“Previously, we earned a few million taels from around twenty grade two gliph weapons. Our large profits have attracted those with malicious intentions.” Chau Chung said gloomily.

Chau Chung was one of the seven disciples expelled from the Cloud Palace outer sect during the school trip. He didn’t have much talent in cultivations anyways and only wanted to build connections. As such, he didn’t particularly care about the expulsion.

Instead, he cared about his business more.

“Our opponent is a great master, great master Chau Ling, a grass-refiner.” 

“What do you mean, fatty? Am I not an actual great master?!” Chui Yim glared at Chau Chung. The other party’s heart fell instantly as he tried to recover.

“Of course not! Brother Chui is the most talented fire-forger I’ve ever seen!” But you are only a teenager while great master Chau Ling is already fifty; it’s been more than ten years since he reached the great master realm. He’s way more experienced… Chau Chung kept his thoughts to himself.

“Chau Ling publicly expressed that your weapons are without substance and low quality. At the same time, he joined hands with another to replicate our bulk buying technique!” Chau Chung fumed. The unique bulk-buying technique was his idea, and he was furious about being copied!

“The worst part is that great master Chau is a renowned grass-refiner with extraordinary skills. In the South, the gentle grass-refining is more suitable for the more common Plantae faction gliphers. When the news broke, everyone who ordered from us cancelled their order and ordered from great master Chau despite their higher cost!”

Chui Yim scratched his head and retrieved his hands awkwardly when he recalled that he might grow burning hair. “His name rings a bell…”

“Great master Chau Ling is a famous blacksmith in the South. There are only two grandmaster blacksmith in South Imperial City and his master Choh Hang Sang was one of them.”

Chui Yim now remembered who Chau Chung was referring to. Chau Ling was the blacksmith who forged the shitty Soul Destroying Sword he and Kam Chin Kee saw at the Black Tortoise auction house.

Chau Chung spoke respectfully when he mentioned Choh Hang Sang. “Most grandmasters ignore material wealth and focus on cultivation’s existence after reaching their state, but not grandmaster Choh. As an orphan who grew up under the Lam dynasty’s orphan adoption system, grandmaster Choh became a talented blacksmith and chose not to remain anonymous like other grandmasters. Instead, he started the Straw Hut, customizing gliph weapons for the Southern elites of his generation and raising new grass-refiners to improve South’s capability.”

The name Choh Hang Sang was greatly respected. As Choh Hang Sang’s disciple, Chau Ling received many benefits from his master’s reputation. The loss of Chui Yim’s customers despite Chau Ling’s higher price was an example of his reputation’s impact!

“Hmph! Damned Chau Ling!” Chui Yim gritted his teeth as he remembered his poorer days. Destroying somebody’s source of income was as good as killing their parents! 

“Let’s go, Chubby Chau!” Chui Yim sneered.

“Where?” Stunned, Chau Chung asked subconsciously.

“To challenge them, obviously!” Chui Yim rolled his eyes.

South Imperial City’s White Tiger Avenue. Despite being called an avenue, its size was equivalent to some medium-sized city.

Chui Yim and Chau Chung exited their carriage and stared at the building before them. Southern buildings were generally taller than their Northern counterparts; four or five stories buidlings were a common sight, but the building in front of them was only two stories.

It was a simple and crude building that seemed to be made of straw-like materials, very different from the other extravagant buildings in South Imperial City. But Chui Yim could immediately tell that the building was built out of a gliphic plant, Steel Straw.

Steel Straw was found in the Spiky Tree Woods of North. Perhaps due to its environment, Steel Straw was half an adult’s height and hard as a needle. It was hard to imagine that this was a plant despite its matching characteristics. Furthermore, it was a basic ingredient many grass-refiners used to make weapons. Thus, Steel Straw was a necessary ingredient for them!

A massive amount of Steel Straw would be needed for such a building…How costly would it be?! Especially with the gliph aura Chui Yim felt. There must be numerous hidden protective gliphs.

There was a sign atop the door. “Straw Hut”; two characters written in cursive.

However, these words weren’t simple. From Chui Tin’s teachings, Chui Yim already started to view the world from a gliphism perspective, and he was surprised that the words were a gliph too! Noticing Chui Yim was staring at the words, Chau Cheng explained their background.

“It was said that when the first teacher of the Cloud Palace and grandmaster Choh first met, they were like long-lost friends, spending three days and nights discussing about cultivation. Finally, grandmaster Choh gifted the first teacher a gliph weapon, and when the first teacher knew that grandmaster Choh was starting his Straw Hut, he wrote this calligraphy for him as a gift.”

Chui Yim frowned──the Cloud Palace’s first teacher? From the words, Chui Yim could feel how relaxed the author was when he wrote it, and its aura indicated the proficiency of his gliphism and calligraphy! He reached such a realm that each word was filled with deep gliphism.

However, when he recalled how hurt the third teacher, Hui Sai Cheong, was when the first teacher banned him from alcohol, Chui Yim wore an odd expression.

“Excuse me.” A female voice pulled Chui Yim back to reality. A female with a cold expression was glaring at Chui Yim with annoyance. “You’re blocking the way.”

Chui Yim nodded and moved aside. The female said nothing else, entering the Straw Hut while Chui Yim and Chau Chung followed.

“Welcome; how can I help you, Miss?” A smiling, middle-aged man at the counter greeted the female.

“I need a gliph weapon, an arrow. It can be grade one or two, but it must be exquisite.” She stated calmly.

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