did not realise what was happening. There were myriad changes taking place to the metal piece once again, and it was now extremely colourful. Honestly, it looked extremely weird. Knowing that it was time, Chui Yim picked up the tongs at his side and picked up the metal piece.

Szzz…The tongs melted the second Chui Yim touched it, but Chui Yim didn’t care as he had achieved his aim of picking the item to hammer at it.


This time around, a soft sizzling sound was heard from…his head! His head was smocking, but since there was smoke all over the place already due to the heat waves, nobody noticed the changes taking place to him, not even Chui Yim himself!

Ding ding ding!

As he forged, more white smoke emanated from the metal piece increased and turned his surroundings foggy, It was impossible to see anything from afar, and only the thunder-like hammering sounds could be heard! This silenced the crowd, and those who didn’t know who was inside would have assumed it was a grandmaster forging!

Within the fog, Chui Yim was focused on the metal piece as he felt the changes taking place. Under his precise hands, the metal piece turned from an ugly duckling into the shape of a diamond. If one were to observe closely, the colours were situated in each corner according to a sequence, while the centre was a mix of it all. However, the mix wasn’t messy; it seemed to have a sequence!

Chui Yim suddenly threw the hammer away with a low shout and started drawing gliphs in the air!


Gliph strings crossed each other in front of him and formed an uncomplicated gliph. He had drawn a Hidden Cloud gliph, nodding in satisfaction as it landed on one of the five sides of the metal piece. Instantly, it turned into the shape of a cloud, just like a decorative accessory. Drenched in sweat, Chui Yim smiled.

He was all beat out, but this was the first work that he was proud of in this world. But soon, he had a bad feeling.

“Oh no…The stove…” 

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