This is surreal. Chui Yim thought as he felt his body thoroughly. He had constantly been training and was muscular to begin with, but this was a different feeling! Being buff wasn’t equivalent to having high stamina. For example, a stout man might lose a marathon to somebody skinner with higher ability to sustain prolonged physical activities. 

Stamina and physical strength weren’t always directly proportional and Chui Yim was the best example. Because of the Heaven’s Flame, he always had to limit his training time, so he couldn’t train his stamina. Now that the Heaven’s Flame had merged with his heart chamber, the terrifying Heaven’s Flame was now his support instead. 

However, he didn’t have the time to inspect his body properly now as his attention was caught by a familiar white piece of paper floating in the air. It also reminded him about the events that took place before he fainted. 

“Siu Yim, I never thought you’d break through your innate chamber so soon, it seems like fate already has great plans for you. What threw me off was you having innate double chambers! Even I never thought of that possibility and was deceived by the Heaven’s Flame!” A cheerful, gentle yet familiar voice rang into his ears. It was a voice he listened to every day for ten years! 

“I saw your friend. I guess you’re now a Cloud Palace outer sect student, huh? 

“Haish…There was a reason why I didn’t list this as one of your options. Well, I can’t decide your life for you, but your father, me, has some bad history with those of the Cloud Palace. All I can say is that you should never let them know you’re my son. Or…

Chui Tin paused as if he was thinking about what to say. “They might chop you into eighteen pieces? Haha.”

Chui Yim broke into a cold sweat at Chui Tin’s words. He knew that his father was special, but how did he offend those of the Cloud Palace? 

The Cloud Palace was publicly known as the most powerful organisation in the world! Even though they only had seven disciples every era, each one of them were the most talented geniuses of this era. It was even likely for all the disciples to become the strongest cultivators in the world! The power they accumulated over the past thousands of years was immense! 

Chui Tin guessed what Chui Yim’s thought and spoke. “Don’t worry. Nobody will link us together as long as you keep it a secret. The Cloud Palace…it’s a complicated but great place to cultivate. Now that you’ve broken through your heart chamber, you have a chance to fight for the position of the seventh disciple. 

“Anyways, the gliph I tattoed on you is a gliph developed from the Blazing Sun gliph, my original creation, the Greatest Blazing Sun. Take your time to understand the gliph; I’ve recorded it on this paper, but only look at it once you reach the ten-gliphic state; you won’t be able to understand right now.

“The Heart chamber represents one’s mental strength and determination. Gliphist of the heart chamber might be weaker than wind-chambered gliphist in terms of energliph aspect, but you will have a stronger mental state and control of gliph strings. These are your advantage, so make use of them well. 

“Now that you‘ve opened two pouches, open the third once you descend from the mountain. 

“I miss you too, Siu Yim. But a baby eagle can only soar if it learns to fly on its own. Since you’ve chosen to cultivate, you have to traverse this path alone. It will only result in overreliance if I’m always there. 

“Grow, my son. The day you succeed will be when we meet again.” 

The white paper slowly lost its shine and landed on the withered leaves. Chui Yim picked it up and folded it carefully before keeping it as he did for the first pouch. 

The day I succeed? 

Chui Yim looked up to the sky. Chui Tin tattooed my innate chamber, but how did he get here? Wait, this reminds me of the teleportation gliph, but even with Mr Cheuk’s ability, he needs time to activate the gliph. 

Who exactly is my sissy father? 

Somewhere else in the world, a space of fire. 

The muscular elderly man with spiky hair wore a complicated expression as he stared at the empty ground. 

After some time, strong energliph movement was felt. The light belonging to energliph dissipated in no time, and the scholar that escaped earlier appeared in front of him once more. “I apologise for the sudden leave, but it was an emergency. Please continue with your scoldings now that I’ve returned.” He said and bowed towards the old man

“...: The old man watched him silently. His worldly experience would be a waste if he couldn’t tell what was happening. He had the ability to escape from the start but he chose to not, yet I was still proud of trapping him. 

“Hmph!! Do you still remember that I’m your father!?” 

“Of course—” Chui Tin smiled bitterly. 

“Getting rebellious, huh! How dare you to avoid my beatings!” 

“Ouch…Please go easier on me…Ouch!” Chui Tin shouted in pain, but the seriousness was gone. 

The snow in the North came to a pause. It was still freezing cold, but everything felt better without the chilly snow and wind constantly landing their faces; it was a painful experience. 

Two teenagers walked side by side. They already left the Heaven Sacrifice Tribe. Even though the tribe was at fault, Cheng Hak paid for it with his life thus both of them didn’t feel a need to investigate further. But the tribe was obviously unsuitable for a longer stay. The fight was intense, but it was minor considering their other experiences. 

Man Yee Ho couldn’t get his mind off the technique Yeung Tin Hun performed with his hands back in the tent that night. He had received teachings from a mysterious elite in his past life, and with his talent, he became known as the god of war. He was extremely grateful to the elite, but the other party refused to acknowledge him as his true disciple. 

After many years, he met with the mysterious elite’s actual disciple and sparred together with his supposed senior whoacknowledged Man Yee Ho as his junior brother. It was then he understoodd the mysterious master’s powerful style, the Dragon Seeker. 

By right, he should be the only person who knew that style in this world. However, Yeung Tin Hun performed it back in the tent the other night! 

Man Yee Ho couldn’t help but think about it. Yeung Tin Hun, Dragon Seeker…Same name, same martial arts style…

Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks. 

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