Chapter 70: Chapter 94: Tonight

Translator: 549690339

If she were caught eavesdropping, Gu Yan would certainly not let her off the hook.

“Who’s there?” A deep voice sounded, and the lights in the backyard instantly lit up. Many people ran towards her rapidly.

Gu Chuyan started to run, hearing someone chase after her from behind.

Gu Yan ran after her, spotted her silhouette, and shouted, “Gu Chuyan?”

“Gu Chuyan? She’s the Gu family’s heiress, catch her.” At this point, an unknown voice resonated.

The bodyguards hearing this became extremely excited!

The ones chasing after her were heavy-footed! It seemed like an army of bodyguards was behind her, Gu Chuyan hadn’t rested well in the past few days, she lacked strength, and after a few running steps, the snowy ground was too slippery, she fell heavily to the ground.

With a “thud”, she fell to the ground, her body lunged forward, scratched by a tree branch on her wrist. She didn’t feel the pain, she only felt the urgent need to leave right now.

She couldn’t become a puppet, didn’t want to be manipulated by Gu Yan, and she didn’t want to be dictated by Gu Miaoting’s whims! She must have deliberately tried to entrap her.

Just then, a black Mercedes-Benz sped up and stopped in front of her, blocking her way.

Gu Miaoting got out of the car, her seductive smile fixated on her, “Why are you in such a hurry? Is there something urgent? Why don’t we chat?”

With a sway of her sexy hips, she approached, but her eyes held resentment!

Gu Miaoting had always been pampered, but she didn’t expect to be ravaged by Gu Chuyan! She watched her glamorous and illustrious life destroyed by Gu Chuyan in a matter of one short month.

Only Lian Zhenzhen knew, but she dared not mention it to anyone else! Yet, this shadow had imprinted itself on her heart, she wanted to make Gu Chuyan suffer a hundredfold misery than she had.

“Get out of my way.” Gu Chuyan tried to dodge her to run, but Gu Miaoting grabbed her arm, attempting to arrest her.

Feeling anxious, Gu Chuyan lifted her foot, aiming a kick at Gu Miaoting’s pelvis.

“Ah.” Gu Miaoting stepped back in pain as she was kicked.

At this point, Gu Yan finally arrived, he stood there, hands behind his back, glaring at Gu Chuyan furiously. He used to believe her when she said she was falsely accused because he had never seen her hit someone before.

But this time, how could he believe her again?

“Gu Chuyan, how dare you kick me?” He gnashed his teeth, striding forward, extended his hand to grasp her wrist, and forcibly pulled her back!

Gu Chuyan violently shook off his hand, staring at him with hatred: “Gu Yan, the likes of selling out women for fame is something only you could do.”

Gu Miaoting interjected when she heard this, stepping in front of Gu Yan, “Chuyan, don’t curse at your uncle like that, he’s got it hard too!”

Seeing her like this, Gu Chuyan scoffed.

“I loathe your innocent act the most.” Gu Chuyan couldn’t stand it anymore.

She pounced on Gu Miaoting, and with all her strength pushed her aside. Watching her attempt to preserve her image in front of Gu Yan – and certainly not retaliating – made Gu Chuyan’s scoff colder.

“Do you know what I’m about to do?” Gu Chuyan’s laugh radiated beauty, she stretched out her hand and pinched Gu Miaoting’s nose with force, and pulled it hard.

“Ah.” Gu Miaoting shrieked in pain. Gu Chuyan firmly held her down, her beautiful hand forcefully covered her mouth.

“Hrn Hrn.” Gu Miaoting struggled, her tears flowed nonstop. She wanted to hit Gu Chuyan, but was afraid of ruining her image!

Gu Chuyan tightly grasped her hair, making her lose balance, hence Gu Miaoting fell to the ground, hitting her head on a wall.

Gu Yan stood there, shaking with anger! He couldn’t believe that Gu Chuyan dared to be so audacious and confront Gu Miaoting in front of him.

“Gu Yan, aren’t you spoiled for her?” Gu Chuyan suddenly laughed, she forcefully dragged Gu Miaoting up and took off her high heels. With a flick of her wrist, the high heel was sent flying..

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