"An event?" Camilla asked Guan Ming as she turned from her laptop to face her boyfriend. "You've been invited to an event and you want me to go with you?"

Camilla was unsure if she heard Guan Ming's words correctly.

They had been in a stable relationship for a while now, but they had never gone public with their relationship.

They went on a few dates, but even those were still in private, with private rooms and very few onlookers.

Those that wanted to gossip about their relationship were also unsure of what to say. Everyone knew how Camilla had just been faking her relationship with Lucius Ting and most people feared Guan Ming too much to spread rumors about him.

Guan Ming gave Camilla a sweet smile as he walked up to her.

Every time he looked at her Camilla felt like she was the only woman on his mind. The way his eyes seemed to look into her soul and worship her made Camilla blush.

He reached out and held her hand, took a deep breath and spoke.

"Yes, it's a charity event, they have been asking me to come over for years now and I thought it would be the perfect time to, well, let the world know about us." Guan Ming was nervous that Camilla would say no.

He knew that she actively stayed out of the spotlight. As Cedric's assistant, there were many times that people tried to learn more about her day to day life. But Camilla was adamant about keeping everything private.

The only time her personal life had been so visible to the public was when she was dating Lucius Ting, and at that time it was all part of her plan.

"I know that you have a separate invite for this event but-" Guan Ming wasn't able to complete his statement as Camilla jumped into his arms and pressed her lips onto his, kissing him passionately.

"Of course I'll go with you." She said with a chuckle as they untangled themselves from each other's arms.

When Camilla woke up the next morning, she made sure to pack her dress for the evening. She would be going straight from R Tower, Guan Ming borrowed one of Cedric's cars to pick her up.

As she made her way to the drive way of Mountain View Mansion, she bumped into an extremely anxious Ian.

"Spy's first day?" She teased him as he walked out with her. "You've done it in the past, so why do you seem so nervous this time."

"I need a favor." Ian told Camilla as he held the door to his car open.

Camilla sighed and shook her head as she got in. Ian quickly sprinted to the back passenger seat and told his bodyguard to drive.

Ian was silent for a while, making Camilla turn to him and give him a concerned look. It seemed that whatever he was worried about was quite heavy. He was rarely this silent around her.

Camilla and Ian had known each other for years. They started at the Reyes Group together and they did practically everything together.

Finally, Ian sighed and spoke up.

"What I'm about to do is dangerous, it's more dangerous than any undercover act I've ever done." Ian admitted to Camilla.

"You sounded quite confident in the Security building when you tried to convince Cedric and the others." Camilla pointed out. "Of course, Cedric and I saw right through you."

"He knew, didn't he." Ian chuckled as he shook his head.

"It's not like we could change your mind, plus it's the right thing to do, the right plan." Even if Camilla was trying to convince Ian that his choice was the right choice, he could hear the sadness and worry in her tone.

"Hey, we had a deal. I take the risky undercover jobs, you make sure the Reyes Group runs smoothly." Ian told Camilla with a grin as he reminded her of their agreement long ago.

"Things have changed a lot since then." Camilla looked out the window as she thought of the scared version of herself that urged Ian to make that promise.

"It has, hasn't it. Back then I didn't have a family to worry about." Ian's tone was sad, it was as if he was sure something bad was going to happen.

"What are you trying to say, Ian?" Camilla asked as she gave her friend a worried look.

Ian took a deep breath as he prepared to explain what he needed from Camilla.

"When I join the Rajas I will say and do things that I don't mean. I will hurt the people I love, because it's what needs to be done, and the people I love the most will be in danger." Ian slowly explained to Camilla.

Camilla was silent as she waited for Ian to continue speaking. As they entered the busy streets of the captial, Camilla could see the shining beacon of R Tower, signaling how close they were to their destination.

The moment they got to R Tower the act would start. Camilla was sure that the Rajas had spies among the lower employees.

"Please take care of my wife and my children when I cannot." Ian finally said.

"I won't have to do that, but yes, should anything happen to you I will make sure they are safe." Camilla said with a nod.

They were both silent in the car for a moment as both Ian and Camilla pondered what the next few days had in store for them.

"Will you be at the charity event tonight?" Camilla finally asked. She wanted to speak with her friend as well about what was at the back of her mind.

"Of course, I have three invites, one for the Reyes Group, one for Lim Co., and another from Saints Hospital." Ian said with a chuckle.

"I'll be going with Guan Ming." Camilla anxiously announced.

"Finally! I would have forced him to announce your relationship if he didn't do this." Ian said with a laugh as they pulled up to the driveway of R Tower.

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