The sound that Chui Yim produced every time he hammered onto the metal was crystal clear. It only took this for Fung Seung to identify the metal’s crucial part that Chui Yim dealt with and when he listened closely, there was even a unique rhythm!

This kid…

Fung Seung stared at Chui Yim horrified. Is he really a thirteen year old teen? His skillfulness only makes sense to appear on blacksmiths at least of my age!

He inspected the big metal piece that he held onto; an odd, diamond shaped metal of half a meter diameter that had densely packed gliph patterns on it, which Fung Seung identified to be the color of red cloud iron and frost gaticite mixed. Most people would never link this product with the legendary spiked mountaintoad, but as the owner of the painting, Fung Seung knew better. 

The painting was obtained from the tomb of an ancient elite, and brought to Fung Seung with the condition of exchanging for a grade four gliph weapon by a glipher. It didn’t seem anything special but Fung Seung agreed to it, as the painting skills were of highest quality. Even though the creator’s painting skill was not equivalent to his proficiency in gliphism, when cultivators reached a certain state their perception towards the world changed just like how Chui Tin viewed the world as a whole gliph itself. This was a normal situation for elites. 

In the painting, it bored numerous mystics of gliphism that could only be understood by experts in graphism and a weird frog-like gliphic beast was all the commoners saw. 

Fung Seung studied this painting for decades and he was proud to say that it inspired a few best pieces he created. Therefore he treasured it so much that he would never show the world if not for Metallic Blood War Gate’s invite to set the contest’s question. 

Currently, Fung Seung felt a familiar aura coming from Chui Yim’s weird looking metal piece which oddly felt like the painting…He was in great ponder comparing Chui Yim’s work with the painting that he frowned. 

However that was not what the rest thought. To them, grandmaster Fung Seung was frowning in confusion of the work that a thirteen year old handed him while Woo Hung viewed it as Fung Seung being unpleased with the “rubbish” Chui Yim submitted. 

“Let me have a close look of it.” That was the only comment from Fung Seung after a long pause. When he noticed the disciples waiting for his comment, displeased washed over his face. “You only have half of the time left, and inability to produce a work for submission would be deemed as giving up the chance to compete.” 

The remainig disciples hurry and got to work while Fung Seung continued to stare at the metal piece and figure out the reason he felt that it was very similar to a part of a painting yet he could not point it out…

At the same time, Chui Yim alread y took his seat long ago and was cultivating his Nine Levels of Heaven Flame. 


Time flies past. Many other participants had completed and there were a variety of work to be seen. Some were awesome while there were medicroe works as well which was obviously done by participants from institution that weren’t good with forging and participated for the sake of it; institution involved in the exchange have to participate in every segment, and Blacksmith Academy was no doubt the institution best in forging amongst them.

The participant that garned most attention was a buff teenager which looked too mature for his age. He lived up to the stereotype humans had for blacksmith, fierce facial features and very muscular body that made him look like a thirty-year old when some knew that in reality, he just turned eighteen, 

Qi Fu Shou. It’s an old-fashioned name yet it was said that it was given to his parents who hoped for him to be happy and long-live thus they gave him a name that bored exactly this meaning. He was discovered to have aptitude in grass-refining when in primary school and made his way to becoming a success story of the South. 

His talent gained Fung Seung’s attention and took him in as a disciple to pass down the knowledge to him even tho Fung Seung was no longer taking in disciples. Back than, Fung Seung, announced to the world that Qi Fu Shou will become a great master before thirty years old and before sixty. This caused a commotion as reacher the great master state before thirty is considered to be very young. 

And here comes Chui Yim, the moster that made all blacksmiths of his generation cry in failure, excluding Qi Fu Shou. Born to a couple of farmer, Qi Fu Shou was an honest man that wasn’t affected by Chui Yim and one of the rare ones to not even spare Chui Yim a look as he worked on his creation from the start. 

What caught the crowd’s attention was Qi Fu Shou’s hands. The teen that seemed to be a literal definition of all brawn and no brain moved his fingers at lighting speed with his unique melody. After soaking his fingers into the gliphic plant liquid that he processedm, ten fingers of his danced in the air and took shape. 

The crowd was in awe when a meter tall frog appeared in front of him. It was not a simple frog, but this frog made of gliphic plant resembled spiked mountaintoad as seen from the paintings and it was lifelike! 

Kam Chin Kee watching the contest can’t help but commented secretly. “Is he in a forging or sculpting contest…” 


“Ha? Just that?” A teenager fanning himself sneered, gazing at Qi Fu Shou with disdain. “What do you think you are by making this giant frog? A sculpture?” 

This unpleasent comment caught the attention of many, and what’s more surprising was not much present could recognize him! Some Blacksmith Academy disciples or those that were close to Qi Fu Shou retorted immediately. “So nameless, who are you!” 

“Mok Chin Chow’s disciple,” The teen fanned himself slowly. “He ordered me to attend the South Heaven Academy which I’m representing today.” 

His words immediately caused a commotion and even Fung Seung frowned. In South Imperial City, only two grass-refiner reached the grandmaster state, Fung Seung and Choh Hang Sang, but there’s only one water-caster that reached this state, Mok Chin Chow and he resides in the Hidden Vanguard City. 

It was said that his brother Mok Chin Yew who resides in South Imperial City already met all the requirements to reach the grandmaster state and he stand a high chance of doing so. 

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