Night slowly fell, the North falling under its shade as the howling wind and snow seemingly departed along with the sun.

Yes, seemingly, as the North was in fact anything but safe at night. This was when the most dangerous gliphic beasts rose; many were nocturnal, and experienced cultivators would refrain from wandering or exploring at night. 

On the other hand, places inhabited by humans, such as tribes, were safe from gliphic beasts which instinctively avoided them.  

The Heaven Sacrifice Tribe was a powerful Northern tribe that recently rose to power. The tribe was known for being home to many gliphists. It adopted an ancient system known as religion, in which they believed that the first tribe leader’s spirit would protect them like how he had led their ancestors to safety from the gliphic beasts, single-handedly building up the tribe. 

To the people who are used to living in a world without deities, this idea sounded bizarre, almost  ridiculous. Yet, this was what brought the Heaven Sacrifice Tribe success. 

As the tribe’s core of belief, the current tribe leader, Yu-Man Chong, was literally a god to his tribesmen. The entire tribe heeded his orders and would readily die for him at his command. He didn’t find the tribe, but he and the founder shared the same surname. 

Those who bore the surname Yu-Man were considered kings.  

Yu-Man Chong had many wives but only one heir, Yu-Man Lung. However, speaking of his son hurt his head as the child was afflicted with Dragon Craving, the sexual attraction towards men as a man. 

The idea that naming his son “Lung”, which meant dragon, could’ve been the reason for the young man’s preference once lingered in his mind. Still, Yu-Man Lung grew up as a friendly youngster who seemed normal otherwise, and he was like a dragon in terms of his cultivation, reaching the two-chambered state before even turning twenty. The son might well have a greater potential than even his father. 

As he was the ruler of the tribe, he turned a blind eye to his son’s actions. Once in a while, foreign trade caravans came for business visits and cultivators who just went through the Snowdrift Mountain Range would stay for a brief rest. The visitors were the tribe’s main source of income. 

My son… Yu-Man Chong couldn’t help but sigh.  

“Lord, is anything wrong?” The girls dressed in white behind him trembled. With a single frown, the hundred-gliphic Yu-Man Chong made the girls extremely stressed. The mental pressure was too great for them.  

However, the girls who were fervently staring at Yu-Man Chong served him both willingly and proudly, even though he was a hundred years older than them. Born in the tribe, they were instilled with the notion that the Yu-Man family was divine.  

He shook his head. “Nothing. You may leave now. I shall calm my mind to hear from our mighty ancestors.” 

One of the girls blurted out as yearning washed over her face. “My lord, the mighty ancestors’ voice… what does it sound like?”  

“How can those like us dare to apprehend the mighty ancestor’s holy voice?” The other ladies immediately reprimanded her.  

However, Yu-Man ChongYu-Man Cong merely laughed. “The ancestors’ voice? Hmm… Very gentle, and it puts your ming at peace. They are very accepting of us as well.”

As he spoke, he scanned the teenage girl up and down. She had just turned eighteen and was in her prime. Even her long white robes couldn’t hide her slender yet curvy figure, an arousing sight to say the least. However, he kept his cool and flashed a warm, sun-like smile. “If you’re that curious, come to my tent tonight. I’ll show you the warm embrace of our ancestors.” 

“Thank you, my lord!” The teen was on cloud nine after hearing him while the other girls stared at her enviously.  

Yu-Man Chong merely chuckled, his mind already busy thinking about what he would be doing to the innocent girl tonight. But suddenly, he felt a wave of energliph from outside his tent.  

“Hmm?” His face changed as he vanished from the tent.

Heaven Sacrifice Tribe cultivators pounced towards Yeung Tin Hun and Man Yee Ho.

Within the crowd, the two young men spotted two gliphists drawing gliphs in the air. They were in the Heaven Sacrifice Tribe which had many gliphists, after all. Both skilled, they only had to exchange glances to immediately understand one another.  

 “You go,” Man Yee Ho spoke, to which Yeung Tin Hun merely rolled his eyes.

At the same time, Man Yee Ho flicked his ten fingers. He had mostly recovered from his injuries and could go all-out. Rays of light shot all over the place, turning into countless weapons that either struck or forced the enemy cultivators to retreat.  

However, he still had yet to reach the one-chambered state. This attack drained his energy greatly while his shoulder injury stung. He remained emotionless  and stared at the golden-robed teenager as a ray of white shot towards him.  

That teenager was none other than Yu-Man Lung, who turned around subconsciously to find a flash of white shooting towards him.  

Yu-Man Lung laughed when he felt the energliph. What an idiot. A one-chambered glipher dares to challenge me? The strict hierarchy of gliphism has shown countless times that ranks aren’t easily overcome!  

Despite feeling somewhat shocked by the fact that the teenager could break through so many lines of defence to attack him, Yu-Man Lung still wore a smile. It’s only fun if they resist. These two boys will have an interesting experience later… 

The thought excited Yu-Man Lung as he raised his right hand. His chest and right arm lit up, a sharp aura appearing as his energliph morphed into a lengthy spear—that was the Heaven Breaking Spear gliph of the Heaven Sacrifice Tribe that was passed down for generations! 

Yu-Man Lung attacked Yeung Tin Hun with the mystical spear, but he made sure not to stab any vital parts as he would rather keep the youngster alive.  

On the other hand, Yeung TIn Hun was weirded out by the sharp spear. Unlike Man Yee Ho’s illusionary weapon made of gliphs, this energliph spear felt solid. 

I didn’t know we could solidify our energliph! 

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