The organizers of the event were quite thrilled when they saw Cedric and his friends arrive with their entire families.

It was rare for any event to get such a good attendance of important businessmen, high ranking officials, and celebrities. It was even rarer when all the five princes arrived with their families.

That night, there were to be several items auctioned as well as performances from various groups that the organizers wanted to push into the limelight.

The first event was to be an auction, everyone already knew that if one of the princes set their eyes on it, no one else could get it.

Much to everyone's surprise there was little that they had bid on.

A few pieces of jewelry and some artworks.

"It's boring when they know who you are." Adrianna said with a sigh as she recalled the events of the last auction they attended when people didn't know about Cedric's true identity.

"We might have some entertainment tonight." Ian, who was seated nearby said as he subtly gestured towards Wu Jun and Han Ai.

"I told them to leave." Guan Ming hissed as he glared at the couple.

"It seems Han Ai wants to be the center of attention." Ram suddenly said as he joined in on the conversation. "As the King of Entertainment, I must oblige."

"You know she mostly got to where she is by making shady deals? I'm not even sure she can really act." Camilla asked Ram as she gave him a cunning smile.

"Of course. What kind of King would I be if I didn't know that." Ram said as he waved for one of his assistants to come over.

"Eric, Francesca, do you want to have fun?" Ram asked as he glanced at his friend and girlfriend.

"I've never worked with Miss Han Ai before, but I've seen her around." Francesca Rocci said, looking almost innocent as she spoke.

If anything was a testament to her acting skills, it was the fact that she could hide how deadly and influential she truly was.

While Ram and the others plotted to embarrass Han Ai, Cedric leaned over and checked up on Guan Ming.

"I know you can settle your own issues, but do you need help?" Cedric asked as he glanced over to a giddy Han Ai and seemingly anxious Wu Jun.

It seemed that Wu Jun understood the danger they were in more than Han Ai.

"I don't think we even need to lift a finger. At this rate Francesca might just send Han Ai home in tears." Guan Ming said as he smiled at Ram whispering something to his assistant while Camilla helped Francesca and Eric choose a song to perform.

It didn't take long for Guan Ming's assistant to come running back to them with good news.

He whispered something to Ram, making the man grin and nod as he sent him back with another message.

"Good news!" Ram happily announced to the group. "The organizers were more than thrilled to have Francesca and Eric perform."

"Of course they would be more than happy." Adrianna said as she rolled her eyes, making Cedric laugh as he pulled his wife into his arms and kissed the top of her head.

"You should be up in a few minutes." Ram said as he smiled at Francesca and Eric.

"What are you guys planning for Han Ai?" Guan Ming asked, he was curious to see how these well known entertainers embarrassed someone on stage.

"Just watch and see." Eric said with a wink as he got up and offered his arm for Francesca to take.

"We deal with the actress, you deal with the businessman." Francesca added as she winked at Guan Ming before standing up and leaving with Eric for the back stage.

"You have something in mind?" Ian asked Guan Ming as he leaned over.

"You can't be seen being involved in this." Guan Ming scolded Ian as he shook his head.

"Of course I can." Ian argued back as he grinned at Guan Ming. "It's part of my cover."

Guan Ming rolled his eyes as he handed Ian a document. He knew that Ian wouldn't be able to resist getting involved in sending Wu Jun away.

When Wu Jun arrived he immediately looked down at Ian and went even as far as thinking the man was some sort of servant. Ian had been itching to do something against Wu Jun.

"This is it?" Ian asked as he looked at the document.

"In the right hands that could be a very important document." Guan Ming whispered knowing that Ian was the right person to give it to.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Esteemed guests, your attention please." The host said as he excitedly reappeared on stage.

"It's time." Ram said with a grin as gestured for everyone to look at that stage.

"We will be straying from the program for a bit, but I promise you it will be worth it!" The host said, making the crowd come alive as they whispered among themselves.

"As you know we have many very important and popular guests tonight, but some of the brightest stars are Mr. Eric Chan and Miss Francesca Rocci." As the host announced their names, Eric and Francesca stepped out on the stage making the crowd clap in excitement.

Cedric leaned back as he waited for the pair to make their move.

"We have another important guest here with us." Francesca said as she looked directly at Han Ai.

It seemed that Han Ai had no idea about the relationship between Francesca, Eric, and Guan Ming. In her mind they were simply entertainers like her.

"I think Miss Han Ai should join us and sing as well, don't you think so, Francesca?" Eric said as he winked at Francesca, making their fans swoon.

"They know that those two have someone else, right?" Guan Ming asked as he pointed at Eric and Francesca.

"They do, but they are also crazy fans, we're used to it." Katerina said as she laughed.

Han Ai excitedly climbed the stage to join the pair.

"And how is this supposed to embarrass Han Ai?" Ian asked as he looked at Guan Ming and Ram.

"Miss Han Ai can't sing, as a matter of fact all she has is a pretty face and low standards." Ram said as he signaled for his assistant to begin their plan.

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